The Best Time to Submit Your Vessel Registration or Boat Licence Renewal

Boat Licence Renewal

Is it time for your boat licence renewal? Do you need to renew your vessel registration? We have all the Transport Canada documentation renewal forms for you to quickly submit them.

Renewing Your Vessel Documentation

Whether you are processing your vessel registration or pleasure boat licence renewal, you are going to need to submit a few forms to Transport Canada. Remember when you first got your documentation in order? You submitted an application form to Transport Canada and received a certificate. Well, if your documentation is expiring soon, then you’ll need to go through a similar process. However, this one will be a lot simpler. Let’s take a look at the different renewal processes so that you are able to take care of them when needed.

Boat Licence Renewal

You might already be aware that your Transport Canada pleasure craft licence doesn’t last forever, but that it has a validity of ten years. The expiration date will be ten years to the date after you received your pleasure craft licence, and you need to pay attention to this in order to not lose your licence after the fact. It’s important to know that you need to file for renewal before the expiry date, or else you might have to ground your vessel while you wait for the renewal to be processed. You can apply to renew it right here on our platform for your convenience. All you need to do is fill out the renewal form and submit it through our website for it to be processed. You can even pay for the application fee right here too! 

Boat Registration Renewal

As far as boat registration goes, however, it, unfortunately, won’t last ten years. Transport Canada asks that you renew your vessel registration every three years, so you need to stay on top of it to avoid potentially losing the chance to operate your boat. If the expiration date is coming up, or you are within a thirty-day window after the date, you can file for renewal of your boat registration. This process can easily be done right here on our website, which means that you can quickly find the form on our sidebar, fill out the necessary information, pay the application fee, and submit the renewal application. Make sure to do this with an appropriate period of time as a buffer in order to be able to enjoy continuous use of your vessel.

Boat Licence Renewal

Submit Transport Canada Applications

Transport Canada bureaucracy, like all sorts of administrative paperwork, can be quite annoying and inconvenient, which is why we here at the National Vessel Registry Center want to make it all easier for you. Our platform has everything you need in regard to vessel documentation, be it your registration, your licence, or other similar documents. And the best part is that should you need any help at some point in the process, we are ready to address your doubts and questions. Just reach out to us by way of our contact page through email or phone. Our team wants to make sure that you process your documentation application without any trouble.