How to File and Process Your Personal Watercraft Registration Application

personal watercraft registration

Sorting out your personal watercraft registration will be very important if you’re looking to operate your boat out in Canadian waters. Here’s all the information you might need for this.

Personal Watercraft Registration

Boats in Canada fall under the responsibility and regulation of Transport Canada, and they have very particular guidelines when it comes to the documentation required of vessels operating in national waters. If you are looking to get the documentation in order for your own personal watercraft, then you will have to deal with Transport Canada. Or, well, you can take care of it all through our own site, where you will find all the forms you might need to get your documentation processed. Let’s take a quick look at what this might be like so that you’re ready to handle it when the time comes.

Personal Commercial Watercraft

There are different types of what is known as non-recreational vessels, a specific category in Transport Canada Documentation that applies to all boats used for any sort of, well, non-recreational purposes. This mostly applies to commercial vessels, meaning those that are specifically used with the intention of making profit, but the category isn’t exclusive to these. Educational vessels, such as those owned and operated by educational institutions, environmental protection boats, research vessels, and plenty of other similar vessels will fall under this designation. These boats need to receive a registration certificate from Transport Canada in order to operate in such a way in national waters. So, if you need personal watercraft registration for this type of non-recreational boat, then you can get your registration with the help of our platform.

Personal Recreational Watercraft

So that’s for non-recreational vessel registration, what about recreational boats? Well, these don’t have to be registered with Transport Canada. Instead, these have to receive a pleasure craft licence, but only if they meet certain requirements.  In accordance with these, all pleasure craft equipped with motors of 10 horsepower (7.5 kilowatts) or more that are maintained or operated in Canada, you will need to receive a pleasure craft licence in lieu of registration. This applies to any personal vessel as long as it’s only used for recreational purposes, so pay particular attention to these requirements before setting sail on your personal watercraft so that you can make sure you have the proper documentation to operate your vessel.

File For Personal Watercraft Documentation

Documenting your vessel will always be an important component of your boat ownership here in Canada, which is why we don’t want you to have to go through this process alone. At the National Vessel Registry Center, we have everything that you might need in order to take care of these processes. Whether you are getting your boat registration or your pleasure craft licence with Transport Canada, you will find all the tools that you might need right here on our website. And, should you need any more information or assistance with the application process or by filling out the forms, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. You will get your documentation processed in no time