One of the many reasons it is great to be a resident of Ontario, Canada is that it is a true boater’s paradise. Home to more than a staggering 250,000 lakes, this province holds roughly one-fifth of the entire world’s freshwater supply. With that in mind, you could take your boat to a new lake every weekend and never come close to visiting the same one twice. Whether you like to just go out and relax in nature, or if you are an avid fisherman or water skier, it is hard to beat what Ontario has to offer. If you are new to boat ownership, or you are thinking about buying a boat for the first time, the upcoming winter months are an ideal time to get your ducks in a row, so to speak. You can get your new boat cleaned and ready for the upcoming season, or you can do the necessary research required to find the boat that is right for you. You may need to also process some paperwork with Transport Canada, which is the nation’s primary agency for all transportation concerns on both land and sea. This typically means applying for a boaters license in Ontario. The good news is, that by working with a private service such as ours, you can handle most of your Transport Canada paperwork online.
If you have been around boats, or know a little bit about maritime life, you have probably heard the term “boating license” before. This document is officially called a pleasure craft operator card (PCOC), and it is sort of like a driver’s license for a boat. To get your PCOC from Transport Canada, you will first need to take an educational course that will teach you the basics of boating safety. After completing that, you will need to pass a requisite exam. Once you have your PCOC, you will have an official document that demonstrates you know how to safely operate a motorized vessel. It may not, however, be the end of your paperwork journey with Transport Canada. Read on to learn more.
A Boaters License in Ontario is Just the Beginning
You may think that once you have your boating license you are free to head out and make waves, but that may not be the case. Depending on your boat, and what you plan to use it for, you may need some additional documentation from Transport Canada. For instance, a pleasure craft license (PCL) is required for any boat that has an engine of 7.5 kW (10 horsepower) or more. If you have ambitions of using your boat for commercial purposes, or if you plan to travel internationally under the Canadian flag, you will need to apply for a vessel registration. This will also be true if you take out a bank loan, sometimes called a marine mortgage, to finance the purchase of your vessel.

Use Our Forms Today!
We have online forms for all of your Transport Canada paperwork needs. To learn more, spend a few minutes exploring our navigation menu, or visit our helpful Frequently Asked Questions page.