Are Water Ferries Passenger Vessels?

Yes. People Pay to Take Trips on Water Ferries
A passenger vessel is defined as any vessel carrying at least one paying individual. Passengers typically include those who pay for services. 

So, that includes ferry rides, yes, but it also includes sightseeing trips, harbor cruises, or water taxi transport, and so forth. This classification extends to all vessels accepting payment from passengers.

How Can I Move a Vessel While I Wait for My Certificate of Registration?

Apply for A Provisional Certificate of Registry. 

With a Provisional Certificate of Registry, vessel owners can, temporarily, move a vessel while awaiting completion of the Certificate of Registration. 

Additionally, this Certificate may also allow for the movement of a vessel to a foreign country.

It can only do that the vessel has to be transported to its new owner who must live outside of Canada.  

Determine If You’re Carrying Guests or Passengers

Passenger Pay, Guests Don’t 

If anyone aboard is paying for their transport, they are deemed passengers. As such, the vessel then has to be registered with Transport Canada. 

Even if the owner receives compensation indirectly or from another source (such as someone not on the vessel during the trip), those on board are still classified as passengers.

On the other hand, if the vessel is used solely for pleasure, and the individuals are guests with no exchange of money or any form of remuneration, they are not considered passengers. They’re guests. 

In that case, the vessel would be a “pleasure craft.”  

How is “Passenger” Defined in the Context of Boating?

A Person Who is Transported on a Vessel by the Owner or Operator 
According to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, a passenger is defined as an individual transported on a vessel by the owner or operator, with certain exceptions.

Guests on a vessel used exclusively for recreational purposes are also not regarded as passengers, provided they are carried without payment or profit-related motives.

The Safety Convention figures into this. 

For ships covered under the Safety Convention, individuals such as the master, crew members, or anyone employed in any capacity related to the ship’s operations are not considered passengers. Additionally, children under the age of one do not fall under this category.

For vessels not governed by the Safety Convention, the definition excludes the master, crew members, and individuals engaged in the ship’s business.

Use this link to file for a pleasure craft licence

Use this link to file for Canada boat documentation
Experts for Your Canadian Boat Documentation and Pleasure Craft Licence Needs 
We streamline the process of finding and completing all the Canadian vessel registration and licensing forms you might need. 

From pleasure craft licenses to registered vessel documentation, we make managing your vessel’s paperwork straightforward. Moreover, we can handle all of this online, so that your “paperwork” is solely digital. 

Whether you’re acquiring a new license, renewing one, transferring ownership, or handling other related tasks, we’re here to assist. 

Regardless of whether your vessel is listed on the Large Vessel Register or the Small Vessel Register, our site allows you to register, renew, or replace your documentation with ease and efficiency.

These laws that may relate to your specific vessel: 

Before registration or listing

52 (1) Every vessel, other than one to be registered in the small vessel register, must be named in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar before it is registered or listed.
Marginal note:
Approval of names
(2) The Chief Registrar may, on application, approve the name of a vessel before it is registered or listed and approve a change in the name of a Canadian vessel.
Marginal note:
Disallowance of names
(3) The Chief Registrar must disallow a name if

(a) it is the same as the name of a Canadian vessel;
(b) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be confused with the name of a Canadian vessel or with a distress signal;
(c) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be offensive to members of the public; or
(d) its use is prohibited under an Act of Parliament.

Marginal note:
Requiring renaming
(4) The Minister may order that a Canadian vessel be renamed if the Minister considers that its name would prejudice the international reputation of Canada.

Ownership of Vessels

Marginal note:


53 (1) For the purposes of registration, the property in a vessel is divided into 64 shares.
Marginal note:
Registered owners
(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), only owners or joint owners of a vessel or of one or more shares in a vessel may be registered in the Register as owners of the vessel or shares, as the case may be.
Marginal note:
Registered owners — financing agreements
(3) In the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement), the persons referred to in that paragraph are to be registered in the Register as the owners of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Bare-boat charterers
(4) In the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), no person may be registered in the Register as an owner of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Registration of joint owners
(5) No more than five persons may be registered in the Register as joint owners of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Disposition of registered joint interests
(6) A registered jointly owned interest in a vessel or a share in a vessel may be disposed of only by the joint owners acting together.
Marginal note:
Registration of fractions prohibited
(7) No person may be registered as the owner of a fractional part of a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
No effect on beneficial owners
(8) This section does not affect the beneficial interests of a person represented by or claiming through an owner of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Trusts not recognized
(9) No notice of a trust may be entered in the Register.


Marginal note:

Certificates of registry

54 (1) If the Chief Registrar is satisfied that all of the requirements of registration or listing have been met with respect to a vessel, the Chief Registrar must register or list the vessel, as the case may be, in the Register and issue a certificate of registry.
Marginal note:
(2) Every certificate of registry in respect of a vessel must contain the information specified by the Chief Registrar, including

(a) its description;
(b) its official number; and
(c) the name and address of

(i) in the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(b) (a vessel owned by a foreign corporation), the authorized representative,
(ii) in the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), the bare-boat charterer, and
(iii) in any other case, its owner and the authorized representative.

Marginal note:
Period of validity
(3) Every certificate of registry is valid for the period specified by the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Provisional certificates

55 (1) The Chief Registrar may, on application, issue a provisional certificate in respect of a vessel that is required or entitled to be registered under this Part if

(a) the vessel is in a foreign port and a person intends to register it under this Part; or
(b) the vessel is in a port in Canada and the Chief Registrar is satisfied that permission to operate the vessel should be granted before a certificate of registry can be issued.

Marginal note:
(2) The Chief Registrar may, on application, issue a provisional certificate in respect of a vessel that is not required or entitled to be registered under this Part if the Chief Registrar is satisfied that the vessel needs to undergo sea trials.
Marginal note:
(3) A provisional certificate is valid for the purpose and the period specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
(4) An application for a provisional certificate must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Lost certificates

56 If a certificate of registry or provisional certificate is mislaid, lost or destroyed, the Chief Registrar must issue a replacement certificate of registry or provisional certificate, as the case may be, on application made by the authorized representative or owner in the form and manner and including the information and accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.

2001, c. 26, s. 56
2023, c. 26, s. 366

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Refusal to issue, renew or amend certificate

56.1 Despite any other provision of this Act, the Chief Registrar may refuse to issue, in respect of a vessel, a certificate of registry, a provisional certificate or a replacement certificate of registry or provisional certificate, or to renew a certificate of registry or to amend one under paragraph 73(b), if the applicant for, or holder of, the certificate is in default of payment of a required fee, charge, cost or expense under this Act or the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act in respect of that vessel.

2023, c. 26, s. 366


Marginal note:


57 (1) The authorized representative of a Canadian vessel shall, in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar, mark the vessel with its official number and any other information that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
Validity of certificate of registry
(2) A vessel’s certificate of registry is not valid until the vessel has been marked in accordance with subsection (1).
Marginal note:
Maintenance of markings
(3) The authorized representative shall ensure that the vessel is kept marked.
Marginal note:
Defacing, etc., markings
(4) No person shall wilfully deface, alter, conceal or remove the markings of a Canadian vessel.

Notifying Chief Registrar

Marginal note:

Notification of changes

58 (1) The authorized representative of a Canadian vessel shall notify the Chief Registrar within 30 days after any of the following occurs:

(a) the vessel is lost, wrecked or removed from service;
(b) there has been a change in the owner’s, the authorized representative’s or a registered mortgagee’s name or address;
(c) the information provided with the application under section 51 has changed; or
(d) in the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel),

(i) the right to fly the flag of the foreign state is reinstated, or
(ii) the charterer ceases to have complete control and possession of the vessel.

Marginal note:
Notification of alterations
(2) If a Canadian vessel is altered to the extent that it no longer corresponds with its description or particulars set out on the certificate of registry, the authorized representative shall, within 30 days after the alteration, notify the Chief Registrar and provide the Chief Registrar with the relevant information and documents.
Marginal note:
Notification of changes
(3) If for any reason a Canadian vessel does not have an authorized representative, its owner shall

(a) notify the Chief Registrar of that fact as soon as possible in the circumstances; and
(b) notify the Chief Registrar within 30 days after any event referred to in subsection (1) or (2) occurs.

Marginal note:
Notification of completion of construction
(4) Within 30 days after completion of the construction of a vessel that is recorded as being built in Canada, the person in whose name the vessel is recorded shall notify the Chief Registrar of that fact and of the name and address of its owner.

2001, c. 26, s. 58
2011, c. 15, s. 41(F)

Previous Version

Maintenance of Register

Marginal note:


59 The Chief Registrar may amend the Register or a certificate of registry to give effect to changes of which the Chief Registrar has been notified under section 58 or to correct any clerical errors or obvious mistakes.

Suspension, Cancellation and Reinstatement of Registration

Marginal note:

Suspension and cancellation

60 (1) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar may suspend or cancel the registration or listing of a Canadian vessel if

(a) it is not marked in accordance with subsection 57(1);
(b) its certificate of registry has expired;
(c) it does not have an authorized representative; or
(d) section 58 has not been complied with.

Marginal note:
(2) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar must cancel the registration or listing of a Canadian vessel if

(a) it has been lost, wrecked or removed from service;
(b) it is no longer required or entitled to be registered or entitled to be listed under this Part; or
(c) in the case of a registered vessel, a tonnage certificate provided by a tonnage measurer indicates that the vessel should be re-registered.

Marginal note:
Notice before cancellation
(3) If a Canadian vessel is not required or entitled to be registered under this Part after its ownership changes, the Chief Registrar must, before canceling its registration under paragraph (2)(b), give the owners and registered mortgagees

(a) notice of the change in ownership; and
(b) an opportunity that, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, is sufficient to transfer the vessel or shares in the vessel to a qualified person or to make an application under section 74.

Marginal note:
Cancellation of registration
(4) Except in the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement), the Chief Registrar must cancel the registration of a vessel if a person who acquires the vessel or a share in it does not, within the prescribed period, provide evidence that satisfies the Chief Registrar that the vessel is required or entitled to be registered under this Part.

Marginal note:

Registration of mortgages not affected

61 The cancellation of the registration of a vessel does not affect the registration of mortgages in respect of the vessel.

Marginal note:


62 The Chief Registrar may reinstate the registration or listing of a vessel if, in the Chief Registrar’s opinion, the registration or listing of the vessel should not have been canceled.

