Filling Out an Alberta Bill of Sale PDF

Alberta Bill of Sale

As we glide through another Alberta summer, your attention is probably drifting toward the lake. Who can blame you? Alberta is home to more than 600 lakes, ensuring that you will never run out of beautiful locations to launch your boat. As you get your boat out of storage and prepare it for the dock or marina, it can be a wise idea to assess whether or not your boat still fits your needs. For example, is it big enough for you and your family? Is it time to upgrade to something a bit more comfortable? Perhaps your boat is a little too serious for what you need nowadays, and maybe you are thinking about downsizing. Regardless of the specifics of your situation, if you are planning to sell your boat, there are some steps that you will need to take. In addition to navigating the actual transaction, you may also need to fill out an Alberta bill of sale PDF. The good news is, by working with a private service such as ours at the National Vessel Registry Center, you can do this pretty quickly online.

Deciding to sell your boat is not a decision that is arrived at lightly. After all, that boat probably holds some pretty special memories for you and your family. Still, if it is time to let someone else create lasting memories of their own, you will likely net a fair price for your vessel on the secondary market. In order to maximize the return on your boat, you will want to thoroughly clean it and perform any needed maintenance. Then, you will want to take several high-resolution photos of your vessel to create a dynamic listing–be sure to also write a description that highlights your boat’s finer points. Once you find a buyer and a price is agreed to, you are nearly ready to hand off the keys. You may need to do some paperwork too, of course, and that’s where a business like ours can help.

When is an Alberta Bill of Sale PDF Required?

Whether or not your boat will require a bill of sale largely comes down to how it is documented with Transport Canada. If you have a simple leisure craft with an engine of 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more, you will need a pleasure craft license (PCL). While a bill of sale is recommended when selling a boat with a PCL–the buyer may expect one–it does not need to be submitted to Transport Canada. Registered vessels, however, are a different story.

When a boat is used for commercial purposes, or when it is financed with a bank loan, it must be registered with Transport Canada. This is also true when a boat is traveling on international waters under the Canadian flag. Registered vessels, when sold, must have a Form 6 – Bill of Sale sent to Transport Canada.

Alberta Bill of Sale

Find Your Forms Online

Use our website to process your bill of sale the digital way. To learn more, take a few minutes to browse our website, or visit our helpful Frequently Asked Questions page.