How to Change Ownership on a Boat in Ontario For Work and Leisure Boats

Are you selling your vessel and don’t know how to change ownership on a boat in Ontario? The National Vessel Registry Center has got you covered with Transport Canada paperwork.

How to Change Ownership on a Boat in Ontario

When figuring out how to change ownership on a boat in Ontario, the overall process will ultimately depend on one key factor: are you transferring ownership over a commercial boat or a recreational one? Depending on which category your vessel falls under, you will have to go through one of two processes. Here, you will find a brief explanation of these two applications, as well as instructions on how to complete them. 

For Commercial Boats

In order to operate your commercial boat in Ontario waters, you first had to register it with Transport Canada, remember? Well, if you are transferring ownership to someone else, that registration needs to be passed on along with the boat to the new owner as well. This isn’t as easy as simply handing them the certificate of registration. While that sure would make everything a lot easier for all of us, we have done our best to provide you with the right tools to make it somewhat easier. The transfer of registration form, as well as the platform by which to fill it out and submit it to Transport Canada, are all readily available for you right here at the National Vessel Registry Center. Additionally, our team is ready to answer your questions.

For Recreational Boats

Now, the process for how to change ownership of a boat in Ontario will be slightly different when it comes to recreational boats. After all, these aren’t registered that often. Instead, you probably got a pleasure craft license for it back when you first documented it. However, beyond that main difference, the rest of the process remains somewhat similar to the one meant to transfer registration. You will need to file for a pleasure craft transfer, and you will be able to find this very form right here on our site. Head over to the pleasure craft license tab on our menu and select the “transfer” option. There, you can fill out and submit the form through our processors without any issues.

Ownership on a Boat in Ontario

File Your Change of Ownership

Here at the National Vessel Registry Center, we are well aware that no one likes to go through extensive documentation and paperwork, which is why we’ve set off to make it all much easier for you. We have established our platform in order to provide everyone access to all the forms they might need in order to take care of their Transport Canada boat registration or pleasure craft license, as well as the corresponding documentation that might follow. Regardless of what you need to file with Transport Canada, all your vessel documentation needs can be met right here on our website. Additionally, you can feel free to reach out to our team should you have any doubts throughout the process.