What does the term commercial mean in the context of Canadian boat documentation?

Commercial Vessels are Predominantly Operated for Profit 

Commercial vessels are primarily operated for profit, often involving paying passengers. 

However, the term “commercial,” in this context, encompasses more than privately operated businesses. It also includes vessels managed by federal, provincial, and municipal departments and agencies, emphasizing their role in business or service operations beyond recreational use.

Is There Any Time or Place on a Vessel When I Shouldn’t Wear a Life Jacket?

Inside the Passenger Cabin 
While wearing a life jacket is highly recommended, it may be optional on the open deck of certain vessels. However, it’s crucial to avoid wearing one inside the passenger cabin, as it could hinder a safe and quick escape during an emergency.

As an Operator or a Passenger on a Vessel, Do I Really Have to Know the Location of Safety Equipment?

Yes, Knowing the Location of Safety Equipment on a Vessel is Your Responsibility 
Passengers as well as operators can and should take proactive steps to promote their own safety during any boat trip.

This starts before you get into the boat. Before heading out, familiarize yourself with the locations of essential safety equipment such as life jackets, life rafts, and other emergency gear. Additionally, be prepared by knowing the appropriate actions to take in case of an emergency.

If you’re bringing children on board, confirm there are enough life jackets available in sizes suitable for them. With these measures in place, everyone can contribute to a safer and more enjoyable experience on the water.

Use this link to apply for Canadian boat registration
Licencing and Canadian Boat Registration Support for Your Journey 
When it comes handling Canadian vessel registration and licensing forms, we’re here to help.

For years, we have assisted with documentation for pleasure crafts as well as vessels on the Small and Large Vessel Registry, making the process simpler for you.

Our site offers a convenient way to acquire, renew, or transfer licenses and registration quickly. With our efficient platform, staying on top of your vessel’s compliance requirements is easy.

These laws below may be applicable to you and your vessel: 


77 The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister, make regulations for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Part, including regulations

(a) respecting the registration of vessels and fleets and the listing and recording of vessels;
(b) respecting the issuance and renewal of certificates of registry;
(c) respecting the suspension and cancellation of the registration of a Canadian vessel or a fleet, and the suspension and cancellation of the listing of a Canadian vessel;
(d) respecting the naming and marking of vessels;
(e) respecting the port of registration;
(f) respecting the form and manner of notifying the Chief Registrar under sections 58 and 75.1;
(g) respecting the evidence that owners of vessels previously registered in a foreign state must provide to prove that the vessels are no longer registered in the foreign state;
(h) respecting the calculation of the tonnage of vessels and the issuance of certificates of tonnage; and
(h.1) respecting the exemption of vessels or classes of vessels from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1);
(h.2) authorizing the Minister to exempt, by order, vessels or classes of vessels from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1) for the period specified in the regulations and on any terms and conditions that he or she considers appropriate, if he or she is of the opinion that the exemption is not likely to adversely affect marine safety, and authorizing the Minister to amend or revoke an exemption;
(h.3) respecting an authorization under paragraph (h.2); and
(i) prescribing anything that may be prescribed under this Part.

2001, c. 26, s. 77
2011, c. 15, s. 43

Previous Version

Offences and Punishment

Marginal note:

Contravention of Act or regulations

78 (1) Every person commits an offence who contravenes

(a) subsection 57(4) (wilfully defacing, altering, concealing or removing markings); or
(b) a provision of the regulations made under paragraph 77(h).

Marginal note:
(2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or to both.

Marginal note:

Contravention of Act or regulations

79 (1) Every person commits an offence who contravenes

(a) subsection 46(2) (register vessel);
(b) an order made under subsection 52(4) (renaming of vessel);
(c) subsection 57(1) (mark vessel);
(d) subsection 57(3) (maintenance of markings);
(e) subsection 58(1) (notify of changes — authorized representative);
(f) subsection 58(2) (notify of alteration — authorized representative);
(g) subsection 58(3) (notify if no authorized representative — owner);
(h) subsection 58(4) (notify of completion of construction);
(i) subsection 63(1) (operation of vessel without a certificate on board);
(j) subsection 63(2) (deliver certificate to person entitled to operate vessel);
(k) subsection 63(3) (deliver certificate to Chief Registrar);
(l) subsection 64(2) (fly Canadian flag);
(l.1) subsection 75.09(2) (maintenance of markings);
(l.2) subsection 75.1(1) (notification of changes — name and address);
(l.3) subsection 75.1(2) (notification of changes — number of vessels);
(l.4) subsection 75.1(3) (notification of changes — owner);
(l.5) section 75.13 (delivery of certificate); or
(m) a provision of the regulations made under any of paragraphs 77(a) to (g).

Marginal note:
(2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than $25,000.
Marginal note:
Continuing offence
(3) If an offence under paragraph (1)(a) or (c) is committed or continued on more than one day, the person who committed it is liable to be convicted for a separate offence for each day on which it is committed or continued.

2001, c. 26, s. 79
2011, c. 15, s. 44
2023, c. 26, s. 369


Registration, Listing and Recording


Definition of Minister

41 In this Part, Minister means the Minister of Transport.

Canadian Register of Vessels and Registrars

Marginal note:

Appointment of Chief Registrar

42 An officer, to be known as the Chief Registrar, is to be appointed or deployed under the Public Service Employment Act.

Marginal note:

Duties and powers of Chief Registrar

43 (1) The Chief Registrar is responsible for establishing and maintaining a register to be known as the Canadian Register of Vessels. The Chief Registrar is to divide the Register into parts, including a small vessel register, for the classes of vessels that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
(2) The Register is to contain records of the information and documents specified by the Chief Registrar in respect of a Canadian vessel or a fleet that is registered under this Part, including its description, its official number, the name and address of its owner and, in the case of a vessel that is not registered in the small vessel register, details of all mortgages registered in respect of it.

2001, c. 26, s. 43
2011, c. 15, s. 38

Previous Version

Marginal note:


44 (1) The Chief Registrar may appoint the registrars that the Chief Registrar considers necessary.
Marginal note:
Duties of registrars
(2) A registrar is to perform the duties and fulfill the responsibilities that the Chief Registrar assigns to the registrar.

Marginal note:


45 The Chief Registrar and the registrars are not personally liable for anything they do or omit to do in good faith under this Act.

Registration, Listing and Recording

Marginal note:

Mandatory registration of vessels

46 (1) Unless it is exempted under the regulations, a vessel must be registered under this Part if it

(a) is not a pleasure craft;
(b) is wholly owned by qualified persons; and
(c) is not registered, listed or otherwise recorded in a foreign state.

Marginal note:
Owner’s obligation
(2) Every owner of a vessel that is required by subsection (1) to be registered under this Part shall ensure that it is so registered.
Marginal note:
Mandatory registration — government vessels
(3) Every government vessel must be registered under this Part.

2001, c. 26, s. 46
2011, c. 15, s. 39

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Optional registration

47 Unless they are registered, listed or otherwise recorded in a foreign state, the following vessels may be registered under this Part:

(a) a pleasure craft that is wholly owned by qualified persons;
(a.1) a vessel that is exempted under the regulations from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1) and that is wholly owned by qualified persons;
(b) a vessel that is owned by a corporation incorporated under the laws of a foreign state if one of the following is acting with respect to all matters relating to the vessel, namely,

(i) a subsidiary of the corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province,
(ii) an employee or a director in Canada of a branch office of the corporation that is carrying on business in Canada, or
(iii) a ship management company incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province; and

(c) a vessel that is in the exclusive possession of a qualified person under a financing agreement under which the person will acquire ownership on completion of the agreement.

2001, c. 26, s. 47
2011, c. 15, s. 40

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Bare-boat chartered vessels

48 A vessel that is registered in a foreign state and that is bare-boat chartered exclusively to a qualified person may be listed under this Part as a bare-boat chartered vessel for the duration of the charter if, for the duration of the charter, the registration is suspended in respect of the right to fly the flag of that state.

Marginal note:

Vessels under construction

49 A vessel that is about to be built or that is under construction in Canada may be temporarily recorded in the Register as a vessel being built in Canada.

Marginal note:

Vessels built outside Canada

50 Notwithstanding sections 46 to 48, the Minister may direct the Chief Registrar to refuse to register or list a vessel built outside Canada.


Marginal note:


51 (1) An application for the registration, listing or recording of a vessel must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Further evidence
(2) In addition to the specified information and documents, the Chief Registrar may require an applicant to provide evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that a vessel is required or entitled to be registered or is entitled to be listed or recorded.

Names of Vessels

Marginal note:

Before registration or listing

52 (1) Every vessel, other than one to be registered in the small vessel register, must be named in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar before it is registered or listed.
Marginal note:
Approval of names
(2) The Chief Registrar may, on application, approve the name of a vessel before it is registered or listed and approve a change in the name of a Canadian vessel.
Marginal note:
Disallowance of names
(3) The Chief Registrar must disallow a name if

(a) it is the same as the name of a Canadian vessel;
(b) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be confused with the name of a Canadian vessel or with a distress signal;
(c) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be offensive to members of the public; or
(d) its use is prohibited under an Act of Parliament.

Marginal note:
Requiring renaming
(4) The Minister may order that a Canadian vessel be renamed if the Minister considers that its name would prejudice the international reputation of Canada.

Ownership of Vessels

Marginal note:


53 (1) For the purposes of registration, the property in a vessel is divided into 64 shares.
Marginal note:
Registered owners
(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), only owners or joint owners of a vessel or of one or more shares in a vessel may be registered in the Register as owners of the vessel or shares, as the case may be.
Marginal note:
Registered owners — financing agreements
(3) In the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement), the persons referred to in that paragraph are to be registered in the Register as the owners of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Bare-boat charterers
(4) In the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), no person may be registered in the Register as an owner of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Registration of joint owners
(5) No more than five persons may be registered in the Register as joint owners of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Disposition of registered joint interests
(6) A registered jointly owned interest in a vessel or a share in a vessel may be disposed of only by the joint owners acting together.
Marginal note:
Registration of fractions prohibited
(7) No person may be registered as the owner of a fractional part of a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
No effect on beneficial owners
(8) This section does not affect the beneficial interests of a person represented by or claiming through an owner of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Trusts not recognized
(9) No notice of a trust may be entered in the Register.


