When Do You Need an Alberta Bill of Sale PDF?

Alberta Bill of Sale PDF

There are many valid reasons to consider boat ownership as a hobby. For one, there are not many better ways to enjoy the great outdoors than taking a boat of your own out on one of Alberta’s hundreds of lakes. For another, with your own vessel, you can make lasting, meaningful memories with your friends and loved ones as you relax on summer weekends. Another cool thing about boating is that it can be a lifelong pastime. People of all ages can enjoy something being out on the water. As your life grows and your family expands, though, your vessel needs may change, and it is possible that a time will come when you need to sell your boat. When such an event occurs, you may want to know your way around an Alberta bill of sale PDF, as it may be required in order for you to finalize your transaction. Read on to learn more about this process.

Whether you are new to boating, or if you have some years under your belt, you have probably come to realize that boat ownership can be pretty expensive. Maintenance costs, docking fees, and the price of fuel can quickly put a strain on your wallet. These expenses also come on top of the often overwhelming sticker price of new boats. With this in mind, many Canadians opt to buy and sell boats on the bustling secondary market. For buyers, there is the possibility of getting a great deal on a well-preserved, previously owned boat. For sellers, this marketplace is a great way to cut out the middleman and get fair value on their boat. Well, if you are going down this path as a seller, you will want to create an engaging listing with lots of pictures in order to showcase your boat. You may also need to complete some paperwork, and that’s where we can help.

What is an Alberta Bill of Sale PDF?

In Canada, many different types of vessels require documentation from Transport Canada, which is a national transportation agency. This typically occurs in one of two ways: a pleasure craft license (PCL) or a vessel registration. A PCL is required for any leisure vessel with an engine of 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more. When you sell a boat with PCL, a bill of sale (which is sort of like a receipt) is helpful, but not required.

Any boat used for commercial means, traveling abroad under the Canadian flag, or financed with a bank loan will require a vessel registration. When a registered vessel is sold, a document called a Form 6 – Bill of Sale must be completed, and we have a fillable version of this document on our website.

Alberta Bill of Sale PDF

Fill Out Your Forms on the Web

If you need a bill of sale or some other Transport Canada form, we can help you process it online. To learn more, take a cruise through our navigation menu, or spend a few minutes on our Frequently Asked Questions page.