Are you in the market for a new pastime? Do you prefer to spend your leisure hours outside, taking in the beauty of the Canadian outdoors? Well, if so, you may want to think about purchasing your very own boat. When you have a vessel of your own, you can make lasting memories with your family out on the water, whether you are catching fish, enjoying watersports, or just plain old relaxing. Canada also has no shortage of lakes, rivers, and coastline, so it is no wonder that so many of our residents own boats. Of course, as you probably know, boats are not exactly cheap. Because of their typically high prices, buying a vessel requires you to perform some background research before pulling the trigger. Once you have landed on the right make and model for you, though, you are nearly ready to leave the marina. As you are gearing up your boat with life jackets, supplies, and snacks, you will also want to make sure you have the proper Canada boat registration form.
While on the lower end of the scale, boats can be humble vessels–kayaks and canoes, for instance, are fairly simple in how they operate. Motorized vessels, though, can be powerful and dangerous if not handled appropriately. With this in mind, it makes sense that certain types of boats require documentation not dissimilar to motor vehicles. For instance, some boats require a pleasure craft operator card (PCOC), which is sort of like a driver’s license for a boat. Other boats, depending on their use, may need to enter the Small Vessel Registry maintained by Transport Canada. Should your boat fall into this category, we can help you complete the necessary paperwork online–read on to learn more.
Completing a Canada Boat Registration Online
Transport Canada is the government agency tasked with managing the infrastructure of our waterways. During your time as a boat owner, you can expect to complete Transport Canada paperwork from time to time. If your boat was financed with a marine mortgage, or if you plan on sailing on foreign waters under the Canadian flag, you will need to register your vessel. This is also going to be a requirement if you plan to use your boat for any sort of commercial activity, such as running charters.
Getting your vessel registration can be done by filling out a small collection of forms. To start, you will need to complete a Form 1 – Application for Vessel Registration. You will also need to draw up a Form 3 – Statement of Qualification for Vessel Registration. Additionally, you may need to submit a tonnage measurement and full-size photographs of all four sides of your vessel. You can use our web forms to do all of this and more online.
Get Out on the Water Today!
Don’t waste valuable boating time putting ink to paper, use our easy-to-fill web forms instead. We have a host of online forms for all of your Transport Canada documentation needs. To learn more, take a few minutes to explore our website for yourself.