Here’s How to Submit Your Request For Your Boat History Report in Canada

Boat History Report in Canada

Do you need to access comprehensive information about your vessel’s registration? Well, here we can help you request your Boat History Report in Canada for your convenience.

Getting Your Boat History Report in Canada

So, what happens when you register your vessel with Transport Canada? Well, all that information that you submit as part of your application will be stored in the Vessel Registry database for quick access on the part of both Transport Canada and the owner. Of course, unlike them, you as the owner can’t really access all this information whenever you want. It’s still available for you, but you have to go through a specific process in order to request it. If this sounds tedious, don’t worry, because it doesn’t have to be when you have our team on your side. Let’s take a look at this process.

What’s in a Boat History Report?

When people register their boats with Transport Canada, that information is safely stored in their database. This is obviously going to be a very comprehensive set of information, since the boat’s identifying number will remain the same throughout any changes in ownership, if any. So, a boat history report in Canada will have all the data regarding the vessel, including the past owners, potential financial claims, a history of hailing ports, and similar information that has been submitted to the vessel registry at some point or another. This comprehensive collection of information can be very useful should you need to provide any proof of ownership or financial standing at some point or evidence about ownership changes.

Request Your Report

Do you need access to this information? Are you in need to get your boat history report in Canada? Well, it’s actually pretty easy to request it. All you need to do is fill out the corresponding form to request the transcript from Transport Canada. Usually this can require a fairly inconvenient bureaucratic process, but that’s not the case when you can count on our help. Through our website, you can find the form to request an abstract of title, the official name of this report. Simply find the form on our menu and fill it out with all the corresponding information about you and about the vessel itself. Then, you can pay for the application fee and submit it directly through our website. In a matter of days, you will be receiving your boat history report.

Boat History Report in Canada

File Forms to Transport Canada

No one likes to have to submit documentation applications, everyone knows that. However, that is exactly why we at the National Vessel Documentation Center have set up an easy to use platform that makes those filings everyone finds so tedious and inconvenient all the more simple and straightforward. Here you will find all the forms you might need in order to file for boat registration, a pleasure craft licence, or just about any other relevant vessel procedure. For more information about any of these applications, boating documentation regulations, or Transport Canada filing requirements, feel free to reach out to our team by way of our contact page. We’re here to help.