As the weather continues to heat up and we enter another Canadian summer, you are probably turning your attention to ways to get outside. If you are looking for a new way to maximize your weekends and reconnect with nature, you may want to consider purchasing a boat. When you have a vessel all your own, you have the freedom to get out and make memories on the water with your friends, family, and loved ones. As you may already know, though, boats can be pretty expensive. Even boats on the secondary market can command a high price tag, so you will want to perform an ample of research on the various makes and models that are available. Still, for the discerning prospective boater, there are deals to be had, and once you finalize your transaction, you are nearly ready to head down to the landing and get your boat in the water. First, though, you will want to make sure that you have the proper Transport Canada documentation, which likely means obtaining a pleasure craft license (PCL). If you are curious about licensing a boat in Ontario, the good news is that a private service such as ours can help you do it online.
Whether you are new to boating, or you are something of a seasoned sailor, there aren’t many better places to boat than Ontario. With more than 250,000 lakes, our humble province is home to nearly 20 percent of the entire world’s freshwater supply. With that in mind, you won’t run out of places to boat in Ontario. Because we value our waterways, it also makes sense that we would want to do what we can to protect them. This means routinely checking our emissions, avoiding pollution, and keeping our documentation current with Transport Canada. As the country’s main transportation agency for all water-related matters, Transport Canada issues licenses and registrations to boaters across the country. Read on to learn more.
Licensing a Boat in Ontario: When is it Required?
In Canada, any motorized vessel with an engine of 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more is required to obtain a PCL. PCLs are valid for a period of 10 years, and they issue your vessel a registration number which must be displayed on both sides of your boat’s bow. You will want to make sure that this number is featured in characters of at least three inches in height and in a color that clearly contrasts with your boat’s paint job. You can apply for your PCL by completing an application with Transport Canada, in addition to providing a bill of sale and a full-size photograph of your vessel.
Process Your Paperwork Online
We can help you get your PCL online. Simply select the correct licensing option from our drop-down menu, and you will be brought to a simplified, fillable form. To learn more, browse our easy-to-use website, or visit our helpful Frequently Asked Questions page.