Transport Canada’s Pleasure Craft Registration Form Explained

Pleasure Craft Registration Form

We all know that submitting any sort of government paperwork, form, or application can be kind of obnoxious. After all, you never know when they are going to give you trouble for something you overlooked or ignored. Let’s take a look at what the pleasure craft registration form is and how you can submit it…

Let’s Take a Look at the Basics of a Pleasure Craft Licence in Ontario

Pleasure Craft Licence in Ontario

What do you need in order to drive your car around? Well, for one, a licence, right? If you want to use your vehicle on the streets, you need a driver’s licence. Something similar will apply to recreational boats, for which you will need a pleasure craft licence in Ontario. Getting Your Pleasure Craft Licence…

The Transport Canada Boat Licence Application Process Explained

Transport Canada Boat Licence

Commercial vessel owners here in Canada know that, in order to operate their ships, they need to register them with Transport Canada. This registration will not only make it official that they properly had their vessel go through the corresponding process with Transport Canada, but it will also show that the owner is meeting the…

The Easy Way to Obtain a Pleasure Craft Licence

Pleasure Craft Licence

One of the key steps to owning a boat in Canada is obtaining a pleasure craft licence. All recreational vessels are required to display the “license number,” a special identification number provided by a pleasure craft license. You can quickly and easily apply for one online or renew your current license if you wish. We’ll cover…

Where Should a Pleasure Craft Licence Be Displayed?

where should the pleasure craft licence number be displayed

It’s doubtful that you’ve given a lot of thought about the display of your license for your pleasure craft. After all, you probably have not asked, “Where should a pleasure craft licence be displayed?” While you need to add the number for identification purposes, you probably have overlooked or delayed this task. After all, it’s …