Here’s Everything You Need to Fill Out the Recreational Boat Transfer Form

Recreational Boat Transfer Form

Filing the Recreational Boat Transfer Form is going to be a key step in the process of transferring ownership of a pleasure craft here in Canada. Here’s how you can do that.

Recreational Boat Transfer Form

Recreational boats have a different documentation process than commercial ones for a variety of reasons. After all, they are subjected to different rules and regulations. Because of this, you might need to pay particular attention to this process. Don’t worry, though, because we’re right here to help you with that. Everything you need to submit a request for transfer of ownership, including the recreational boat transfer form, will be right here on the National Vessel Registry Center website. Let’s take a look at how the filing process for this form works and how our team can help you with the overall process.

How to Transfer Recreational Boat Ownership

So, in order to transfer recreational boat ownership, you will have to transfer the pleasure craft licence to the new incoming owner. This process is not particularly complex, but it requires a very specific approach. Now, the first step is to head over to the pleasure craft licence option on our menu, where you will find the recreational boat transfer form. This is a very straightforward form to fill out, mostly requiring some very particular data about the vessel itself, as well as the new owner you are selling it to. Be sure to provide the bill of sale along with the form so that the sale is proven to be official and you are able to carry out the transcript.

File the Form For Transfer

Once you have filled out the recreational boat transfer form here on our website, you will also be able to submit it through the platform. In order to do this, you first need to pay for the application fee, which you can conveniently also do on our website. After you’ve done this, you can submit it directly to Transport Canada through our processors, who will make sure that there are no mistakes or errors that could potentially cause you delays or additional expenses. Remember you can always reach out to our team if you have any doubts or need any help at some point in the process. The National Vessel Documentation Center is here to help you.

Recreational Boat Transfer

Transport Canada Forms

No one likes to have to submit documentation applications, everyone knows that. However, that is exactly why we at the National Vessel Documentation Center have set up an easy to use platform that makes those filings everyone finds so tedious and inconvenient all the more simple and straightforward. Here you will find all the forms you might need in order to file for boat registration, a pleasure craft licence, or just about any other relevant vessel procedure. For more information about any of these applications, boating documentation regulations, or Transport Canada filing requirements, feel free to reach out to our team by way of our contact page. We’re here to help.