If you are the owner of a boat in Canada, several essential steps must be taken to guarantee that your vessel is registered and under the law. In this piece, we will provide an introduction to Canada’s Small Vessel Registration program and describe the steps that need to be taken to get your boat registered.…
Vessel Transfer of Ownership Forms You Can Fill Out Anywhere
Has it always been your dream to own your own boat? If so, you can hardly be blamed. Having the freedom to set sail whenever you wish, accompanied by your friends and loved ones, is an ideal mode of leisure for many. In reality, however, boats can be especially expensive. For this reason, the market…
What Types of Boats Require A Pleasure Craft License In Canada?
If you live in Canada and own a boat, you may be curious about which kinds of boats need a license to operate as a leisure vessel pleasure craft license. The fact is that a boating license is necessary for Canada for a wide variety of vessels, ranging from modest fishing boats to enormous motor…
If You Need a Vessel Replacement Certificate, Find It Here
Keeping your boat’s documentation forms in good order is a necessary task. This allows you to ensure that your registrations and licenses are all current, and in turn, that your boat is operating in accordance with Canadian law. Sometimes, however, things can get misplaced. Even for the most organized boaters, a document can go missing…
What Is The Role of Transport Canada?
As a boat owner in Canada, you must have a solid understanding of Transport Canada’s function in relation to your vessel. Transport Canada’s responsibility is to ensure that all boats in Canada are operated safely and in accordance with the applicable federal legislation. This encompasses anything from checking boats to ensuring they comply with regulations before…
Pleasure Craft Licensing and Vessel Registration in Ontario
Owning your own boat gives you a true sense of freedom. Being able to get out on the water whenever you want is a truly unique privilege. If you are thinking about ideal destinations for your boating excursions, you could do much worse than Ontario. This Canadian province is home to more than 250,000 lakes,…
Understanding the Canadian Vessel Registry
You must be familiar with the Canadian vessel registry if you are a boat owner in Canada. Because this register is a crucial component of our overall boating infrastructure, we must understand how it operates. In the following article, we will walk you through the fundamentals of the register and discuss why it is such…
How to Write a Bill of Sale for a Boat in Just a Few Minutes
Just as you had one or more reasons for buying your first boat, you might now be interested in selling your boat for a variety of reasons. People change, as do the times. Perhaps you’re thinking about a larger or more luxurious boat, or perhaps the one you have is much too large for your…
Vessel Query in Canada to Find the Info You Need
Are you thinking about buying a boat? If so, this is undoubtedly an exciting time for you and your family. You have probably budgeted and saved for this occasion, as boats can be prohibitively expensive. Fortunately, there are a number of deals to be had on used boats, which can be a smart maneuver for…
The Benefits of Vessel Registration in Ontario
If you are a boat owner in Canada, you must be aware that registering your boat in Ontario comes with several vital advantages. Vessel registration serves as evidence of ownership and is needed by law. This is perhaps the most significant aspect of registration. Other benefits include a more straightforward identification process in the event…