Having the proper documentation for a Canadian vessel makes boating that much more enjoyable. When a boater lacks a Canadian registry certificate, the fear of being stopped by the authorities is always going to be in the back of their mind. Once the boater has the right documentation, they can just enjoy the simple pleasure…
Provisions of a Provisional Certificate for a Vessel in Canada
“Form 9 application for a provisional certificate of registry” can sound very confusing. When someone first buys a new boat, they usually can’t wait to use it. Whether it’s for fun with the family or to get their business off the ground, the last thing anyone wants to do is take more time to do…
Registering Your Boat and the Form 7-Mortgage Registration
You want to buy a new boat, but need to obtain a mortgage in order to afford the cost. In order to take out a mortgage, you will most likely be required by the lender to register your vessel with Transport Canada. Only vessels which have been registered in this form are allowed to have…
Why You Need Form 1- Application for Registry
This is the first time that you have owned your own vessel, and you need to make sure that it is probably documented and registered. All of the paperwork required to submit an application can be very daunting to the beginner, and if you are uncertain about the status of your vessel, then you may…
Working Out Tonnage Measurements with Form 4a
Registering a vessel is a complicated process, and Transport Canada has many requirements that you must fulfill correctly before you will be accepted and given a registration certificate. When you are reading through the application forms, you will notice that there are some requirements about the type of boat that you have, including the size,…
What Is A Pleasure Craft License?
You have just purchased a new vessel for your collection, and are uncertain whether you will need to use a license on your new boat. Understanding what licensing a vessel requires, and how it may affect the ability to operate your boat can be very important. If you have been told that you will be…
When Will You Need A Provisional Certificate For A Vessel?
Applying for a certificate of registration for your vessel can take a long time, and you have to go through several steps of a legal process in order to obtain documentation you require. Making sure that your boat is correctly registered is vital if you don’t want problems with customs or shipping agencies. While you…
Get a Faster Response with Your Vessel Registration Forms
The wheels of government move incredibly slow, and this seems to be particularly true of the government agency dealing with vessel registration. Transport Canada has a large number of forms to deal with, and many pieces of paperwork are not submitted correctly, making the whole process take much longer than necessary. If you are submitting…
Do You Know About The Vessel Registry Fees You Need To Pay?
When you register a vessel with Transport Canada in order to obtain a registry certificate, you will have to pay a certain fee in order to obtain the documentation you require. This registration form may be valid for as long as you own the vessel, or at least as long as the information on it…
Understanding the Different Types of Documentation for a Canadian Vessel
After purchasing a vessel in Canada, it is important to understand whether you should license your boat, or seek to have a registration certificate. Transport Canada requires that you have either one or other of these types of Documentation for a Canadian vessel operating in their waters, and so it is important to understand the…