Improve Wellness with Boating and Your Online Pleasure Craft License

pleasure craft license online

The gentle lapping of waves against the hull, the soft whistle of the wind, and the expansive views that stretch to the horizon; boating is undeniably a path to tranquility and an underrated road to wellness. While many perceive boating purely as a leisure pursuit or an adventurous escape, it holds a deeper, more enriching…

A Quick Guide on Importing a Vessel into Canada

Importing a Vessel into Canada

Did you find the perfect vessel outside of Canada and want to bring it into Canada? Are you concerned about just all that importing a vessel into Canada would entail? There’s certainly nothing wrong with finding a vessel and bringing it into our country. That said, there are several rules and regulations you have to…

Transport Canada Canoe Regulations and Necessary Equipment

Transport Canada canoe regulations

You are probably well aware of Transport Canada’s requirements in terms of documentation and registration, but there are also certain regulations that will be oriented towards safety precautions. For example, if you’re going to be using a paddle craft or a canoe, or essentially anything that requires paddling or similar manual labor, you will have…