Steps To Renaming a Boat in Canada

Renaming A Boat in Canada

Renaming a boat in Canada may be a time-consuming and complex procedure. But what if you change your mind about the name of your yacht at a later date? Changing your boat’s name in Canada may be challenging, regardless of whether you are doing it because you have outgrown your previous moniker or want to pay tribute to a deceased family member. There are a lot of things you have to do to make sure the procedure goes off without a hitch. In this article, we will go through the procedures that need to be followed to change the name of your boat in Canada. In addition, we will provide some guidance on simplifying the process of renaming things as much as is humanly possible. Continue reading this article if you consider changing the name of your yacht registered in Canada.

Check The Boat Registration Database

It is possible to consider renaming a boat in Canada in a manner that is not too difficult, but the process does include certain procedures that the Canadian government mandates. The first thing that has to be done is to check the Boat Registration Database to see whether the suggested new name is already being used by another vessel. You’ll have to choose a new name if that’s the case. The Boat Registration Database should be checked as one of the first possible locations. The registration number is inscribed in black text at the very bottom of your boat’s hull, where it may be found. The vast majority of the time, it will be directly next to your state registration number. This database has a listing for every vessel that has been registered in Canada. It may be used to confirm that you are the owner of a certain vessel and that it has not been stolen.

Get Written Consent from All Registered Owners

You have to get everyone whose name appears anywhere on the boat’s title to sign a written consent form that permits the boat to be renamed. It is possible that the lienholder, who is listed on the title, will also need to sign off on the transaction. In addition, all other owners listed on the title must give their permission before the transfer can occur. If you don’t get all the signatures and mailing addresses right, your application could be delayed for as long as a year while officials try to track down whoever they’re missing. That’s a lot of people, so ensure you get every name and address correctly. This can be accomplished using a short letter or email template. At the Canadian Vessel Registry, you’ll be able to get your hands on a copy of our template.

Notify Transport Canada of Your Intentions

Notifying Transport Canada of your desire to rename a boat in Canada. To change the name of a registered vessel, submit a completed Application for Registration of Vessel Name Change (FORM CF-3195) to the appropriate authority. Even while this form will serve as notice for them, it does not ensure that the name change will occur. Along with this application, you must submit proof of ownership for the vessel. The request to modify the name of your vessel will be reviewed, and you may be contacted for clarification. You will be informed whether further action is required from you or if the name change has been granted. In addition, this paper has to specify who will be the boat’s responsible party (e.g., if the boat is being sold). Ownership transfers require using this printable form, signed by both parties and sent to your regional Canadian Transport Authority office.

When Renaming a Boat in Canada, Consider Taking Your Boat for A Hull Inspection

Renaming a boat in Canada may be exciting and joyful, but there are a few things you need to do to ensure it goes successfully. Commercial vessels of 12 meters or more in length are under the jurisdiction of Transport Canada, which has laws regarding the names that may be used for these boats. A Hull Identification Number (HIN) is essential to complete the paperwork for registering your boat and changing its name, so make sure you have one from Transport Canada before you start the renaming process. Visit their website to apply for a Hull Identification Number from Transport Canada. An authorized person’s signature is also required, such as that of a maritime surveyor or a Transport Canada inspector. To submit your application successfully, you should have your yacht inspected for flaws like corrosion or missing pieces before bringing in the form.

Renaming A Boat in Canada

Update Your Documentation with Transport Canada Once Your Inspection Is Complete

One of the agency’s marine safety inspectors, stationed across Canada, will conduct this inspection. During it, they will look for damage, pollution, and stability issues, in addition to more specific things about how its machinery operates and any safety equipment it may require. The inspector will also ensure that the boat is free from any dangers and that everything on it is properly functioning. When it comes time to rename a yacht in Canada, be sure to take into consideration all of these specifics. It is excellent practice to make sure that your documentation is regularly updated; just make sure that you are taking into account all of these factors.

Renaming a boat is easy in the United States, but not so much in Canada. If you live in Canada and want to change the name of your boat, you’ll probably have to do it through the Canadian Vessel Registry by contacting them at +1 (800) 419-9569. You’ll need to apply, pay a fee (depending on the vessel you own), and provide your insurance certificate.