A Step By Step Guide to Filing Your Boat Name Registration in Canada

Boat Name Registration in Canada

Looking for answers regarding how to file your Boat Name Registration in Canada? Here at the National Vessel Documentation Center, we have everything you need to know about it.

Boat Name Registration in Canada

In order to register your boat name with Transport Canada, you will have to go through a very specific bureaucratic application process, which we are well aware doesn’t sound that great. After all, this kind of paperwork tends to be somewhat tedious to go through for a variety of reasons, from the amount of forms that need to be filled out to the process of actually sending them out. That is why our goal here at the National Vessel Documentation Center is to streamline these applications and make it all much easier for you to submit. Let’s go over the process for boat name registration in Canada and what you’ll need to keep in mind throughout.

Picking a Name

First step in registering your boat name is to, well, name the boat. A lot of boat owners are very passionate and invested in the naming of their vessel, while plenty of others might even think it’s silly to name a boat. Either way, it’s a necessary step in the process, so let’s take a proper look at it. Your boat can’t share a name with another vessel registered with Transport Canada, which is something that you’ll need to take into account. Because of this, when filing for boat name registration in Canada, you will have to provide three different name options ranked by preference. This way, should your first choice be taken already, the registration can default to the next available name. While this name will later have to be displayed on the boat, it’s not set in stone, and you can apply to change it later on.

Filing For Registration

Once you have your intended boat name options down, you will have to submit the registration papers, which you can easily take care of right here on our platform. Head over to our menu and find the form for registration. Here, you will be able to fill out the form and submit it through our processors to Transport Canada. Not only will this be much more convenient for you, but it will also give you the opportunity to bypass some of the more common mistakes people make in this process and avoid the delays or fees that may come from this. You can even pay for the application fee here without any issue!

Boat Name Registration in Canada

Filing for Canadian Vessel Documentation

No one likes to have to submit documentation applications, everyone knows that. However, that is exactly why we at the National Vessel Documentation Center have set up an easy to use platform that makes those filings everyone finds so tedious and inconvenient all the more simple and straightforward. Here you will find all the forms you might need in order to file for boat registration, a pleasure craft licence, or just about any other relevant vessel procedure. For more information about any of these applications, boating documentation regulations, or Transport Canada filing requirements, feel free to reach out to our team by way of our contact page. We’re here to help.