After years of thinking about it, you have finally decided that it is time to buy a boat. It is understandable that this decision came with a great deal of thought–boats aren’t exactly a minor purchase. For starters, there are nearly infinite options for makes and models, from million-dollar mega yachts, to the humble canoe. There is also the matter of cost to consider. Even boats that are purchased on the secondary market can be expensive, and you may also need to pay to dock your boat. Even routine maintenance and engine repair can get costly. Still, if you have done your research, there really aren’t many better ways to enjoy a summer afternoon than getting out on the water in your boat. If you are nearing the finalization of a transaction for a vessel all your own, you are going to want to learn a bit about licensing a boat in Ontario, and that is where we come in.
Why Ontario? Well, if you have spent any amount of time in this province, you have probably noticed that there is no shortage of lakes. In fact, Ontario is home to more than 250,000 of them, which accounts for roughly one-fifth of the entire world’s fresh water supply. With this in mind, Ontario is something of a boater’s paradise, and if you are looking to explore these waters yourself, you are going to need the proper license to do so. Boat licenses are issued by Transport Canada, which is our country’s main agency for all matters of water activity. While you do have the option to work directly with this agency to get your license, you can also save yourself a considerable amount of time by working with a private service such as ours at the National Vessel Registry Center. Read on to learn more.
Licensing a Boat in Ontario Online
You may be wondering–especially if you are new to boating–just what is a boat license? Officially called a pleasure craft license (PCL), this piece of documentation is mandatory for all vessels with engines of 7.5 kW (10 horsepower) or more. Any vessel can obtain a PCL, though, which can be a wise maneuver in the event that your boat goes missing or is stolen. To get your PCL, you will need to fill out an application that includes some basic information about yourself and your boat. You will also need to submit a bill of sale and a full-size photograph of your boat to Transport Canada. Once your PCL has been issued, you will receive a registration number that will need to be displayed on your boat’s exterior (typically on both sides of the bow). PCLs are valid in Canada for a period of 10 years, at which point they can be renewed.
Get the Forms You Need Online
If you need a PCL, use our easy-to-fill online forms and submit your application in just minutes. To learn more, take a minute to browse our Frequently Asked Questions page, or explore our website to get a better sense of our offerings.