Marginal note:

Certificates of registry

54 (1) If the Chief Registrar is satisfied that all of the requirements of registration or listing have been met with respect to a vessel, the Chief Registrar must register or list the vessel, as the case may be, in the Register and issue a certificate of registry.
Marginal note:
(2) Every certificate of registry in respect of a vessel must contain the information specified by the Chief Registrar, including

(a) its description;
(b) its official number; and
(c) the name and address of

(i) in the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(b) (a vessel owned by a foreign corporation), the authorized representative,
(ii) in the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), the bare-boat charterer, and
(iii) in any other case, its owner and the authorized representative.

Marginal note:

Period of validity
(3) Every certificate of registry is valid for the period specified by the Chief Registrar.

What is a passenger vessel?

A Vessel With at Least One Person Who Paid to Take a Trip on the Vessel 
A passenger vessel refers to any vessel that transports at least one individual who has paid for the trip. This category encompasses vessels utilized for various activities, including sightseeing tours, water taxis, ferries, and harbor cruises. Essentially, it applies to all vessels earning income from passengers.

If you have passengers, then you have a commercial vessel. 

Use this link to get onto the Canadian boat registry

If you have guests, then you have a pleasure craft. 

Use this link to get a pleasure craft licence
Canadian Boat Registry and Pleasure Craft Licence Help For All Vessel Owners 
Here at the National Vessel Registry Center Corp., we offer a streamlined way to access and complete Canadian vessel registration and licensing forms. Whether your vessel is a pleasure craft or registered under the Large or Small Vessel Register, we make the process as smooth as possible.

From licensing to renewals, ownership transfers, and more, we provide all the tools you need to manage your documentation requirements efficiently. Our site is designed to save you time and simplify every step.

These laws may be relevant to you and your vessel: 

Carrying on board

63 (1) Subject to subsection (3), no person shall operate a vessel in respect of which a certificate of registry or provisional certificate has been issued unless the certificate is on board.
Marginal note:
Delivery of certificate
(2) A person who is in possession of a vessel’s certificate of registry or provisional certificate shall deliver it to the person who is entitled to operate the vessel.
Marginal note:
Delivery of certificate
(3) A person who is in possession of a certificate of registry or a provisional certificate issued under this Part shall deliver it to the Chief Registrar on request.
Marginal note:
Detention of certificate
(4) A certificate of registry or provisional certificate is not subject to detention because of any title to, lien on, charge on or interest in the vessel that is claimed by an owner, a mortgagee, a charterer or an operator of the vessel, or by any other person.

Rights and Obligations

Marginal note:

Right to fly Canadian flag

64 (1) A Canadian vessel has the right to fly the Canadian flag.
Marginal note:
Obligation to fly flag
(2) The master of a Canadian vessel, other than one registered in the small vessel register, shall ensure that it flies the Canadian flag

(a) when signaled to do so by a government vessel or a vessel under the command of the Canadian Forces; or
(b) when entering or leaving, or while moored at or anchored in, a port.

Marginal note:
(3) The Chief Registrar may, on application, suspend the registration of a Canadian vessel in respect of the right to fly the Canadian flag while the vessel is shown on the registry of a foreign state as a bare-boat chartered vessel.


Marginal note:

Mortgage of vessel or share

65 (1) The owner of a vessel registered under this Part other than in the small vessel register, of a share in such a vessel or of a vessel recorded as being built in Canada may give the vessel or share, as the case may be, as security for a mortgage to be registered under this Part.
Marginal note:
Filing of mortgage
(2) A mortgage is to be filed with the Chief Registrar in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Date and time of registration
(3) A mortgage is to be registered in the order in which it is filed, indicating the date and time of registration.

Marginal note:

Entry of discharge of mortgage

66 On receipt of satisfactory evidence that a mortgage has been discharged, the Chief Registrar is to enter the discharge in the Register.

Marginal note:

Priority of mortgages

67 (1) If more than one mortgage is registered in respect of the same vessel or share in a vessel, a mortgage registered before another mortgage has priority over that other mortgage.
Marginal note:
Consent to change in priority
(2) The priority of mortgages may be changed if all of the mortgagees file their written consent with the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Mortgagee not treated as owner

68 A mortgage of a vessel or a share in a vessel does not have the effect of the mortgagee becoming, or the mortgagor ceasing to be, the owner of the vessel, except to the extent necessary to make the vessel or share available as security under the mortgage.

Marginal note:

Mortgagee has power of sale

69 (1) A mortgagee of a vessel or a share in a vessel has the absolute power, subject to any limitation set out in the registered mortgage, to sell the vessel or the share.
Marginal note:
(2) If there is more than one registered mortgage of the same vessel or share, a subsequent mortgagee may not, except under an order of the Federal Court or of a court of competent jurisdiction whose rules provide for in rem procedure in respect of vessels, sell the vessel or share without the agreement of every prior mortgagee.

Marginal note:

Mortgage not affected by bankruptcy

70 The mortgage of a vessel or a share in a vessel is not affected by the bankruptcy of the mortgagor after the date of the registration of the mortgage, and the mortgage is to be preferred to any right, claim or interest in the vessel or share of the other creditors of the bankrupt or any trustee or assignee on their behalf.

Marginal note:

Transfer of mortgages

71 (1) A registered mortgage of a vessel or a share in a vessel may be transferred to any person, in which case the instrument affecting the transfer must be filed in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Entry of particulars
(2) The Chief Registrar is to enter the particulars of the transfer in the Register.

Marginal note:

Transmission of interest of mortgagee

72 (1) If the interest of a mortgagee in a vessel or a share in a vessel is transmitted on death or bankruptcy, or by any lawful means other than by a transfer under section 71, the person to whom the interest is transmitted must file with the Chief Registrar the evidence of the transmission that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
Entry of particulars
(2) The Chief Registrar is to enter the particulars of the transmission in the Register.

Transfers of Vessels or Shares in Vessels

Marginal note:


73 If the ownership of a Canadian vessel or a share in one changes and the vessel is still required or entitled to be registered under this Part,

(a) the owner must provide the Chief Registrar with the evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that the vessel is required or entitled to be so registered; and
(b) the Chief Registrar must amend the Register and the vessel’s certificate of registry to reflect the change.

Marginal note:

Order for sale on acquisition by an unqualified person

74 If an unqualified person acquires a Canadian vessel, other than a vessel described in paragraph 47(b) (a vessel owned by a foreign corporation), a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement) or a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), or a share in one, any interested person may apply to the Federal Court, or any court of competent jurisdiction whose rules provide for in rem procedure in respect of vessels, for an order that the vessel or share, as the case may be, be sold to a qualified person.

Marginal note:

Power of court to prohibit transfer

75 On the application of an interested person, the Federal Court, or any court of competent jurisdiction whose rules provide for in rem procedure in respect of vessels, may make an order prohibiting any dealing with a Canadian vessel or a share in one for a specified period.


Marginal note:

Application for fleet

75.01 (1) An applicant may, instead of applying to have vessels individually registered in the small vessel register, apply to register a group of two or more vessels as a fleet in that register.
Marginal note:
Form and manner
(2) The application must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Further evidence
(3) In addition to the specified information and documents, the Chief Registrar may require an applicant to provide evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that the group of vessels may be registered as a fleet.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Registration — fleet

75.02 (1) The Chief Registrar may register a group of two or more vessels as a fleet if he or she is satisfied that

(a) all of the vessels are owned by the same owner;
(b) each vessel meets the requirements for registration in the small vessel register; and
(c) each vessel meets any other requirement — including with respect to a vessel’s dimensions, usage or propulsion — that the Chief Registrar may establish for the vessels of a fleet.

Marginal note:
Small vessel register
(2) A fleet that is accepted for registration must be registered in the small vessel register.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Certificate of registry

75.03 (1) The Chief Registrar must issue a certificate of registry in respect of a fleet that he or she registers, and the certificate is valid for the period that he or she specifies.
Marginal note:
(2) A certificate of registry in respect of a fleet must contain the information specified by the Chief Registrar, including

(a) a description of the fleet;
(b) the fleet’s official number; and
(c) the name and address of the owner and the authorized representative of the fleet.

Marginal note:
Description — number of vessels
(3) In the fleet’s description, the Chief Registrar must specify either the number of vessels that are to be part of the fleet or the minimum and maximum numbers of vessels that can be part of it.
Marginal note:
Official number
(4) The fleet’s official number is also the official number of each vessel of that fleet.
Marginal note:
Authorized representative of fleet
(5) The authorized representative of a fleet is the authorized representative, as determined under section 14, of the vessels of that fleet and must be the same authorized representative for all of the fleet’s vessels.
(6) [Repealed, 2023, c. 26, s. 367]
Marginal note:
Acts or omissions of authorized representative binding
(7) The owner of a fleet is bound by the acts or omissions of the authorized representative of the fleet with respect to all matters assigned by this Act to that representative.

2011, c. 15, s. 42
2023, c. 26, s. 367

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Refusal to issue, renew or amend certificate

75.031 Despite any other provision of this Act, the Chief Registrar may refuse to issue or renew a certificate of registry in respect of a fleet, or to amend one under paragraph 75.14(b), if the applicant for, or holder of, the certificate is in default of payment of a required fee, charge, cost or expense in respect of that fleet or a vessel of that fleet under this Act or the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act.

2023, c. 26, s. 368

Marginal note:

Addition or removal of vessels

75.04 Subject to subsection 75.1(2), an owner of a fleet may, after the fleet is registered, add a vessel to the fleet or remove a vessel from it. However, any vessel that is to be added must

(a) be owned by the same owner as all of the other vessels of the fleet;
(b) satisfy the conditions set out in paragraphs 75.02(1)(b) and (c); and
(c) fit within the description or particulars set out in the fleet’s certificate of registry.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Vessels registered

75.05 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a vessel that is or becomes part of a fleet is considered to be registered under this Part and, for greater certainty, is a Canadian vessel.
Marginal note:
No longer registered
(2) Unless it becomes part of another fleet, such a vessel ceases to be registered under this Part if

(a) there is a change in its ownership; or
(b) it is altered to the extent that it no longer fits within the description or particulars set out in the fleet’s certificate of registry.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Cancellation of individual registration

75.06 The Chief Registrar may cancel the registration of a Canadian vessel if the vessel becomes part of a fleet.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

What is a small commercial vessel?

