Transport Canada Boat Registration and The Basics of Applying

Transport Canada boat registration

As a vessel owner, you are probably aware that there are certain registration guidelines that you will need to comply with in order to legally set sail. However, a lot of people find the Transport Canada boat registration procedures to be quite complicated and confusing, which is why we want to help you get everything in order in a way that is efficient and comfortable for you. Let’s go over the basics, such as when to register the vessel, how to apply for registration, and who to ask for help if you are having trouble submitting the forms.

Transport Canada Boat Registration

As the owner of a boat, you need to be aware of when and how to get your Transport Canada boat registration in accordance with the Canada Shipping Act of 2001. This will apply to both commercial and recreational vessels, but it will be relevant in different situations. Let’s talk about when you will have to register the boat in question.

  • If you own a non-pleasure vessel powered by an engine of 10hp (7.5kw) or more, or commercial river rafts in Canada, you must register them with Transport Canada’s Canadian Register of Vessels or the Commercial Small Vessel Register.
  • You’re required to register a vessel in the Canadian Register of Vessels if it will have a marine mortgage, needs a reserved name, or will travel outside of Canada.

Initial Commercial Registration

So, if you realize that you will need to register your commercial or recreational boat with Transport Canada, all you need to do is head over to the corresponding form on our website, fill it out, and submit it accordingly. Don’t worry, this won’t take that long. All you will need to provide is some pretty straightforward information about the vessel itself and about the registering owner. This will involve your contact information and the address to which the vessel will be registered, along with the manufacturing stats about the boat. Once you get this form in order and submit it through our platform, it will only be a brief waiting period before you get to enjoy full proper use of your boat in accordance with the Canada Shipping Act of 2001.

Transport Canada Boat Registration

We understand that these registration procedures can often be a lot to deal with, taking up time and effort that could be better used elsewhere. That is why we are so intent on helping everyone take care of these applications in a simple, straightforward way. So, if you need to submit any sort of form or update your Transport Canada boat registration, our team here at the National Vessel Registry Center are here to help you with complying with the Canada Shipping Act of 2001 and any process relevant to Transport Canada applications. Give us a call at +1 (800) 419-9569, email us at, or fill out the contact form on our website should you need any help.