What is the Difference between a Licence and Vessel Registration?

What is the Difference between a Licence

If you’ve recently purchased a boat, or you’re planning on doing so in the near future, you have many things to consider. Firstly, you want to determine what type of vessel is best for your needs. Secondly, if you’re planning on using it for commercial purposes, you’ll want to have all of the correct documentation in place. Also, if you’re purchasing a boat, you might be wondering: what is the difference between a licence and vessel registration? Let’s walk through what each one means.

What a Pleasure Craft Licence Means for You

With a pleasure craft licence, you’ll be given a unique identification number, which is often referred to as a “licence number.” This number must be displayed on the bow of your pleasure craft. If law enforcement or search and rescue officials need to, they can use this number to trace a vessel back to its owner. This licence is mandatory for all pleasure craft fitted with motors of 10 horsepower or more, and that includes personal watercraft. You should note that while you must carry your licence at all times, it is not a title document, so you will need to keep additional documents on your vessel as well.

What is the Difference between a Licence

Vessel Registration is a Superior Option

Though it does cost a little bit more, you might find that registering your vessel is a better option for you. For one, it’s almost universally mandatory for securing financing for a boat, and if you’re doing any sort of commercial work, it is required by the Canadian government. Vessel registration also denotes ownership, and grants you the right to fly the Canadian flag, which can be immensely beneficial should you plan on travelling to foreign ports with your boat.

Either Way, Canadian Vessel Registry Center Can Help

As with any major investment that you’re interested in protecting, you want to do the research and find out what is right for you. Whether you’re opting for a pleasure craft licence, or registering your vessel with the Canadian government, Canadian Vessel Registry Center can assist you with your needs. We can help you secure a licence, file for first-time registration, as well as a great deal of other documentation services. Take a moment to explore our website—you’ll see that we provide easy-to-use web portal forms for nearly every registration document that can be submitted to Transport Canada.