A Vessel With a Gross Tonnage of 15 Or Less
A small commercial vessel is defined as any commercial vessel with a gross tonnage of up to 15, operating with a passenger capacity of no more than 100 unberthed passengers or 25 berthed passengers.

What are gross tons in the context of Canada boat documentation?

Gross Tons Measure Volume
Gross tonnage reflects the total internal volume of a vessel, accounting for all enclosed spaces, including cargo holds and other areas. 

In contrast, net tonnage focuses on the commercially useful volume, which excludes spaces like crew quarters, engine rooms, and similar areas. 

Despite what the term might suggest, a gross ton does not refer to weight. Instead, it represents a measure of volume.

Use this link to get onto the small vessel registry

If your vessel is larger than this, you can use this link to apply for the Canada boat documentation
Support for Your Canada Boat Documentation and Licencing Needs 

At the National Vessel Registry Center Corp., we are committed to making Canadian vessel registration and licensing simple and accessible. Whether you have a pleasure craft or a vessel registered under the Large or Small Vessel Register, our platform is here to help.

You can easily acquire, renew, or transfer licenses and more through our efficient services. Whatever your vessel’s documentation needs may be, we provide a reliable and user-friendly solution.

If you have any further questions about gross tonnage or anything else related to Canada documentation/licencing, we’re here to help. 

Review the laws below to ensure compliance with your vessel’s specific circumstances: 

Registration, Listing and Recording


Definition of Minister

41 In this Part, Minister means the Minister of Transport.

Canadian Register of Vessels and Registrars

Marginal note:

Appointment of Chief Registrar

42 An officer, to be known as the Chief Registrar, is to be appointed or deployed under the Public Service Employment Act.

Marginal note:

Duties and powers of Chief Registrar

43 (1) The Chief Registrar is responsible for establishing and maintaining a register to be known as the Canadian Register of Vessels. The Chief Registrar is to divide the Register into parts, including a small vessel register, for the classes of vessels that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
(2) The Register is to contain records of the information and documents specified by the Chief Registrar in respect of a Canadian vessel or a fleet that is registered under this Part, including its description, its official number, the name and address of its owner and, in the case of a vessel that is not registered in the small vessel register, details of all mortgages registered in respect of it.

2001, c. 26, s. 43
2011, c. 15, s. 38

Previous Version

Marginal note:


44 (1) The Chief Registrar may appoint the registrars that the Chief Registrar considers necessary.
Marginal note:
Duties of registrars
(2) A registrar is to perform the duties and fulfill the responsibilities that the Chief Registrar assigns to the registrar.

Marginal note:


45 The Chief Registrar and the registrars are not personally liable for anything they do or omit to do in good faith under this Act.

Registration, Listing and Recording

Marginal note:

Mandatory registration of vessels

46 (1) Unless it is exempted under the regulations, a vessel must be registered under this Part if it

(a) is not a pleasure craft;
(b) is wholly owned by qualified persons; and
(c) is not registered, listed or otherwise recorded in a foreign state.

Marginal note:
Owner’s obligation
(2) Every owner of a vessel that is required by subsection (1) to be registered under this Part shall ensure that it is so registered.
Marginal note:
Mandatory registration — government vessels
(3) Every government vessel must be registered under this Part.

2001, c. 26, s. 46
2011, c. 15, s. 39

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Optional registration

47 Unless they are registered, listed or otherwise recorded in a foreign state, the following vessels may be registered under this Part:

(a) a pleasure craft that is wholly owned by qualified persons;
(a.1) a vessel that is exempted under the regulations from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1) and that is wholly owned by qualified persons;
(b) a vessel that is owned by a corporation incorporated under the laws of a foreign state if one of the following is acting with respect to all matters relating to the vessel, namely,

(i) a subsidiary of the corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province,
(ii) an employee or a director in Canada of a branch office of the corporation that is carrying on business in Canada, or
(iii) a ship management company incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province; and

(c) a vessel that is in the exclusive possession of a qualified person under a financing agreement under which the person will acquire ownership on completion of the agreement.

2001, c. 26, s. 47
2011, c. 15, s. 40

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Bare-boat chartered vessels

48 A vessel that is registered in a foreign state and that is bare-boat chartered exclusively to a qualified person may be listed under this Part as a bare-boat chartered vessel for the duration of the charter if, for the duration of the charter, the registration is suspended in respect of the right to fly the flag of that state.

Marginal note:

Vessels under construction

49 A vessel that is about to be built or that is under construction in Canada may be temporarily recorded in the Register as a vessel being built in Canada.

Marginal note:

Vessels built outside Canada

50 Notwithstanding sections 46 to 48, the Minister may direct the Chief Registrar to refuse to register or list a vessel built outside Canada.


Marginal note:


51 (1) An application for the registration, listing or recording of a vessel must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Further evidence
(2) In addition to the specified information and documents, the Chief Registrar may require an applicant to provide evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that a vessel is required or entitled to be registered or is entitled to be listed or recorded.

Names of Vessels

Marginal note:

Before registration or listing

52 (1) Every vessel, other than one to be registered in the small vessel register, must be named in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar before it is registered or listed.
Marginal note:
Approval of names
(2) The Chief Registrar may, on application, approve the name of a vessel before it is registered or listed and approve a change in the name of a Canadian vessel.
Marginal note:
Disallowance of names
(3) The Chief Registrar must disallow a name if

(a) it is the same as the name of a Canadian vessel;
(b) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be confused with the name of a Canadian vessel or with a distress signal;
(c) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be offensive to members of the public; or
(d) its use is prohibited under an Act of Parliament.

Marginal note:
Requiring renaming
(4) The Minister may order that a Canadian vessel be renamed if the Minister considers that its name would prejudice the international reputation of Canada.

Ownership of Vessels

Marginal note:


53 (1) For the purposes of registration, the property in a vessel is divided into 64 shares.
Marginal note:
Registered owners
(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), only owners or joint owners of a vessel or of one or more shares in a vessel may be registered in the Register as owners of the vessel or shares, as the case may be.
Marginal note:
Registered owners — financing agreements
(3) In the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement), the persons referred to in that paragraph are to be registered in the Register as the owners of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Bare-boat charterers
(4) In the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), no person may be registered in the Register as an owner of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Registration of joint owners
(5) No more than five persons may be registered in the Register as joint owners of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Disposition of registered joint interests
(6) A registered jointly owned interest in a vessel or a share in a vessel may be disposed of only by the joint owners acting together.
Marginal note:
Registration of fractions prohibited
(7) No person may be registered as the owner of a fractional part of a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
No effect on beneficial owners
(8) This section does not affect the beneficial interests of a person represented by or claiming through an owner of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Trusts not recognized
(9) No notice of a trust may be entered in the Register.


Marginal note:

Certificates of registry

54 (1) If the Chief Registrar is satisfied that all of the requirements of registration or listing have been met with respect to a vessel, the Chief Registrar must register or list the vessel, as the case may be, in the Register and issue a certificate of registry.
Marginal note:
(2) Every certificate of registry in respect of a vessel must contain the information specified by the Chief Registrar, including

(a) its description;
(b) its official number; and
(c) the name and address of

(i) in the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(b) (a vessel owned by a foreign corporation), the authorized representative,
(ii) in the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), the bare-boat charterer, and
(iii) in any other case, its owner and the authorized representative.

Marginal note:
Period of validity
(3) Every certificate of registry is valid for the period specified by the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Provisional certificates

55 (1) The Chief Registrar may, on application, issue a provisional certificate in respect of a vessel that is required or entitled to be registered under this Part if

(a) the vessel is in a foreign port and a person intends to register it under this Part; or
(b) the vessel is in a port in Canada and the Chief Registrar is satisfied that permission to operate the vessel should be granted before a certificate of registry can be issued.

Marginal note:
(2) The Chief Registrar may, on application, issue a provisional certificate in respect of a vessel that is not required or entitled to be registered under this Part if the Chief Registrar is satisfied that the vessel needs to undergo sea trials.
Marginal note:
(3) A provisional certificate is valid for the purpose and the period specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
(4) An application for a provisional certificate must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Lost certificates

56 If a certificate of registry or provisional certificate is mislaid, lost or destroyed, the Chief Registrar must issue a replacement certificate of registry or provisional certificate, as the case may be, on application made by the authorized representative or owner in the form and manner and including the information and accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.

2001, c. 26, s. 56
2023, c. 26, s. 366

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Refusal to issue, renew or amend certificate

56.1 Despite any other provision of this Act, the Chief Registrar may refuse to issue, in respect of a vessel, a certificate of registry, a provisional certificate or a replacement certificate of registry or provisional certificate, or to renew a certificate of registry or to amend one under paragraph 73(b), if the applicant for, or holder of, the certificate is in default of payment of a required fee, charge, cost or expense under this Act or the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act in respect of that vessel.

2023, c. 26, s. 366


Marginal note:


57 (1) The authorized representative of a Canadian vessel shall, in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar, mark the vessel with its official number and any other information that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
Validity of certificate of registry
(2) A vessel’s certificate of registry is not valid until the vessel has been marked in accordance with subsection (1).
Marginal note:
Maintenance of markings
(3) The authorized representative shall ensure that the vessel is kept marked.
Marginal note:
Defacing, etc., markings
(4) No person shall wilfully deface, alter, conceal or remove the markings of a Canadian vessel.

Notifying Chief Registrar

I Have a Pleasure Craft But a Friend Paid for Gas. Do I Have to Register My Vessel?

No, You Can Keep Your Pleasure Craft Licence 
A pleasure craft is one that is used for recreation, just for fun. You aren’t using it in a commercial capacity, this was simply someone helping. 

That said, if your vessel meets the standards (15 gross tonnes or more and an engine larger than 7.5 kW) you could choose to register your vessel. You could also do so should you decide to use your vessel in a commercial capacity. 

Additionally, you could register your vessel if you plan to take it outside of Canada, want a reserved name, or wish to apply for a mortgage. 

Use this link to apply for a pleasure craft licence

Use this one to register a boat in Canada
Laws Regarding a Pleasure Craft Licence and More in Canada 
Here at the National Vessel Registry Center Corp., we have helped vessel owners from all walks of life to both register vessels as well as to acquire pleasure craft licencing. Beyond that, we have the documentation for when you wish to sell a licenced or registered vessel, wish to know more about a vessel, and other forms. 

The following laws may pertain to your situation. 

