If you have been thinking about buying a boat, the summer months have probably had something to do with it. After all, we slog through the rough, long Canadian winters in order to make the most of the summertime. It is during these warmer months that you truly see the beauty in Canada’s natural offerings.…
What’s the Definition of Pleasure Craft in Canada?
If you are looking for a new hobby that allows you to better enjoy the great Canadian outdoors, you might want to think about buying a boat. With a vessel all your own, you can take to any of Canada’s thousands of freshwater lakes whenever the urge should strike you. You can also head out…
Learn the Definition of Pleasure Craft and Whether Yours Needs a Licence
If you’re trying to figure out your boating documentation, then you might be wondering about the Definition of Pleasure Craft. Don’t worry, everything you need to know will be right here. Definition of Pleasure Craft On the surface, it might seem easy to guess what the definition of pleasure craft is, and it is! After…
What Do You Need in Order to Submit a Pleasure Craft Licence Application
Did you just get a boat you’re planning on using recreationally in Canadian waters? Well, then you might need to submit a pleasure craft license application with Transport Canada. Here’s how. Pleasure Craft Licence Application Here in Canada, a license for pleasure craft is the document that allows recreational vessel owners to opt out of…
Getting A PCL for a Boat You Bought in the United States
If you buy a boat in the United States but wish to navigate it in Canada, you’ll need to apply for a Pleasure Craft Licence or PCL for an imported vessel. Transport Canada needs to know the origin of your vessel, whether it was built and sold in Canada or elsewhere. To begin the process…
Applying for a Canadian Pleasure Craft License Online
If you are looking for new ways to soak up the warm weather and sunshine afforded by the Canadian summer months, owning a boat may be just a hobby for you. Whether you enjoy fishing, water sports, or simply cruising out on the water, with your own boat, the leisure possibilities are virtually endless. Understandably,…
PCL vs Registration vs Boat Operation
In Canada, water navigation can be perplexing, particularly when it comes to differentiating between a pleasure craft operator card, boat registration, or Pleasure Craft Licence (PCL). Many individuals erroneously think that these terms are synonymous; however, they definitely have different functions. Let’s delve into the key differences between a PCOC, boat registration, and pleasure craft…
What is the Definition of Pleasure Craft in Canada?
There are not many better ways to spend a sunny summer afternoon than out on the lake on a boat of your own. As you soak up sun rays, catch fish, or just hang out with your friends and family, having your own vessel can unlock countless hours of enjoyment. If you have been toying…
An Introduction to the Pleasure Craft Licensing System
The Canadian Vessel Registry is your online source for entering your pleasure craft vessel in the Pleasure Craft Licensing System – the most effective and quickest way to apply for a boat license for your recreational boat. Applicants can send their application for a new, transferred, or updated pleasure craft license electronically. You need a…
Chart Your Family’s Course with a Pleasure Craft License
Picture this, a day filled with laughter, sunshine, and unforgettable moments on the water. Whether you’re a seasoned boater or new to the world of boating, embarking on a family boating day in Canada is an adventure like no other. In this section, we’ll help you plan the perfect outing, from choosing the ideal destination…