The Two Kind of Documentation For a Canadian Vessel That You Might Need

Documentation For a Canadian Vessel

Pay attention to the process when applying for documentation for a Canadian vessel, since this document will be vital in allowing you to operate your boat at all in national waters. Here’s everything you need to keep in mind.

Documentation For a Canadian Vessel

In accordance with the Canada Shipping Act of 2001, all vessels under a certain umbrella of size and use need to be documented with Transport Canada in order to be able to operate in Canadian waters. This entails a documentation process with the agency, which might seem inconvenient or annoying. However, with our help, this doesn’t have to be that hard. Here on our portal, you will be able to find all the forms you might need in order to get proper documentation for a Canadian vessel, regardless of type.

Documenting a Commercial Vessel

In order to operate commercial vessels in Canada, you will first need to register them. This process is not difficult, but it is delicate. After all, this is the document that will define your ownership and operation of the vessel going forward. With this in mind, here at the Canadian Vessel Registry Center, we aim to make this process a lot easier for you. All you need to do to get this project started is head over to the registration form, which you can find right here on our sidebar. Here, you should be able to fill it out and submit it directly through our platform without any trouble. Once you do this, it will only be a matter of days before your vessel documentation is finally in order and you are able to operate your boat commercially.

Documenting a Recreational Vessel

If the boat, however, will be used solely for recreational purposes, then you don’t have to register it. Instead, you will need to get a pleasure craft license for it. However, not all recreational boats need to be licensed. If you have a pleasure craft equipped with motors of 10 horsepower (7.5 kilowatts) or more, even if it is a personal watercraft, that is maintained or operated in Canada, you will need to obtain the corresponding license. This way, you can avoid having to register the vessel and still be able to operate it in accordance with Transport Canada. You will find the form to get your recreational documentation for a Canadian vessel here on our platform.

Documentation For a Canadian Vessel

Filing For Transport Canada Documentation

Transport Canada bureaucracy, like all sorts of administrative paperwork, can be quite annoying and inconvenient, which is why we here at the National Vessel Registry Center want to make it all easier for you. Our platform has everything you need in regard to vessel documentation, be it your registration, your license, or other similar documents. And the best part is that, should you need any help at some point in the process, we are ready to address your doubts and questions. Just reach out to us by way of our contact page through email or phone. Our team wants to make sure that you process your documentation application without any trouble.