If you’ve lost or misplaced your boat documentation, you will have to go through an application process to recover it. Here’s how you can replace your lost Canadian registry certificate.
Canadian Registry Certificate
There’s a reason why it’s so important that you get your vessel documentation certificate in order as soon as you purchase your boat. Whether you are registering a commercial vessel or getting a pleasure craft license, the document you are receiving will be vital going forward. After all, this will make your claim of ownership over the vessel official, as well as show that you are operating the vessel within Transport Canada’s specific guidelines. This is why you will always have to keep the official copy of your Canadian registry certificate on board while operating the vessel. This doesn’t mean a photocopy or a digital scan. In fact, guidelines are very strict about that.
How to Replace Your Registration Certificate
If you’ve lost your Canadian registry certificate, you have to remember that you can’t operate your boat. You need to have an official copy of the certificate on board in order to do so, which is why it will be very important for you to get a duplicate of the registration. This doesn’t have to be complicated, but it can take a while, so it’s good to take care of it as soon as possible. Now, what you need to do is head over to the form for a replacement certificate, which you can find here on our website. Once you request it, it will only be a brief matter of time before you receive a new certificate and are ready to once again set sail.
Replacing Your Pleasure Craft License
If you lose your pleasure craft license, you will have to go through a similar process. After all, the same principle applies in these cases, meaning that you’ll need to have your license on board in order to operate your pleasure craft in Canadian waters. So, if you need a new license after something happened to the original, you will have to request a duplicate from Transport Canada. This process is very simple, mostly involving the submission of a form. Just like with the previously explained process, you just need to head over to the duplicate option in our menu and fill out the form. Soon, you will receive a new official copy of the pleasure craft license so that you can continue sailing without issue.

Canadian Vessel Registry Center
Your boat ownership should be fun and exciting, which is why we don’t want you to have to worry too much about its more menial aspects, such as paperwork. Here at the National Vessel Registry Center, we can help you take care of all this quickly and efficiently so that you can focus on what matters most. Here, you will find every form, every application, and every guide related to your boating documentation, so go ahead and get started with whatever it is you have to do, be it your registration, your pleasure craft license, or your boat history transcript. Our platform will have everything you need and more.