Boat Registration of a Commercial Vessel

boat registration

Having a boat as a part of the business you own and operate means doing all you can to make sure the ship is at its best for your customers. You need to know your vessel is safe and seaworthy if you expect it to perform well for you, but there are also other steps that you must take if you plan to have a ship as part of your business. Whether you are working as a commercial fishing boat, as a vessel to transport passengers, or as a cargo or shipping vessel, the laws in Canada dictate that you register the boat with the federal government. Before you even consider putting your boat in the water so it can start working for you, you need to make sure you go through the steps of boat registration of a commercial vessel.

Different Registrations Available

In Canada, there are two different types of registration that you can get for your commercial vessels. The first, known as Small Vessel Registration, is designed for commercial ships that have an engine of ten horsepower or more or are a commercial river craft. However, if your boat is over fifteen gross tons in measurement, you must seek registration with the Canadian Register of Vessels. If your boat carries any marine mortgage, you are also required to register with the Canadian Register of Vessels. Knowing the different types ahead of time can help ensure that you fill out the correct application the first time around so you can avoid potential delays.

boat registration

The Registration Process

The boat registration process can seem a bit cumbersome to some people, particularly when you know you need the vessel as part of your business. There are requirements, such as being a Canadian citizen and showing proof of citizenship, and you also need to supply supporting documentation like the bill of sale of the vessel so you can prove ownership. You must then fill out the forms and submit everything, along with your payment, to Transport Canada for processing. Any mistakes made can cause the forms to get returned to you, slowing down the process even further.

A Better Way for Registration

Your boat registration of a commercial vessel does not have to be as difficult and time-consuming as it can be. Here at the National Vessel Registry Center Corp., we have developed the technology that allows you to register your boat faster and more efficiently than just going straight through Transport Canada. Our unique system provides you with electronic registration forms so you can fill out your paperwork online. You can then upload your supporting documentation, pay online with our secure system, and transmit everything to us. We have experts at our third-party processing center that will check everything over for you before we send it on to Transport Canada on your behalf. Don’t struggle with forms and waiting when you need registration to get your business started. Come to us and use the better way to register your commercial vessel.