Optional registration

47 Unless they are registered, listed or otherwise recorded in a foreign state, the following vessels may be registered under this Part:

(a) a pleasure craft that is wholly owned by qualified persons;
(a.1) a vessel that is exempted under the regulations from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1) and that is wholly owned by qualified persons;
(b) a vessel that is owned by a corporation incorporated under the laws of a foreign state if one of the following is acting with respect to all matters relating to the vessel, namely,

(i) a subsidiary of the corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province,
(ii) an employee or a director in Canada of a branch office of the corporation that is carrying on business in Canada, or
(iii) a ship management company incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province; and

(c) a vessel that is in the exclusive possession of a qualified person under a financing agreement under which the person will acquire ownership on completion of the agreement.

2001, c. 26, s. 47
2011, c. 15, s. 40

 Marginal note:

Bare-boat chartered vessels

48 A vessel that is registered in a foreign state and that is bare-boat chartered exclusively to a qualified person may be listed under this Part as a bare-boat chartered vessel for the duration of the charter if, for the duration of the charter, the registration is suspended in respect of the right to fly the flag of that state.

Marginal note:

Vessels under construction

49 A vessel that is about to be built or that is under construction in Canada may be temporarily recorded in the Register as a vessel being built in Canada.

Marginal note:

Vessels built outside Canada

50 Notwithstanding sections 46 to 48, the Minister may direct the Chief Registrar to refuse to register or list a vessel built outside Canada.


Marginal note:


51 (1) An application for the registration, listing or recording of a vessel must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Further evidence
(2) In addition to the specified information and documents, the Chief Registrar may require an applicant to provide evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that a vessel is required or entitled to be registered or is entitled to be listed or recorded.

Names of Vessels

Marginal note:

Before registration or listing

52 (1) Every vessel, other than one to be registered in the small vessel register, must be named in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar before it is registered or listed.
Marginal note:
Approval of names
(2) The Chief Registrar may, on application, approve the name of a vessel before it is registered or listed and approve a change in the name of a Canadian vessel.
Marginal note:
Disallowance of names
(3) The Chief Registrar must disallow a name if

(a) it is the same as the name of a Canadian vessel;
(b) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be confused with the name of a Canadian vessel or with a distress signal;
(c) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be offensive to members of the public; or
(d) its use is prohibited under an Act of Parliament.

Marginal note:
Requiring renaming
(4) The Minister may order that a Canadian vessel be renamed if the Minister considers that its name would prejudice the international reputation of Canada.

Ownership of Vessels

Marginal note:


53 (1) For the purposes of registration, the property in a vessel is divided into 64 shares.
Marginal note:
Registered owners
(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), only owners or joint owners of a vessel or of one or more shares in a vessel may be registered in the Register as owners of the vessel or shares, as the case may be.
Marginal note:
Registered owners — financing agreements
(3) In the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement), the persons referred to in that paragraph are to be registered in the Register as the owners of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Bare-boat charterers
(4) In the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), no person may be registered in the Register as an owner of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Registration of joint owners
(5) No more than five persons may be registered in the Register as joint owners of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Disposition of registered joint interests
(6) A registered jointly owned interest in a vessel or a share in a vessel may be disposed of only by the joint owners acting together.
Marginal note:
Registration of fractions prohibited
(7) No person may be registered as the owner of a fractional part of a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
No effect on beneficial owners
(8) This section does not affect the beneficial interests of a person represented by or claiming through an owner of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Trusts not recognized
(9) No notice of a trust may be entered in the Register.


Marginal note:

Certificates of registry

54 (1) If the Chief Registrar is satisfied that all of the requirements of registration or listing have been met with respect to a vessel, the Chief Registrar must register or list the vessel, as the case may be, in the Register and issue a certificate of registry.
Marginal note:
(2) Every certificate of registry in respect of a vessel must contain the information specified by the Chief Registrar, including

(a) its description;
(b) its official number; and
(c) the name and address of

(i) in the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(b) (a vessel owned by a foreign corporation), the authorized representative,
(ii) in the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), the bare-boat charterer, and
(iii) in any other case, its owner and the authorized representative.

Marginal note:
Period of validity
(3) Every certificate of registry is valid for the period specified by the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Provisional certificates

55 (1) The Chief Registrar may, on application, issue a provisional certificate in respect of a vessel that is required or entitled to be registered under this Part if

(a) the vessel is in a foreign port and a person intends to register it under this Part; or
(b) the vessel is in a port in Canada and the Chief Registrar is satisfied that permission to operate the vessel should be granted before a certificate of registry can be issued.

Marginal note:
(2) The Chief Registrar may, on application, issue a provisional certificate in respect of a vessel that is not required or entitled to be registered under this Part if the Chief Registrar is satisfied that the vessel needs to undergo sea trials.
Marginal note:
(3) A provisional certificate is valid for the purpose and the period specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
(4) An application for a provisional certificate must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Lost certificates

56 If a certificate of registry or provisional certificate is mislaid, lost or destroyed, the Chief Registrar must issue a replacement certificate of registry or provisional certificate, as the case may be, on application made by the authorized representative or owner in the form and manner and including the information and accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.

2001, c. 26, s. 56
2023, c. 26, s. 366


Marginal note:

Refusal to issue, renew or amend certificate

56.1 Despite any other provision of this Act, the Chief Registrar may refuse to issue, in respect of a vessel, a certificate of registry, a provisional certificate or a replacement certificate of registry or provisional certificate, or to renew a certificate of registry or to amend one under paragraph 73(b), if the applicant for, or holder of, the certificate is in default of payment of a required fee, charge, cost or expense under this Act or the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act in respect of that vessel.

2023, c. 26, s. 366


Marginal note:


57 (1) The authorized representative of a Canadian vessel shall, in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar, mark the vessel with its official number and any other information that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
Validity of certificate of registry
(2) A vessel’s certificate of registry is not valid until the vessel has been marked in accordance with subsection (1).
Marginal note:
Maintenance of markings
(3) The authorized representative shall ensure that the vessel is kept marked.
Marginal note:
Defacing, etc., markings
(4) No person shall wilfully deface, alter, conceal or remove the markings of a Canadian vessel.

Notifying Chief Registrar

Marginal note:

Notification of changes

58 (1) The authorized representative of a Canadian vessel shall notify the Chief Registrar within 30 days after any of the following occurs:

(a) the vessel is lost, wrecked or removed from service;
(b) there has been a change in the owner’s, the authorized representative’s or a registered mortgagee’s name or address;
(c) the information provided with the application under section 51 has changed; or
(d) in the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel),

(i) the right to fly the flag of the foreign state is reinstated, or
(ii) the charterer ceases to have complete control and possession of the vessel.

Marginal note:
Notification of alterations
(2) If a Canadian vessel is altered to the extent that it no longer corresponds with its description or particulars set out on the certificate of registry, the authorized representative shall, within 30 days after the alteration, notify the Chief Registrar and provide the Chief Registrar with the relevant information and documents.
Marginal note:
Notification of changes
(3) If for any reason a Canadian vessel does not have an authorized representative, its owner shall

(a) notify the Chief Registrar of that fact as soon as possible in the circumstances; and
(b) notify the Chief Registrar within 30 days after any event referred to in subsection (1) or (2) occurs.

Marginal note:
Notification of completion of construction
(4) Within 30 days after completion of the construction of a vessel that is recorded as being built in Canada, the person in whose name the vessel is recorded shall notify the Chief Registrar of that fact and of the name and address of its owner.

2001, c. 26, s. 58
2011, c. 15, s. 41(F)


Maintenance of Register

Marginal note:


59 The Chief Registrar may amend the Register or a certificate of registry to give effect to changes of which the Chief Registrar has been notified under section 58 or to correct any clerical errors or obvious mistakes.

Suspension, Cancellation and Reinstatement of Registration

Marginal note:

Suspension and cancellation

60 (1) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar may suspend or cancel the registration or listing of a Canadian vessel if

(a) it is not marked in accordance with subsection 57(1);
(b) its certificate of registry has expired;
(c) it does not have an authorized representative; or
(d) section 58 has not been complied with.

Marginal note:
(2) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar must cancel the registration or listing of a Canadian vessel if

(a) it has been lost, wrecked or removed from service;
(b) it is no longer required or entitled to be registered or entitled to be listed under this Part; or
(c) in the case of a registered vessel, a tonnage certificate provided by a tonnage measurer indicates that the vessel should be re-registered.

Marginal note:
Notice before cancellation
(3) If a Canadian vessel is not required or entitled to be registered under this Part after its ownership changes, the Chief Registrar must, before canceling its registration under paragraph (2)(b), give the owners and registered mortgagees

(a) notice of the change in ownership; and
(b) an opportunity that, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, is sufficient to transfer the vessel or shares in the vessel to a qualified person or to make an application under section 74.

Marginal note:
Cancellation of registration
(4) Except in the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement), the Chief Registrar must cancel the registration of a vessel if a person who acquires the vessel or a share in it does not, within the prescribed period, provide evidence that satisfies the Chief Registrar that the vessel is required or entitled to be registered under this Part.

How Can I Learn More About a Vessel From Before 1904?

Through Library and Archives Canada’s Ship Registration Index Database 
This free database includes information about vessels that were registered between the years of 1787 and 1966. 

At our site, you can apply for historical research about a vessel. This can include information about any vessel from the years of 1904 to the modern day. 

The search through our site can include more information about vessels from the years of 1904 and 1966 than that free search can contain. 

Use this link to apply for transcripts and historical research

Use this link for the Library and Archives Canada’s Ship Registration Index Database
Boat Registration Laws in Canada and More 
At the National Vessel Registry Center Corp., we support vessel owners from all walks of life in obtaining vessel registration and pleasure craft licensing. We also offer the necessary documentation for selling licensed or registered vessels, learning more about vessel information, and a range of other forms.

The laws listed below may be applicable to you:

Vessel Registration and Tonnage Regulations

P.C. 2007-924 2007-06-07

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, pursuant to paragraphs 35(1)(d) and (f)


a and section 77 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001


b, hereby makes the annexed Vessel Registration and Tonnage Regulations.

Return to footnote


1 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.

