When you’re considering licensing a boat in BC, you may wonder what to expect. When you violate the law, the government may impose a monetary fee as punishment. Everyone must familiarize themselves with the rules and ordinances before taking any actions that might break them.
A punishment is a monetary sanction for disobedience. You must pay your taxes by the deadline to avoid late payment fees and fines. Most laws establishing sanctions and prices are written with public security and welfare in mind. Their job is to prevent individuals from breaking the law and putting others in peril. The purpose of the fee or punishment is to discourage future behavior that poses a risk to society.
Use Your Boat Registration Number on All Boats You Own
When applying for a boat license in British Columbia, the first thing you need to do is make sure you are using your boat identification number on every one of the vessels that you own. This is significant because if your first boat is licensed under the boat registration number of your first boat and you later buy a second boat, you will need to transition your number from the old boat onto the new one.
If your first boat is licensed under the boat registration number of your first boat, this information will be necessary. If you do this, there’s a good chance that the number your new watercraft is using is either outdated or needs to be registered. This information needs to be readable, clearly displayed, and irretrievable.
Keep Your Boat Registration Certificate Safe and Handy For Licensing a Boat in BC
The freedom to head out onto the open water whenever you please is a major perk of boat ownership. If you’re new to sailing or this is your first boat, you might need to realize that you have to register it with the state before you can use it. The good news is that the process of watercraft registration in British Columbia is quick and easy. However, there are many details to remember, and follow all local ordinances.
The British Columbia Boating Safety Certificate is a must-have for watercraft registration. This document details many aspects of your boat, from its registration number and vessel length to whether or not it has an emergency rudder (which you absolutely should have) and more. You should store this document securely, as it will be useful when licensing a boat in BC.
Make Sure Your Insurance Is Up-To-Date
Savoring your holiday, you’re on a yacht in the stunning British Columbia scenery. The day on the ocean is ideal because you have a skipper and some other hands to assist with the work. The worst possible thing happens: your boat crashes into some boulders, seriously damaging it and ruining your holiday. Your belongings have been stolen, and you’re having difficulty making ends meet. The skipper faces financial and legal consequences after being accused of illegal ship operations.
Two things must be done to prevent such an incident from occurring. The first is to check that your coverage is up-to-date. Should the unthinkable happen, you can rest assured that you will be reimbursed for any monetary losses you incur due to an incident that was not your fault. This will prevent you from having to resort to the legal system to recoup any financial losses you incurred due to the mishap.
Be Aware Of Your Liability Limits as a Boat Owner
Knowing a few basic things can help ensure the safety of you and your companions while on the ocean. Understanding your risk insurance limits as a boat owner is crucial, particularly if you intend to hire out your watercraft to others. Suppose someone gets hurt while on your yacht; you won’t have to pay for it out of pocket, thanks to liability insurance.
Contact your insurance provider to ensure you are aware of any updates to your policy since last year. When shopping for insurance, it’s important to inquire about deductibles (the amount you’ll have to pay if a mishap occurs but for which you aren’t protected) and specific exemptions. It would help if you perused and fully comprehended that small print before taking anyone else out on the open ocean with you.
Getting the details wrong could lead to fines or even forfeiture of your boat—not something you want at the start of your boating season! To have an expert guide you through licensing a boat in BC would be ideal, so contact us at the National Vessel Registry Center today for more information.