Form 17 – Application for the Registration of a Government Ship, under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Subsection 46 (3)

Application for the Registration of a Government Ship

Government-owned vessels can also be registered with Transport Canada. In order to obtain registration, a form is known as Form 17 – Application for the Registration of a Government Ship, under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Subsection 46 (3) will need to be completed. This document requires a significant amount of information about the vessel…

How A Boat Ownership Transfer Works?

If you’ve asked the question, “How A Boat Ownership Transfer Works?” you’re not alone. This question pops up from time to time. The simplest way is to go online and complete the transfer here on the National Vessel Registry Center site. We’ll get  you through the steps with virtual ease. How A Boat Ownership Transfer…

Form 6 – Bill of Sale

form 6 - bill of sale

Buying or selling a boat is not unlike buying or selling a car. Once a price has been negotiated, and the transaction is ready to take place, there will be a certain amount of paperwork that needs to be completed. In the case of a transaction involving a boat that’s registered with Transport Canada, a…

Canadian Vessel Registry You Need to Buy a New Boat

Canadian Vessel Registry

If you’re planning to buy a new boat, nothing is cut-and-dried. You need to know what Canadian vessel registry paperwork to provide. Transport Canada requires new boat owners to follow a specific process when they’re buying a boat. The following information will help you sort out the details to streamline the buying process. Canadian Vessel…

Form 2 – Builder’s Certificate for First Title

What is the Difference between a Licence

If you’ve recently purchased a boat, and you’re considering first-time registration with Transport Canada, there are a few things you’ll need to provide. Firstly, you’ll have to completely fill out an application and provide a certificate of qualification. You’ll also need to submit a Form 2 – Builder’s Certificate for First Title, which proves that your…