Whether you are in the market to buy or sell a boat, there is a bit more involved in the process than money simply changing hands. By understanding how a boat ownership transfer in Ontario is carried out, you can be better prepared for your transaction. Making sure all of your paperwork is in order…
Ontario Boat Registration Costs and Other Important Details
The appeal of boating in Ontario is undeniable. The province features more than a quarter-million freshwater lakes, so the possibilities for boaters, fishermen, and general outdoors enthusiasts are virtually endless. Before you take your boat out on Ontario’s bountiful waters, however, you will want to make sure that you have a current Ontario boat registration.…
Vessel Registration Vs. Licensing: Learn The Difference
When you first decided to purchase a boat, you probably envisioned yourself out on the open water, the wind in your hair, and not a care in the world. You may not have realized just how much paperwork would need to be completed before you left the shore. Still, having the correct and current documentation…
Small Vessel Registration in Canada: Useful Information
There are few things in life that are more exhilarating than cruising the open water in your own boat. If you have been lucky enough to recently purchase a vessel of your own, there are a few paperwork matters that you will want to resolve before leaving the dock. In Canada, you may be required…
Transport Canada Pleasure Craft License: Process it Here!
Are you thinking about buying a boat? It’s an understandable decision. Canada is home to some of the most beautiful freshwater lakes and rivers in the world, offering ample opportunity for fishing and other outdoor activities. If you are in the market for a boat, or if you have recently finalized a transaction for one,…
A Guide on How to Register a Boat in Ontario in 2022
It’s a new year in Canada and boating season is right around the corner. If your resolutions for 2022 included purchasing a pleasure craft, you are going to want to know how to register a boat in Ontario. Before you hitch your new boat to your trailer and head for the dock, make sure you…
How to Obtain a Pleasure Craft License to Boat in Ontario
Boating can give you an unmatched sense of freedom. Ontario, which is home to hundreds of thousands of lakes and waterways, is in many ways a boater’s paradise, and an ideal setting for you to explore and fish. Before you load up your vessel, however, you will want to make sure that you have secured…
Learn About The Requirements for Licensing a Boat in Ontario
When looking for a place to take your boat out, you could do a lot worse than in Ontario, Canada. With more than 250,000 lakes–roughly one-fifth of the world’s freshwater supply–the possibilities for fishing and other boating activities are endless. If you have recently purchased a boat as a resident of the province, or if…
Importing a Boat from the USA to Canada Temporarily
Sometimes in life, a change of scenery is necessary. Maybe you have gotten a new job, or you are just ready for a different adventure, and the wilds of Canada are calling your name. If this situation sounds familiar, you may need to know how to import a boat from the USA to Canada, even…
How to Write a Bill of Sale for a Boat in Canada
One of the great aspects of boating is that it is a lifelong hobby. If your circumstances have changed and you’re thinking about upgrading to a nicer vessel, you may want to sell your current boat. In this event, you will want to know how to write a bill of sale for a boat in…