Can You Transfer Boat Registration Online? Yes! Here’s How You Can Do it

Can You Transfer Boat Registration Online

Plenty of people ask us “How can you transfer boat registration online?” to make their transfer process a lot easier for themselves. Well, at the National Vessel Documentation Center, we have the answer for you.

How Can You Transfer Boat Registration Online?

When you first acquired your boat, you applied with Transport Canada for either registration or a pleasure craft license, depending on the type of vessel. Now that you are letting go of the boat, you will also need to let go of its documentation. This means that the answer to how can you transfer boat registration online, like most things, will involve some bureaucratic process. Let’s go over the step-by-step process that this transfer calls for and what you will need to do as part of it. With our help, your Transport Canada registration will be in the hands of the new owner in no time.

Submitting the Forms to Transport Canada

To pass on vessel registration to a new owner, you will have to submit the corresponding forms for transfer of ownership. You can find both forms here on our website, where you can also fill them out and submit them directly to Transport Canada without any issues. Once you’ve taken care of this, it will only be a matter of weeks before the request has been processed and the registration is now under the name of the new owner. It’s worth noting that this is a process that needs to be done by the relinquishing owner, not the incoming one since they are the ones in charge of transferring it forward.

Vessel Bill of Sale

It will be very important for the new owner of the boat to receive a certified copy of the bill of sale. Why? This is the document that, going forward, will serve as proof of purchase and ownership of the vessel in question. Remember when you received a bill of sale upon buying your boat? Well, now the new owner will have to receive one too. Don’t worry, you can make sure that you provide a bill of sale with all the proper documentation and paperwork through our platform. After all, the National Vessel Registry Center is here to help you answer your questions about how can you transfer boat registration.

Can You Transfer Boat Registration Online

Transport Canada Registration Transfer

Transport Canada documentation, like with any sort of bureaucratic process, will require a lot of different components, involving paperwork, applications, forms, and similar factors that will call for a lot of time and effort on your part. Because of this, we’ve made it so that it’s all much easier for you here at the National Boat Registry Center. With the help of our team and platform, you will no longer have to struggle through piles of paperwork to get your boat documentation in order. Now, your boat legislation, pleasure craft license, and all other relevant documents can be processed right here without issue. Be sure to reach out to our team if you need help and we’ll gladly assist you as needed.