Don’t Forget Insurance When You Undertake Transport Canada Transfer of Ownership

Transport Canada transfer of ownership

When the helm of boat ownership changes hands through a Transport Canada transfer of ownership, the ripple effects extend beyond mere paperwork, notably impacting the vessel’s insurance coverage. This transition, whether precipitated by sale, gift, or inheritance, requires meticulous attention to ensure that all legal and regulatory bases are covered. The National Vessel Registry Center…

How Many Owners Can a Boat Have? 

A Registered Boat Can Have Up to 5 Owners   Registered vessels can have individual owners and up to five joint owners. Each registered vessel is divided into 64 shares. Fractional shares are not allowed.    If you have a pleasure craft and want to have more than two people to share ownership, register it…

File For a Commercial and Pleasure Watercraft Ownership Transfer in Ontario

watercraft ownership transfer in Ontario

When you’re selling a vessel that’s been documented in Canada, you will also need to part ways with said documentation. Here’s how you can file for a watercraft ownership transfer in Ontario. Watercraft Ownership Transfer in Ontario If you are looking to sell your watercraft, you will have to worry about the administrative and bureaucratic…

Do You Need a Marine Lawyer When Buying or Selling a Boat in Canada?

Selling a Boat in Canada

Selling a boat in Canada is not as simple as finding a buyer, taking the money and handing over the boat. Boating can be a truly enjoyable experience, but it pays to understand the paperwork and documentation requirements that go along with buying or selling a boat. While that may not be as much fun…

Learn How to Properly File Your Boat Transfer Papers With Transport Canada

boat transfer papers

If you’re looking to change ownership arrangements for your boat, you will need to file your boat transfer papers with Transport Canada. Here’s everything you need to know about filing these. Transport Canada Boat Transfer Papers If you are looking to sell your boat, you will have to take care of the whole administrative and…