Apply For Commercial or Recreational Documentation For a Canadian Vessel

Documentation For a Canadian Vessel

Struggling with getting documentation for a Canadian vessel in order? Well, all you need to do is read through our Transport Canada guide here at the National Vessel Registry Center.

Documentation For a Canadian Vessel Made Easy 

When it comes to properly operating a vessel in Canada, you really need to pay attention to the documentation needs required of it. After all, just like with your car, your boat will have to be documented in a specific way in order for you to use it in Canadian waters. How can you know for sure what paperwork it is that you need to submit? Well, everything you need to know about getting documentation for a Canadian vessel will be right here for you to access and submit.

Documentation For Commercial Vessels

Commercial vessels here in Canada need to be documented with Transport Canada by way of registration. This is the piece of documentation that helps catalog and organize all the commercial vessels that operate in Canadian waters in order to ensure that they are meeting all the corresponding guidelines and regulations. The process that this entails doesn’t have to be complicated, though. After all, here at the National Vessel Registry Center, all your needs regarding documentation for a Canadian vessel can be met without the usual trouble. Simply head over to the initial registration tab on our menu and you can easily and quickly get started on your application. Feel free to reach out to us should you need any help with your documentation and we’ll be happy to assist.

Documentation For Recreational Vessels

Recreational vessels, on the other hand, don’t have to be registered with Transport Canada. Instead, you may or may not have to get a pleasure craft license for them. There are actually going to be very specific boating regulations set forth by Transport Canada for which ones do need the license in question. If you have a pleasure craft equipped with motors of 10 horsepower (7.5 kilowatts) or more, even if it is a personal watercraft, that is maintained or operated in Canada, you will need to obtain the corresponding license. Don’t worry, this process doesn’t have to be difficult or impossible, especially when you count on our team’s help throughout the whole thing.

Documentation For a Canadian Vessel

File Transport Canada Documentation

Here at the National Vessel Registry Center, we are well aware that no one likes to go through extensive documentation and paperwork, which is why we’ve set off to make it all much easier for you. We have established our platform in order to provide everyone access to all the forms they might need in order to take care of their Transport Canada boat registration or pleasure craft license, as well as the corresponding documentation that might follow. Regardless of what you need to file with Transport Canada, all your vessel documentation needs can be met right here on our website. Additionally, you can feel free to reach out to our team should you have any doubts throughout the process.