1969 Convention means the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969, as amended from time to time. (Convention de 1969)

Act means the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. (Loi)

International Tonnage Certificate (1969) means

(a) for a Canadian vessel, a certificate issued under subsection 8(5) or section 12 or 13; and
(b) for a foreign vessel, a certificate issued under Article 7 or 8 of the 1969 Convention or paragraph 15(2)(b). (certificat international de jaugeage (1969))


(a) in respect of a vessel referred to in Part 1, means the distance measured parallel to the waterline from the forward end of the foremost outside surface of the hull shell to the aft end of the aftermost outside surface of the hull shell; and
(b) in respect of a vessel referred to in Part 2, means 96% of the total length on a waterline at 85% of the least moulded depth measured from the top of the keel, or the length from the fore side of the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline, if that is greater, except that, in vessels designed with a rake of keel, the waterline on which the length is measured shall be parallel to the designed waterline. (longueur)

Minister means the Minister of Transport. (ministre)

power, in respect of an engine, means the power, in kilowatts, that the manufacturer declares has been determined in accordance with the version of International Standard ISO 8665, Small Craft — Marine Propulsion Engines and Systems — Power Measurements and Declarations, that is in effect when the engine is manufactured. (puissance)

TP 13430 means the Standard for the Tonnage Measurement of Vessels, published by the Department of Transport, as amended from time to time. (TP 13430)

SOR/2015-99, s. 2



Exempted Classes of Vessels

1.1 (1) The following classes of vessels are exempted from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1) of the Act:

(a) vessels that are equipped with one or more primary propulsion engines whose aggregate power is less than 7.5 kW;
(b) vessels that are 8.5 m or less in length and that are propelled by sail alone;
(c) human-powered vessels, other than vessels in respect of which the Special-purpose Vessels Regulations apply; and
(d) vessels that are operated by a recreational boating school for training and that

(i) are not required to hold a safety certificate under section 12 of the Vessel Safety Certificates Regulations, and
(ii) were licensed under section 202 of the Act immediately before being operated by the recreational boating school for training.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of vessels that carry more than 12 passengers.

SOR/2015-99, s. 3
SOR/2021-135, s. 35

 Authorization of the Minister to Exempt

1.2 The Minister may, by order, exempt vessels or classes of vessels from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1) of the Act for one year, on any terms and conditions that he or she considers appropriate, if he or she is of the opinion that the exemption is not likely to adversely affect marine safety, and he or she may amend or revoke the exemption.

SOR/2015-99, s. 3

Excluded Government Vessels

1.3 (1) Subsection 46(3) of the Act does not apply in respect of government vessels that

(a) are equipped with one or more primary propulsion engines whose aggregate power is less than 7.5 kW; or
(b) are 8.5 m or less in length and are propelled by sail alone.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of vessels that carry more than 12 passengers.

SOR/2015-99, s. 3

Notifying Chief Registrar

2 A notification required under section 58 of the Act shall be in writing.

Notice of Change in Ownership

3 (1) The Chief Registrar shall, under paragraph 60(3)(a) of the Act, give notice of a change in ownership of a Canadian vessel to the owners and registered mortgagees not less than 30 days before cancelling its registration under paragraph 60(2)(b) of the Act.
(2) Notice may be given to an individual

(a) personally, by leaving a copy of it

(i) with the individual, or
(ii) if the individual cannot conveniently be found, with someone who appears to be an adult member of the same household at the last known address or usual place of residence of the individual; or

(b) by sending a copy of it by ordinary mail, courier, fax or other electronic means to the last known address or usual place of residence of the individual.

(3) Notice may be served on a corporation by

(a) sending a copy of it by fax, ordinary mail or courier to the head office or place of business of the corporation or to the corporation’s agent;
(b) leaving a copy of it at the corporation’s head office or place of business with an officer or other individual who appears to be in control of or to manage the head office or place of business or with the corporation’s agent; or
(c) sending a copy of it by electronic means other than fax to an individual referred to in paragraph (b).

(4) Notice that is given by ordinary mail under paragraph (2)(b) or (3)(a) is deemed to be given on the fourth day after the day on which it was mailed.

Prescribed Period for Subsection 60(4) of the Act

4 For the purposes of subsection 60(4) of the Act, the prescribed period within which a person who acquires a vessel or a share in a vessel shall provide evidence that satisfies the Chief Registrar that the vessel is required or entitled to be registered under Part 2 of the Act is 30 days after the day on which the person acquires the vessel or the share.

Evidence that a Vessel Is No Longer Registered in a Foreign State

5 The owner of a vessel previously registered in a foreign state but no longer registered in that state shall provide evidence in the form of an original or true copy of a written document, such as a deletion certificate or an abstract or transcript of registry, that establishes that the vessel is no longer registered in that state and that the foreign register records the vessel as being free and clear of all encumbrances.



6 [Repealed, SOR/2015-99, s. 4]

 International Tonnage Certificates (1969)

7 Every Canadian vessel that navigates in any waters and is subject to the 1969 Convention shall hold and keep on board an International Tonnage Certificate (1969).

8 (1) An International Tonnage Certificate (1969) held by a vessel that is transferred from the register of a state that is party to the 1969 Convention to the Register remains valid until the earlier of

(a) the day on which a period of three months after the day on which the vessel is registered in Canada expires, and
(b) the day on which the Minister issues a new International Tonnage Certificate (1969) to the vessel.

(2) An International Tonnage Certificate (1969) held by a Canadian vessel ceases to be valid and shall be cancelled if an alteration resulting in an increase in the tonnage of the vessel, calculated in accordance with this Part, is made in

(a) the arrangement, construction, capacity or use of its spaces;
(b) the total number of passengers that it is permitted to carry, as indicated in its Passenger Ship Safety Certificate issued under section 7 of the Vessel Safety Certificates Regulations; or
(c) its assigned load line or permitted draught.

(3) An International Tonnage Certificate (1969) held by a Canadian vessel remains valid and shall not be cancelled, and a new certificate shall not be issued before 12 months after the day on which the current certificate is issued, if a decrease in the net tonnage of the vessel, calculated in accordance with this Part, results from an alteration in

(a) the arrangement, construction, capacity or use of its spaces;
(b) the total number of passengers that it is permitted to carry, as indicated in its Passenger Ship Safety Certificate issued under section 7 of the Vessel Safety Certificates Regulations; or
(c) the trade in which the vessel is engaged, if the alteration changes its assigned load line.

(4) Subsection (3) does not apply in respect of a vessel that

(a) is transferred to the flag of another state;
(b) undergoes substantial alterations, such as the removal of a superstructure, that require a change of its assigned load line; or
(c) is a passenger vessel that is engaged in the carriage of large numbers of unberthed passengers in a special trade such as the pilgrim trade.

(5) If an International Tonnage Certificate (1969) held by a Canadian vessel is cancelled because of a change in tonnage resulting from an alteration referred to in subsection (2) or (3), the tonnage corresponding to the new characteristics of the vessel shall be calculated in accordance with this Part and, subject to subsection (3), the Minister shall issue a new International Tonnage Certificate (1969) to the vessel in the form set out in Annex II of the 1969 Convention.

SOR/2021-135, s. 36

 Calculating Changes in Tonnage

9 If a Canadian vessel is altered in such a way that the tonnage set out on its certificate of registry may have changed, the vessel’s authorized representative shall ensure that any change in tonnage is calculated in accordance with the method that was used for calculating the tonnage set out on the certificate of registry.


Vessels 24 M in Length or More, Except Foreign Vessels


10 This Division applies in respect of the following vessels if they are 24 m in length or more:

(a) a vessel in respect of which an application for the initial registration or listing under Part 2 of the Act has been made;
(b) a Canadian vessel that is altered in such a way that the tonnage set out on its certificate of registry is changed by more than 1% when tonnage is calculated in accordance with the method that was used for calculating the tonnage set out on the certificate of registry;
(c) a vessel in respect of which an application for the registration or listing under Part 2 of the Act has been made if the vessel had been registered or listed in Canada but no longer is when the application is made; and
(d) a Canadian vessel whose tonnage was calculated before October 17, 1994 and that engages on international voyages on or after that date.

Calculation of Tonnage

11 (1) An applicant for the registration of a vessel and the authorized representative of a Canadian vessel shall ensure that the vessel’s tonnage is calculated in accordance with

(a) Part 2 of TP 13430;
(b) directions of the Minister that adapt a calculation method set out in Part 2 of TP 13430 to that vessel, if the vessel has such novel construction features as to render its tonnage incalculable in accordance with Part 2 of TP 13430; or
(c) Annex I to the 1969 Convention.

(2) An applicant for the listing of a vessel shall ensure that its tonnage is calculated in accordance with the method that was used to calculate its tonnage in the foreign state where the vessel’s registration is suspended in respect of the right to fly the flag of that state.


12 On application by the authorized representative of a Canadian vessel that is subject to the 1969 Convention and whose tonnage is calculated in accordance with section 11, the Minister shall issue an International Tonnage Certificate (1969) to the vessel in the form set out in Annex II of the 1969 Convention.

13 If a Canadian vessel is subject to the 1969 Convention, the Minister may request a state that is party to the 1969 Convention to calculate the vessel’s tonnage in accordance with Annex I of the 1969 Convention and to issue an International Tonnage Certificate (1969) to the vessel in the form set out in Annex II of the 1969 Convention.

What Information Do I Need to Apply for Historical Research of a Vessel?

The Vessel’s Official Number 
With the vessel’s official number, you can find out more about a vessel. 

Specifically, through our site, you can apply for Historical Research into a given vessel. 

Vessels listed in the Large Vessel Register are identified by a six-digit registration number, preceded by "O.N.," which is marked on an easily visible internal structural section of the hull.

In contrast, vessels in the Small Vessel Register feature a registration number beginning with "C" (e.g., C12345BC) displayed on each side of the bow.

If the vessel was registered any time after the year 1984, the information will be pulled from the Ship Registration Computer System. If it was registered between the years of 1904 and 1984, the information will be pulled from microfilm and potentially other sources.

Use this following link to apply for transcript and historical research
Laws Boat Documentation, Transcript and Historical Research 
Whether you’re new to boating or an experienced vessel owner, the National Vessel Registry Center Corp. provides services for vessel registration and pleasure craft licensing. We also supply documentation for selling vessels, researching vessel details, and handling additional paperwork needs.

These laws might relate to you:


Foreign Vessels 24 M in Length or More


14 This Division applies in respect of every foreign vessel in Canadian waters that is 24 m in length or more and is entitled to fly the flag of a state that is party to the 1969 Convention.

