What is a Pleasure Craft License Number?

Pleasure Craft License Number

If you are new to boat ownership, or you are thinking about buying a boat, the learning curve can feel pretty steep. In part, this is because boats–while simple in concept–can be pretty complex vessels. When you start looking at motorized boats, or larger sailing boats, there is a ton you need to learn about how to safely operate them. There are also nautical terms to get to know, and you will want to start looking at the weather with a more discerning eye when you are about to hit the lake. Of course, at the outset you will also need to learn a bit about the many different types of boats available for purchase, and that alone will likely call for hours of research. Once you do get your own boat, you may also need to obtain a pleasure craft license number, which will mean completing some paperwork. Still, the trade-off is worth it, as you will be free to make waves whenever you so desire. At the National Vessel Registry Center, we can also help you handle your paperwork online in just a matter of minutes.

As you likely know, boats come in all shapes and sizes. So too can they be used for a number of different things. How boats are used, and in some cases how they are financed, will determine how they must be documented. For instance, any boat that is traveling internationally under the Canadian flag, or is used for any sort of commercial purpose, will require a vessel registration. This is also true for boats that are purchased using a bank loan. If you are like most boat owners, though, you are likely only interested in leisure activities, in which case, a simple pleasure craft license (PCL) should suffice. Read on to learn more about how to get yours.https://canadianvesselregistry.ca/nvrc/first-time-registration/

Where Do You Display a Pleasure Craft License Number?

Do you need a PCL? Well, a simple rule of thumb to determine this is that any motorized vessel with an engine of 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more will need a license–though they are available to all who want them. You can get a PCL by completing an application and providing a photograph of your vessel along with proof of ownership. Once assigned, you will be given a registration number for your boat.

You will want to display your boat’s license number on the exterior of your boat’s bow (both sides). You should use characters that clearly contrast with the color of your boat, and they should be at least three inches in height and placed well above the water line. This number will be valid for a period of 10 years, at which point you will need to apply for a renewal.

Pleasure Craft License Number

Apply for a PCL Online

You can get your PCL online with just a few clicks by using our SSL-encrypted web forms. Simply select the PCL option from our navigation menu and follow our prompts. For more information, please feel free to visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.