Check Boat History and Make Sure the Vessel Registry Stays Up to Date

Check Boat History

You registered your vessel with Transport Canada. Where does this information go? Well, this all becomes a part of the Transport Canada boat registry, which exists for the government’s and the owner’s use. Let’s take a closer look at how you can interact and Check Boat History with it.

Transport Canada Vessel Registry

In order for your vessel to join the Transport Canada registry, it will be necessary for you to register it with them. Now, this process isn’t that complicated, but it will definitely call for some attention to detail throughout. For the most part, you will just have to submit the application form with the corresponding information about you as the owner and the vessel itself. This form can be submitted through our platform, which will also help you rest assured that the information provided will be correct and ready for review. By using our submission process, you can avoid potential delays and returns, expediting the process and making it easier for you to receive your registration as soon as possible.

Check Boat History

Though, if you have already joined the database and instead need to consult its information, it will be even easier. You will have two options depending on what information you need from the consultation. If you simply need some basic data about the vessel, a quick search on Transport Canada’s online database should be enough to find it. However, if you are looking for a more thorough account of the vessel’s history, including information about past ownerships and potential liens placed on the vessel, you will have to check boat history by requesting an abstract of title. This will serve as a comprehensive transcript of all the documents on the database that are registered under this particular vessel, spanning across different years, owners, and registrations. This is yet another document you can request via our platform.

Keep the Registry Up to Date

Of course, this database is only as good as the information in it, meaning that it will be key to update it should anything change. This is important in cases of a change of vessel name, hailing port, endorsement, trade indicator, or registered address. All of these changes will need a specific form to be submitted in order to be properly processed. All these forms are easily available here on our platform. This way, should any kind of information related to your vessel change, it will be important for you to submit the corresponding form to Transport Canada. Don’t let the information on the database become outdated.

Check Boat History

File Forms to Transport Canada

No one likes to have to submit documentation applications, everyone knows that. However, that is exactly why we at the National Vessel Documentation Center have set up an easy to use platform that makes those filings everyone finds so tedious and inconvenient all the more simple and straightforward. Here you will find all the forms you might need in order to file for boat registration, a pleasure craft licence, or just about any other relevant vessel procedure. For more information about any of these applications, boating documentation regulations, or Transport Canada filing requirements, feel free to reach out to our team by way of our contact page. We’re here to help.