Make Sure You are Complying with the Canada Shipping Act of 2001

Canada Shipping Act of 2001

There are always concerns regarding marine safety and the treatment of the marine environment to make sure the waterways stay in the best condition possible. Any boat owner needs to take their responsibilities seriously as an owner to make sure their vessel meets all safety standards and regulations and that every person on their boat, commercial or recreational, adheres to the laws set forth by Transport Canada regarding safety and the environment. Laws and regulations do change from time to time, which is why you want to make sure you are complying with the Canada Shipping Act of 2001 when you take your boat into the waters.

New Legislation in the Shipping Act

The Canada Shipping Act of 2001 was enacted in 2007 and takes the place of the previous Shipping Act that governs marine safety and protects the marine environment. Changes were put in place to make sure that the commercial industry can continue to grow while maintaining a high level of safety and concern for the environment. The Act applies to all Canadian vessels operating in all waters and to any foreign vessels that are operating in Canadian waters. The regulations apply to everything from tankers and cargo ships to yachts, kayaks, and canoes.

Canada Shipping Act of 2001

Important Parts of the Shipping Act

There were changes that occurred that you want to make sure you are aware of so that you are complying with the Canada Shipping Act of 2001. Licencing for pleasure craft is free of charge and licences will expire after ten years so that you will need to obtain a new licence. You also must report any changes of address or name when they occur. There are also stricter safety tests required in order to licence a vessel that you must take. Commercial vessels will see changes based on the vessel type regarding safety standards and pollution and environmental regulations.

Complying with the Shipping Act

To make sure you are complying with the Canada Shipping Act of 2001, you need to make sure you renew your licence or registration when it is needed. Here at Canadian Vessel Registry Center Corp., we can assist you with the renewal process thanks to our speedy online process. In a matter of minutes, you can submit forms to us, and we will take care of filing for you so that you can enjoy your vessel and make sure you comply with the regulations in place today.