Calculation of Tonnage

15 (1) At the request of a state that is party to the 1969 Convention, the Minister may authorize a tonnage measurer to calculate, in accordance with Annex I of the 1969 Convention, the tonnage of a foreign vessel that flies the flag of that state.
(2) After the tonnage of a vessel is calculated in accordance with subsection (1), the Minister shall

(a) forward to the state a copy of the calculations of the tonnage; and
(b) issue an International Tonnage Certificate (1969) to the vessel in the form set out in Annex II of the 1969 Convention, if requested to do so by the state, and forward a copy of the certificate to the state.


Vessels Less than 24 M in Length, Except Foreign Vessels


16 This Division applies in respect of the following vessels if they are less than 24 m in length:

(a) a vessel in respect of which an application for the initial registration or listing under Part 2 of the Act has been made;
(b) a Canadian vessel that is altered in such a way that the tonnage set out on its certificate of registry is changed by more than 5% when tonnage is calculated in accordance with the method that was used for calculating the tonnage set out on the certificate of registry; and
(c) a vessel in respect of which an application for the registration or listing under Part 2 of the Act has been made if the vessel had been registered or listed in Canada but no longer is when the application is made.

Calculation of Tonnage

17 (1) An applicant for the registration of a vessel and the authorized representative of a Canadian vessel shall ensure that the vessel’s tonnage is calculated in accordance with

(a) Part 3 of TP 13430; or
(b) directions of the Minister that adapt a calculation method set out in Part 3 of TP 13430 to that vessel, if the vessel has such novel construction features as to render its tonnage incalculable in accordance with Part 3 of TP 13430.

(2) An applicant for the listing of a vessel shall ensure that its tonnage is calculated in accordance with the method that was used to calculate its tonnage in the foreign state where the vessel’s registration is suspended in respect of the right to fly the flag of that state.


18 (1) Despite section 17, an applicant for the registration of a vessel or the authorized representative of a Canadian vessel may elect to have the vessel’s tonnage calculated in accordance with subsection 11(1).
(2) Any election made under subsection (1) is binding on the applicant or authorized representative.
(3) This section does not apply in respect of pleasure craft.


Exempted Canadian Vessels


19 This Division applies in respect of Canadian vessels that are exempted under section 1.1 or 1.2 from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1) of the Act and that are not registered.

SOR/2015-99, s. 5


Calculation of Tonnage

20 If it is necessary to determine the tonnage of a Canadian vessel for the purposes of any regulations made under the Act, the vessel’s authorized representative shall ensure that its tonnage is calculated in accordance with

(a) Division 1, if the vessel is 24 m in length or more; or
(b) Division 3, if the vessel is less than 24 m in length.

SOR/2015-99, s. 5



Variation of the Act in Respect of Certain Government Vessels

Definition of Canadian Vessel

21 The definition Canadian vessel in section 2 of the Act is varied as follows:

Canadian vessel means

(a) a vessel that is registered or listed under Part 2 (Registration, Listing and Recording) or that is exempted under the regulations from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1); or
(b) a government vessel to which subsection 46(3) of the Act does not apply under section 1.3 of the Vessel Registration and Tonnage Regulations. (bâtiment Maintenance of Register

Marginal note:


59 The Chief Registrar may amend the Register or a certificate of registry to give effect to changes of which the Chief Registrar has been notified under section 58 or to correct any clerical errors or obvious mistakes.

Suspension, Cancellation and Reinstatement of Registration

Marginal note:

Suspension and cancellation

60 (1) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar may suspend or cancel the registration or listing of a Canadian vessel if

(a) it is not marked in accordance with subsection 57(1);
(b) its certificate of registry has expired;
(c) it does not have an authorized representative; or
(d) section 58 has not been complied with.

Marginal note:
(2) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar must cancel the registration or listing of a Canadian vessel if

(a) it has been lost, wrecked or removed from service;
(b) it is no longer required or entitled to be registered or entitled to be listed under this Part; or
(c) in the case of a registered vessel, a tonnage certificate provided by a tonnage measurer indicates that the vessel should be re-registered.

Marginal note:
Notice before cancellation
(3) If a Canadian vessel is not required or entitled to be registered under this Part after its ownership changes, the Chief Registrar must, before canceling its registration under paragraph (2)(b), give the owners and registered mortgagees

(a) notice of the change in ownership; and
(b) an opportunity that, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, is sufficient to transfer the vessel or shares in the vessel to a qualified person or to make an application under section 74.

Marginal note:
Cancellation of registration
(4) Except in the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement), the Chief Registrar must cancel the registration of a vessel if a person who acquires the vessel or a share in it does not, within the prescribed period, provide evidence that satisfies the Chief Registrar that the vessel is required or entitled to be registered under this Part.

Marginal note:

Registration of mortgages not affected

61 The cancellation of the registration of a vessel does not affect the registration of mortgages in respect of the vessel.

Marginal note:


62 The Chief Registrar may reinstate the registration or listing of a vessel if, in the Chief Registrar’s opinion, the registration or listing of the vessel should not have been canceled.

Custody of Certificates of Registry and Provisional Certificates

Marginal note:

Carrying on board

63 (1) Subject to subsection (3), no person shall operate a vessel in respect of which a certificate of registry or provisional certificate has been issued unless the certificate is on board.
Marginal note:
Delivery of certificate
(2) A person who is in possession of a vessel’s certificate of registry or provisional certificate shall deliver it to the person who is entitled to operate the vessel.
Marginal note:
Delivery of certificate
(3) A person who is in possession of a certificate of registry or a provisional certificate issued under this Part shall deliver it to the Chief Registrar on request.
Marginal note:
Detention of certificate
(4) A certificate of registry or provisional certificate is not subject to detention because of any title to, lien on, charge on or interest in the vessel that is claimed by an owner, a mortgagee, a charterer or an operator of the vessel, or by any other person.

Rights and Obligations

Marginal note:

Right to fly Canadian flag

64 (1) A Canadian vessel has the right to fly the Canadian flag.
Marginal note:
Obligation to fly flag
(2) The master of a Canadian vessel, other than one registered in the small vessel register, shall ensure that it flies the Canadian flag

(a) when signaled to do so by a government vessel or a vessel under the command of the Canadian Forces; or
(b) when entering or leaving, or while moored at or anchored in, a port.

Marginal note:
(3) The Chief Registrar may, on application, suspend the registration of a Canadian vessel in respect of the right to fly the Canadian flag while the vessel is shown on the registry of a foreign state as a bare-boat chartered vessel.


Marginal note:

Mortgage of vessel or share

65 (1) The owner of a vessel registered under this Part other than in the small vessel register, of a share in such a vessel or of a vessel recorded as being built in Canada may give the vessel or share, as the case may be, as security for a mortgage to be registered under this Part.
Marginal note:
Filing of mortgage
(2) A mortgage is to be filed with the Chief Registrar in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Date and time of registration
(3) A mortgage is to be registered in the order in which it is filed, indicating the date and time of registration.

Marginal note:

Entry of discharge of mortgage

66 On receipt of satisfactory evidence that a mortgage has been discharged, the Chief Registrar is to enter the discharge in the Register.

Marginal note:

Priority of mortgages

67 (1) If more than one mortgage is registered in respect of the same vessel or share in a vessel, a mortgage registered before another mortgage has priority over that other mortgage.
Marginal note:
Consent to change in priority
(2) The priority of mortgages may be changed if all of the mortgagees file their written consent with the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Mortgagee not treated as owner

68 A mortgage of a vessel or a share in a vessel does not have the effect of the mortgagee becoming, or the mortgagor ceasing to be, the owner of the vessel, except to the extent necessary to make the vessel or share available as security under the mortgage.

Marginal note:

Mortgagee has power of sale

69 (1) A mortgagee of a vessel or a share in a vessel has the absolute power, subject to any limitation set out in the registered mortgage, to sell the vessel or the share.
Marginal note:
(2) If there is more than one registered mortgage of the same vessel or share, a subsequent mortgagee may not, except under an order of the Federal Court or of a court of competent jurisdiction whose rules provide for in rem procedure in respect of vessels, sell the vessel or share without the agreement of every prior mortgagee.

Marginal note:

Mortgage not affected by bankruptcy

70 The mortgage of a vessel or a share in a vessel is not affected by the bankruptcy of the mortgagor after the date of the registration of the mortgage, and the mortgage is to be preferred to any right, claim or interest in the vessel or share of the other creditors of the bankrupt or any trustee or assignee on their behalf.

Marginal note:

Transfer of mortgages

71 (1) A registered mortgage of a vessel or a share in a vessel may be transferred to any person, in which case the instrument affecting the transfer must be filed in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Entry of particulars
(2) The Chief Registrar is to enter the particulars of the transfer in the Register.

Marginal note:

Transmission of interest of mortgagee

72 (1) If the interest of a mortgagee in a vessel or a share in a vessel is transmitted on death or bankruptcy, or by any lawful means other than by a transfer under section 71, the person to whom the interest is transmitted must file with the Chief Registrar the evidence of the transmission that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
Entry of particulars
(2) The Chief Registrar is to enter the particulars of the transmission in the Register.

Transfers of Vessels or Shares in Vessels

Marginal note:


73 If the ownership of a Canadian vessel or a share in one changes and the vessel is still required or entitled to be registered under this Part,

(a) the owner must provide the Chief Registrar with the evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that the vessel is required or entitled to be so registered; and
(b) the Chief Registrar must amend the Register and the vessel’s certificate of registry to reflect the change.


How Do I Know if My Vessel Belongs on the Small Vessel Register? 

The Small Vessel Register is For Commercial Vessels With a Gross Tonnage <15 

Your vessel belongs on the small vessel register if it has a gross tonnage under 15 and an engine that is 7.5 kW (which is 10 horsepower) or more. 


Additionally, your vessel belongs on the Small Vessel Register if it is a commercial river raft or a barge with a gross tonnage that measures 15 or less. 

Are There Exceptions? 

Yes. If you want to register a mortgage or name your vessel, regardless of size, then you need to register it on the Large (regular) vessel register. 


Use this link to apply for the Small Vessel Register


Use this link to apply for the Large Vessel Register

Information About the Small Vessel Register and More 

Below contains plenty of information about the Small Vessel Register and more Canadian vessel documentation issues. If you have further questions, reach out. 


