Is 2024 your year to finally buy a boat of your own? If so, you are undoubtedly excited about the upcoming Canadian boating season. Of course, there is a good reason for that–all across Canada there are beautiful, scenic lakes and rivers to explore. There are also endless miles of coastlines on both sides of the country, so your boating options are pretty much limitless. To maximize your enjoyment of the great outdoors, it is tough to beat owning a boat. To get to that point, though, you will need to do a decent amount of research to figure out what type of vessel makes the most sense for you. Maybe you want to sail? Or perhaps you want a fishing vessel? Regardless, there is surely a boat for you on the new or used marketplace. Once you have found a seller and negotiated a price, you will probably be eager to launch your new boat as soon as possible. First, though, you may need to deal with some paperwork in the form of applying for a boat licence in Canada. The good news is, that at the National Vessel Registry Center, we can help you do this online.
We get it, nobody looks forward to doing paperwork, especially when it is the only thing standing between you and the open water. Still, staying on top of your vessel documentation is a key aspect of responsible boat ownership. As motorized vessels can be both expensive and powerful, it makes sense that you would want to have them documented. Transport Canada is the government agency tasked with regulating our marine infrastructure, and they issue licence registrations to boat owners all over the country. In your time as a vessel owner, you will periodically need to fill out forms with Transport Canada, and working with a private service such as ours can help you handle all of that online in just a few minutes. Read on to learn more.
Do You Need a Boat Licence in Canada?
A boat licence is technically called a pleasure craft licence (PCL). As its name would suggest, it applies to leisure crafts, specifically those with engines of 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more. PCLs are, however, available to all who want them as a means to document their vessels. Your PCL will provide your boat with a licence number, which you will need to display in characters of at least three inches in height on both sides of your boat’s exterior bow. A PCL is also valid for 10 years, at which point you will need to process a renewal. You can use our web forms and secure portal to apply and upload supplemental documents for your licence.

Work with Us and Get Out on the Water
Apply for your PCL or vessel registration today using our easy-to-fill web forms. Simply select the document you need from our clear navigation menu. If you need additional information, please visit our helpful Frequently Asked Questions page.