We all know just how hard it can be to keep track of all your documents. After all, important files need to be kept at hand, but who has the room and the patience to do that? That is why, should you need access to all the documents affiliated with your boat, you can count on Transport Canada to keep it handy. Your easily accessible boat history report in Canada will have all the documents you need.
Two Kinds of Boat History Report in Canada
As you probably expect, there is a lot of information stored in the Canada Vessel Registry due to all the different boats that are registered and licenced with Transport Canada. Because of this, the corresponding database is quite extensive, which means that it’s a great resource to consult should you need any kind of information that’s been registered prior.
Boat Information Lookup
So, there will be two kinds of queries that you can do with Transport Canada. The first is a simple boat information lookup that will produce very basic current information about the bessel in question. This is perfect for when you just need the information quickly and at hand, since you can easily do it on their website. All you need to do is use the boat’s specific hull number and use the search query bar on the Transport Canada platform. However, this will only provide you with very little basic data about the boat you’re looking up. Should you need a more comprehensive briefing on the registration history of the vessel, then you’re going to need to file for a transcript. Don’t worry, though, because we can help you with that.
Boat History Transcript
In order to request a boat history report in Canada, you will have to file a form for a transcript, which will include a copy of all the documentation that’s been submitted to Transport Canada under the corresponding vessel hull number. So, if you need any kind of information about the boat’s, it’s most likely going to be included in the transcript. All you’ll need to do is fill out the request form that you can find right here on our website. Once you’ve taken care of that, you can also submit it through our platform and pay for the corresponding fee. In only a matter of days, you will be receiving an all-inclusive transcript of boat registration information.

Submit Forms to Transport Canada
The National Vessel Documentation Center is your one-stop shop for all your vessel documentation needs here in Canada. Whether you need to register a commercial vessel, licence a pleasure craft, or update existing documents, you will find all the corresponding forms and applications here on our site, as well as a platform with which to submit them to Transport Canada. Should you need help with this at any point, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by way of our contact hub. Our team is ready to assist you with anything you might need.