Canadian Vessel Registry Process

Canadian Vessel Registry

As of this writing, it’s winter in North America. That means cold winds, snow and sleet everywhere, but perhaps particularly in Canada. It’s not a time that most people are focused on their boats. However, this is the perfect time to register your vessel with the Canadian Vessel Registry. That way, when the weather becomes…

Our Pleasure Craft Electronic Licensing System

Pleasure Craft Electronic Licensing System

Your pleasure craft should be exactly that: something which brings you great pleasure. There’s nothing quite like taking your pleasure craft out on Canadian waters. Lying out in the summer sun, going through the waves on a warm summer night that’s just a small piece of the enjoyment a pleasure craft can bring. As of…

Lost and Abandoned Boat Ownership

lost boat ownership

Stumbling upon an abandoned boat can be an interesting find. You might have wondered how a person would go about claiming an abandoned vessel. To understand if you’ve actually found an abandoned vessel, it’s good to know the exact definition. “Abandoned vessel” is defined as “a vessel that has been relinquished, left, or given up…

What is the Canada Shipping Act 2001?

Canada Shipping Act 2001

Understanding the Canada Shipping Act 2001 can be troublesome when all that can be seen through Google search is confusing legal jargon and article titles. To give a brief explanation of the CSA 2001 is to know its history.  In 2007, the Canada Shipping Act 2001 replaced prior registration. This act serves as principal legislation…