First-Time Registration – What You Need to Know

canadian vessel registry first time registration

The system for registering vessels in Canada can sometimes be confusing to boat owners, especially for first-time registration. The reason for this is that the overall process can be restrictive, more expensive and challenging than any other system. Nevertheless, vessel registration offers many benefits. Registering Your Vessel And Its Benefits There are costs involved if…

A Better Way to Deal With Transport Canada

Transport Canada

Transport Canada does so much for Canada. Most Canadians, even those whose livelihoods and lives revolve around the water, don’t realize exactly how much the department does for the country. This governmental department develops regulations and policies, as well as services beyond marine transportation, such as road, rail, and even air transportation too. With so…

Learn How to Register a Foreign Vessel in Canada

how to register a foreign vessel in Canada

If you live anywhere in Canada and are purchasing a recreational boat or a commercial vessel, the registration process required is something you need to familiarize yourself with. Registration is required for all commercial ships and is optional for recreational vessels. You may have found a boat that you want to buy, either new from…

Are You Importing a Ship into Canada?

importing a ship into Canada

Buying a boat for business or recreation is a big undertaking. You do not want to just go headfirst into a purchase without knowing anything about the ship you are considering, even if it is one that is new from the factory. You will surely do your research so you can find a boat with…

Licence to Boat How You Want When You Want

licence to boat

Buying a boat comes with a rush of adrenaline: the freedom to be able to take your vessel out whenever you want in whatever manner you want. This is true whether you’re getting your own pleasure craft for the first time, or if you just bought another enormous commercial vessel to add to your fleet.…

Change of Name – Complication Could Arise

canadian vessel registry change name complications

Modifying the name of your boat could bring bad luck, or so they say.  But in reality, complications could arise.  That said, renaming it should not be done lightly.  The overall process can be stressful, lengthy, and time-consuming.  If you do not have the time or want to avoid the added stress that comes along…