If you’re looking into registering a boat in Alberta, then you will need to ask yourself a few questions about the purpose of the vessel and the intended use that you’ll be giving it. Here’s a quick guide on how to do this.
Registering a Boat in Alberta
Boat owners in Alberta are most likely already aware of what the process of boating documentation looks like, but prospective owners might need some help throughout this whole thing. Now, there are two different ways of documenting a boat with Transport Canada, and here we can take a look at these in order to guide you through the whole ordeal easily and quickly. Registering a boat in Alberta or getting a pleasure craft licence has never been easier thanks to the National Vessel Registry Center. We are here to make everything easier for you.
Registering Commercial Boats
Here in Canada, because of the ruling set forth by the Shipping Act of 2001, transportation regulations mandate that all boats that are used for commercial purposes in Canadian waters are registered with the transportation authorities. This means that, should you intend to operate any boat under any non-recreational purposes, whether it is for profit or not, you will have to go through the registration process with Transport Canada. Simply head over to the initial registration tab on our menu and you’ll be able to find the form you need to file in order to take care of this process. Should you need any help registering a boat in Alberta, you can always reach out to our team for assistance with this.
Documenting Recreational Boats
Now, as previously mentioned, this process is going to be solely for commercial boats. When it comes to boats that are used solely for recreational purposes, you won’t need to be registering a boat in Alberta. Instead, you will have to get your boat a pleasure craft licence. Now, this won’t always be necessary. Transport Canada actually has very specific guidelines for which pleasure crafts actually need to be licenced with them. In accordance with these, all pleasure craft equipped with motors of 10 horsepower (7.5 kilowatts) or more that are maintained or operated in Canada, you will need to receive a pleasure craft licence. Does your recreational vessel meet these requirements? Then head over to the pleasurecraft licence tab on our menu and get started with the application process.
Alberta Boating Documentation
Documenting your vessel will always be an important component of your boat ownership here in Canada, which is why we don’t want you to have to go through this process alone. At the National Vessel Registry Center, we have everything that you might need in order to take care of these processes. Whether you are getting your boat registration or your pleasure craft licence with Transport Canada, you will find all the tools that you might need right here on our website. And, should you need any more information or assistance with the application process or by filling out the forms, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. You will get your documentation processed in no time.