Transport Canada Boat Registration Process: Everything You Need To Know

Transport Canada Boat Registration

The Transport Canada boat registration process is a painless and uncomplicated way to ensure that your boat is seaworthy and that the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Act covers you. Boat owners will find registering or re-registering their vessels with Transport Canada much more straightforward than ever. The good news for Canadians is that boat registration…

The Importance of the 2-Stroke Engine Ban

2-Stroke Engine Ban

The 2 stroke engine ban is an important step to protect the environment and ensure everyone can breathe clean air. Please tell me you don’t want to live in a society where air pollution is an unattended matter. The smog produced by the burning of 2-stroke motors seriously affects the ecosystem. The more we rely…

Alberta Boat License Requirements You Should Know

Alberta Boat License

An Alberta boat license registration is typically required for boat purchases. Safety-conscious individuals have instituted the need for watercraft registration to ensure the well-being of everyone who uses the waterways. You need a marine registration if you live in Alberta and want to own a watercraft. The Small Vessel Operator Certificate (SVOC) and the Pleasure…