Find Out How to Get an Alberta Bill of Sale

alberta bill of sale

As we enter another long Canadian winter, you can hardly be blamed if you find yourself daydreaming about getting your boat out on the water. Let’s face it: we all slog through the grueling, chilly winters because the summer months in Alberta have a way of making it all worthwhile. If you are a current boat owner, or if you are thinking about upgrading or downgrading your vessel, you know that there is a lot of preparatory work that has to take place before you can untie from the dock and officially kick off boating season. As you get your boat out of storage, you are going to want to thoroughly clean it, both inside and out. You will also want to make sure you are current on your scheduled maintenance, which means checking your oil and fuel levels. There may also be some paperwork with Transport Canada that you will need to catch up on, and if you are planning to sell your vessel, this can include an Alberta bill of sale. The good news is, by working with a private service such as ours at the National Vessel Registry Center, you can fill out and process this form online.

Boat ownership can provide you with a great sense of freedom. It is hard to beat that liberating feeling that comes with getting out on the lake and making memories with your friends and family. Of course, that privilege does come with a fair amount of responsibility, which includes staying up-to-date on your pleasure craft license (PCL) or vessel registration with Transport Canada. There are also other occasions when you will need to handle some paperwork, and one such instance is when ownership of a certain type of vessel changes hands. Read on to learn more about what you can expect when sitting down to fill out a bill of sale with Transport Canada.

Do You Require an Alberta Bill of Sale?

If you own a boat with an engine of 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more, and it is used exclusively for leisure activities, you must carry a PCL. If you are planning to sell a boat with a PCL, you will need to fill out the designated areas on the back of the license to complete the transfer of ownership. Transport Canada does not require a bill of sale, but it can be helpful for you in a records-keeping sense.

Boats that are used for commercial means, traveling internationally under the Canadian flag, or are financed with a marine mortgage, must be registered with Transport Canada. If you are selling a boat with a vessel registration, you will need to submit a Form 6 – Bill of Sale with Transport Canada.

alberta bill of sale
Fill Out Your Forms Online

Need a bill of sale? We can help. We have fillable online forms for all of your Transport Canada documentation needs. To learn more, spend a few minutes checking out our navigation menu, or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.