Getting Your Certification for Vessels 15-150 Gross Tons

Certification for Vessels 15-150 Gross Tons

When you own a commercial boat in Canada, there are regulations that you need to comply with. That way you can get your vessel in the water and operational. As a first-time owner, it’s important that you familiarize yourself with all the regulations that you need to adhere to. Thus, you can be sure your ship is legally on the water and operating properly. Failing to get the proper paperwork can cost you dearly. So it is worth the time and effort to put in to read the laws and follow them. One aspect to remember is that you need certification for vessels 15-150 gross tons in weight.

Following Certification Laws from Transport Canada

The certification laws are set forth by Transport Canada. This is the Canadian government agency in charge of overseeing transport on Canadian waters. The laws state that any commercial vessel that is between 15 and 150 gross tons must go through the inspection and certification process with Transport Canada. Commercial vessels that carry more than twelve passengers, but have less than 15 gross tons must still go through the certification and inspection processes. You can get your vessel inspected at your nearest Transport Canada marine office. And if your vessel is more than 15 gross tons, you must get an inspection each year.

Getting Your Certification for Vessels 15-150 Gross Tons

Going for Certification of Your Vessel

After inspection of your commercial vessel, you will need certification for vessels 15-150 gross tons from Transport Canada. Your vessel must have a valid certificate before it can enter the water. So you need to make sure you file your paperwork and get your certificate before starting business. You can file the paperwork directly with Transport Canada using their website, but the process can be cumbersome and confusing to you, making it easy for mistakes to be made. Instead, you may want to turn to us at National Vessel Registry Center Corp. for help.

Smoothing the Certification Process

Here at National Vessel Registry Center Corp., we can work the smooth over the process so you can get certification for vessel 15-150 gross tons without difficulty. We are a third-party agency unaffiliated with Transport Canada, but one that can file paperwork on your behalf, so you get through the process quickly easily. You can use our website to do your filing electronically, and we will submit everything for you so you can be sure to get the certification you need. For more information, call +1 (800) 419-9569 (Canada).