Don’t Forget Insurance When You Undertake Transport Canada Transfer of Ownership

Transport Canada transfer of ownership

When the helm of boat ownership changes hands through a Transport Canada transfer of ownership, the ripple effects extend beyond mere paperwork, notably impacting the vessel’s insurance coverage. This transition, whether precipitated by sale, gift, or inheritance, requires meticulous attention to ensure that all legal and regulatory bases are covered. The National Vessel Registry Center…

Sail Smoothly With Our Ultimate Guide to Transferring Boat Ownership in BC

Transferring Boat Ownership in BC

Imagine the fresh, salty air of British Columbia’s coasts, the calming rhythm of waves, and the freedom of the open waters. It’s no wonder so many choose to own a boat in this pristine region. Yet, with ownership comes responsibility—specifically, understanding the nuances of transferring boat ownership in BC. This guide, brought to you by…