Why is Vessel Registration a Good Idea?

canadian vessel registry apply for documentation boat

Your vessel is an expensive investment. For that reason, it is vital that you protect it against theft and other external factors. Because your boat can be easily stolen, it is a good idea to apply for vessel registration in Canada. Having your boat registered will help government agencies to identify your boat in case of an emergency. They can quickly assist you in search and rescue efforts.

Here are some benefits of having a registered vessel:

Flag of Canada. The registration is an indication that it is a Canadian boat and it is recognized internationally. It can also assist you to enter a foreign port.
Protection. Your registered vessel is provided greater protection under the federal laws. It is beneficial if it is in distress in international waters.
Unique ID. All registered vessels will have an official number that is unique. In the case of danger or if it is stolen, the unique identifier is used to track it.
Registration for borrowing. Marine lenders may require borrowers to submit a certificate of registration before they could extend a loan. Certificate of Registration is considered as the highest form of obtaining lender’s security interest.

Why is it a good idea to hire a vessel registry service company?

The primary goal of Canadian Vessel Registry Center is to be an excellent provider to our partners and clients. We protect the interest of all parties by providing exceptional service and education. By using our services, you will have access to our knowledgeable staff so you can ask about the appropriate procedures required by the Transport Canada. We can also help in resolving marine transaction matters.


Our staff has years of experience in preparing bills of sale for transfers, all application forms, mortgages, and more. For maximum efficiency, we stay current with the rules and regulations at federal and provincial levels.

We also offer general counsel for anything about marine transactions, especially vessel registration.

You can process vessel registration by yourself. But such effort can be confusing and frustrating, especially if you are unfamiliar with the process. For that reason, hiring a documentation specialist is a worthwhile consideration. Our vessel registration services are affordable. Even if you are on a tight budget, we can help you in processing your vessel registry papers.

For any inquiries regarding your application process for vessel registration, please contact our registry processors at info@canadianvesselregistry.ca