Learn How to Change Boat Registration in the Transport Canada Ship Database

how to change boat registration

Looking into how to change boat registration after a big change related to your vessel? Well, the National Vessel Registry Center has got you covered in regards to making these changes.

How to Change Boat Registration

One of the most important things to keep in mind as a boat owner in Canada is that your boat’s registration certificate needs to be kept up to date in order for it to remain valid throughout your own ownership arrangement. Should some key information related to the boat’s registration certificate change, then you will have to look into how to change boat registration officially. Here are two ways to approach this should the need to do so arise.

Changing the Boat Name

Boat names might be painted on the hull of the vessel but they’re not set in stone. They are, in fact, fairly easy to change should you ever wish to do so. After all, you are allowed to outgrow a boat name for whatever reason it is. Maybe you first named it after someone you no longer want to be reminded of, or perhaps it’s the opposite and you wish to honor someone who is not with you anymore. Either way, you’re more than allowed and encouraged to change a boat name whenever you feel like it. Now, how to change boat registration naming information? Well, all you need to do is submit the corresponding name change form to Transport Canada, which you can actually find readily available right here on our website.

Changing Boat Information

Now, sometimes there is going to be less superficial information that might need to change at some point. For example, if you at some point move from your home or work address, whichever the boat is registered to, then you will have to update the registry certificate accordingly. This same thing will apply if you are, perhaps, not moving but are changing the boat’s hailing port. Either way, the change of address or hailing port will come into play. If you need to take care of this, all you need to do is head over to the form’s option in our menu, where you will be able to fill it out directly onto the platform and submit it directly to Transport Canada by way of our processors. This way, you can figure out how to change boat registration without issue.

how to change boat registration

Filing Change Forms

Documenting your vessel will always be an important component of your boat ownership here in Canada, which is why we don’t want you to have to go through this process alone. At the National Vessel Registry Center, we have everything that you might need in order to take care of these processes. Whether you are getting your boat registration or your pleasure craft licence with Transport Canada, you will find all the tools that you might need right here on our website. And, should you need any more information or assistance with the application process or by filling out the forms, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. You will get your documentation processed in no time.