The gentle lapping of waves against the hull, the soft whistle of the wind, and the expansive views that stretch to the horizon; boating is undeniably a path to tranquility and an underrated road to wellness. While many perceive boating purely as a leisure pursuit or an adventurous escape, it holds a deeper, more enriching…
How to Protect Your Registered Pleasure Craft

If you are the owner of a registered pleasure craft, you’ll find your boat much easier in case it is lost or stolen. The registration number, which is displayed on the boat’s hull as a hull identification number (HIN), allows the police to more easily locate the vessel. You can also do some things yourself…
Vessel License Requirements for Different Types of Boats

When you first invest in a brand new vessel, you may have a certain idea in mind of what it will be used for. You may have purchased a yacht or luxury vessel in order to take your friends and family to the Islands or even further afield. You might have bought a small tug…
Tips To Importing A New Vessel Into Canada

So you are the proud owner of a new boat – the only downside is that it is not yet in Canadian waters. If you are completely new to boat owning, then we would probably recommend that you use a third-party to help you organize the entire process, and get the paperwork ready to complete…
Pleasure Craft Regulations in the Canadian Fisheries

If you own a boat in Canada, you are required by law to be familiar with the Pleasure Craft Regulations imposed by Canadian Fisheries. Because these restrictions include registration and safety standards, you must be familiar with them before entering the water. When you go boating in Canada, ensure you comply with the Pleasure Craft…
A Quick Guide on Importing a Vessel into Canada

Did you find the perfect vessel outside of Canada and want to bring it into Canada? Are you concerned about just all that importing a vessel into Canada would entail? There’s certainly nothing wrong with finding a vessel and bringing it into our country. That said, there are several rules and regulations you have to…
Who Should and Shouldn’t Have a Pleasure Craft Licence in 2022

Are you on the fence about getting a pleasure craft licence? Do you know if it’s the right thing to register your vessel or to get a license for it? This is a very important, critical decision that can only be determined by how you plan on using your vessel. It’s your vessel, you worked…
Common Questions About Canada’s Pleasure Craft License Answered

Did you recently purchase a Canadian vessel and aren’t sure whether to get a pleasure craft license or not? Do you know if you should license your vessel, get it registered, or both? It’s important to do the right thing for yourself as well as your vessel, but it can also be a bit confusing…
How do I transfer ownership of a pleasure craft in BC?

Are you looking to transfer ownership of your pleasure craft in BC? We understand that this process can be confusing, which is why we are here to provide comprehensive guidance and make it easier for you. With our online pleasure craft registration form, you will have no trouble transferring ownership of your vessel in a…
Transport Canada Canoe Regulations and Necessary Equipment

You are probably well aware of Transport Canada’s requirements in terms of documentation and registration, but there are also certain regulations that will be oriented towards safety precautions. For example, if you’re going to be using a paddle craft or a canoe, or essentially anything that requires paddling or similar manual labor, you will have…