Registration, Listing and Recording


Definition of Minister

41 In this Part, Minister means the Minister of Transport.

Canadian Register of Vessels and Registrars

Marginal note:

Appointment of Chief Registrar

42 An officer, to be known as the Chief Registrar, is to be appointed or deployed under the Public Service Employment Act.

Marginal note:

Duties and powers of Chief Registrar

43 (1) The Chief Registrar is responsible for establishing and maintaining a register to be known as the Canadian Register of Vessels. The Chief Registrar is to divide the Register into parts, including a small vessel register, for the classes of vessels that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
(2) The Register is to contain records of the information and documents specified by the Chief Registrar in respect of a Canadian vessel or a fleet that is registered under this Part, including its description, its official number, the name and address of its owner and, in the case of a vessel that is not registered in the small vessel register, details of all mortgages registered in respect of it.

2001, c. 26, s. 43
2011, c. 15, s. 38

Previous Version

Marginal note:


44 (1) The Chief Registrar may appoint the registrars that the Chief Registrar considers necessary.
Marginal note:
Duties of registrars
(2) A registrar is to perform the duties and fulfill the responsibilities that the Chief Registrar assigns to the registrar.

Marginal note:


45 The Chief Registrar and the registrars are not personally liable for anything they do or omit to do in good faith under this Act.

Registration, Listing and Recording

Marginal note:

Mandatory registration of vessels

46 (1) Unless it is exempted under the regulations, a vessel must be registered under this Part if it

(a) is not a pleasure craft;
(b) is wholly owned by qualified persons; and
(c) is not registered, listed or otherwise recorded in a foreign state.

Marginal note:
Owner’s obligation
(2) Every owner of a vessel that is required by subsection (1) to be registered under this Part shall ensure that it is so registered.
Marginal note:
Mandatory registration — government vessels
(3) Every government vessel must be registered under this Part.

2001, c. 26, s. 46
2011, c. 15, s. 39

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Optional registration

47 Unless they are registered, listed or otherwise recorded in a foreign state, the following vessels may be registered under this Part:

(a) a pleasure craft that is wholly owned by qualified persons;
(a.1) a vessel that is exempted under the regulations from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1) and that is wholly owned by qualified persons;
(b) a vessel that is owned by a corporation incorporated under the laws of a foreign state if one of the following is acting with respect to all matters relating to the vessel, namely,

(i) a subsidiary of the corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province,
(ii) an employee or a director in Canada of a branch office of the corporation that is carrying on business in Canada, or
(iii) a ship management company incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province; and

(c) a vessel that is in the exclusive possession of a qualified person under a financing agreement under which the person will acquire ownership on completion of the agreement.

2001, c. 26, s. 47
2011, c. 15, s. 40

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Bare-boat chartered vessels

48 A vessel that is registered in a foreign state and that is bare-boat chartered exclusively to a qualified person may be listed under this Part as a bare-boat chartered vessel for the duration of the charter if, for the duration of the charter, the registration is suspended in respect of the right to fly the flag of that state.

Marginal note:

Vessels under construction

49 A vessel that is about to be built or that is under construction in Canada may be temporarily recorded in the Register as a vessel being built in Canada.

Marginal note:

Vessels built outside Canada

50 Notwithstanding sections 46 to 48, the Minister may direct the Chief Registrar to refuse to register or list a vessel built outside Canada.


Marginal note:


51 (1) An application for the registration, listing or recording of a vessel must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Further evidence
(2) In addition to the specified information and documents, the Chief Registrar may require an applicant to provide evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that a vessel is required or entitled to be registered or is entitled to be listed or recorded.

Names of Vessels

Marginal note:

Before registration or listing

52 (1) Every vessel, other than one to be registered in the small vessel register, must be named in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar before it is registered or listed.
Marginal note:
Approval of names
(2) The Chief Registrar may, on application, approve the name of a vessel before it is registered or listed and approve a change in the name of a Canadian vessel.
Marginal note:
Disallowance of names
(3) The Chief Registrar must disallow a name if

(a) it is the same as the name of a Canadian vessel;
(b) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be confused with the name of a Canadian vessel or with a distress signal;
(c) it is likely, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, to be offensive to members of the public; or
(d) its use is prohibited under an Act of Parliament.

Marginal note:
Requiring renaming
(4) The Minister may order that a Canadian vessel be renamed if the Minister considers that its name would prejudice the international reputation of Canada.

Ownership of Vessels

Marginal note:


53 (1) For the purposes of registration, the property in a vessel is divided into 64 shares.
Marginal note:
Registered owners
(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), only owners or joint owners of a vessel or of one or more shares in a vessel may be registered in the Register as owners of the vessel or shares, as the case may be.
Marginal note:
Registered owners — financing agreements
(3) In the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement), the persons referred to in that paragraph are to be registered in the Register as the owners of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Bare-boat charterers
(4) In the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), no person may be registered in the Register as an owner of the vessel.
Marginal note:
Registration of joint owners
(5) No more than five persons may be registered in the Register as joint owners of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Disposition of registered joint interests
(6) A registered jointly owned interest in a vessel or a share in a vessel may be disposed of only by the joint owners acting together.
Marginal note:
Registration of fractions prohibited
(7) No person may be registered as the owner of a fractional part of a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
No effect on beneficial owners
(8) This section does not affect the beneficial interests of a person represented by or claiming through an owner of a vessel or a share in a vessel.
Marginal note:
Trusts not recognized
(9) No notice of a trust may be entered in the Register.


Marginal note:

Certificates of registry

54 (1) If the Chief Registrar is satisfied that all of the requirements of registration or listing have been met with respect to a vessel, the Chief Registrar must register or list the vessel, as the case may be, in the Register and issue a certificate of registry.
Marginal note:
(2) Every certificate of registry in respect of a vessel must contain the information specified by the Chief Registrar, including

(a) its description;
(b) its official number; and
(c) the name and address of

(i) in the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(b) (a vessel owned by a foreign corporation), the authorized representative,
(ii) in the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), the bare-boat charterer, and
(iii) in any other case, its owner and the authorized representative.

Marginal note:
Period of validity
(3) Every certificate of registry is valid for the period specified by the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Provisional certificates

55 (1) The Chief Registrar may, on application, issue a provisional certificate in respect of a vessel that is required or entitled to be registered under this Part if

(a) the vessel is in a foreign port and a person intends to register it under this Part; or
(b) the vessel is in a port in Canada and the Chief Registrar is satisfied that permission to operate the vessel should be granted before a certificate of registry can be issued.

Marginal note:
(2) The Chief Registrar may, on application, issue a provisional certificate in respect of a vessel that is not required or entitled to be registered under this Part if the Chief Registrar is satisfied that the vessel needs to undergo sea trials.
Marginal note:
(3) A provisional certificate is valid for the purpose and the period specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
(4) An application for a provisional certificate must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Lost certificates

56 If a certificate of registry or provisional certificate is mislaid, lost or destroyed, the Chief Registrar must issue a replacement certificate of registry or provisional certificate, as the case may be, on application made by the authorized representative or owner in the form and manner and including the information and accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.

2001, c. 26, s. 56
2023, c. 26, s. 366

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Refusal to issue, renew or amend certificate

56.1 Despite any other provision of this Act, the Chief Registrar may refuse to issue, in respect of a vessel, a certificate of registry, a provisional certificate or a replacement certificate of registry or provisional certificate, or to renew a certificate of registry or to amend one under paragraph 73(b), if the applicant for, or holder of, the certificate is in default of payment of a required fee, charge, cost or expense under this Act or the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act in respect of that vessel.

2023, c. 26, s. 366


Marginal note:


57 (1) The authorized representative of a Canadian vessel shall, in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar, mark the vessel with its official number and any other information that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
Validity of certificate of registry
(2) A vessel’s certificate of registry is not valid until the vessel has been marked in accordance with subsection (1).
Marginal note:
Maintenance of markings
(3) The authorized representative shall ensure that the vessel is kept marked.
Marginal note:
Defacing, etc., markings
(4) No person shall wilfully deface, alter, conceal or remove the markings of a Canadian vessel.

Notifying Chief Registrar

Marginal note:

Notification of changes

58 (1) The authorized representative of a Canadian vessel shall notify the Chief Registrar within 30 days after any of the following occurs:

(a) the vessel is lost, wrecked or removed from service;
(b) there has been a change in the owner’s, the authorized representative’s or a registered mortgagee’s name or address;
(c) the information provided with the application under section 51 has changed; or
(d) in the case of a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel),

(i) the right to fly the flag of the foreign state is reinstated, or
(ii) the charterer ceases to have complete control and possession of the vessel.

Marginal note:
Notification of alterations
(2) If a Canadian vessel is altered to the extent that it no longer corresponds with its description or particulars set out on the certificate of registry, the authorized representative shall, within 30 days after the alteration, notify the Chief Registrar and provide the Chief Registrar with the relevant information and documents.
Marginal note:
Notification of changes
(3) If for any reason a Canadian vessel does not have an authorized representative, its owner shall

(a) notify the Chief Registrar of that fact as soon as possible in the circumstances; and
(b) notify the Chief Registrar within 30 days after any event referred to in subsection (1) or (2) occurs.

Marginal note:
Notification of completion of construction
(4) Within 30 days after completion of the construction of a vessel that is recorded as being built in Canada, the person in whose name the vessel is recorded shall notify the Chief Registrar of that fact and of the name and address of its owner.

2001, c. 26, s. 58
2011, c. 15, s. 41(F)

Previous Version

Maintenance of Register

Marginal note:


59 The Chief Registrar may amend the Register or a certificate of registry to give effect to changes of which the Chief Registrar has been notified under section 58 or to correct any clerical errors or obvious mistakes.

Suspension, Cancellation and Reinstatement of Registration

Marginal note:

Suspension and cancellation

60 (1) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar may suspend or cancel the registration or listing of a Canadian vessel if

(a) it is not marked in accordance with subsection 57(1);
(b) its certificate of registry has expired;
(c) it does not have an authorized representative; or
(d) section 58 has not been complied with.

Marginal note:
(2) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar must cancel the registration or listing of a Canadian vessel if

(a) it has been lost, wrecked or removed from service;
(b) it is no longer required or entitled to be registered or entitled to be listed under this Part; or
(c) in the case of a registered vessel, a tonnage certificate provided by a tonnage measurer indicates that the vessel should be re-registered.

Marginal note:
Notice before cancellation
(3) If a Canadian vessel is not required or entitled to be registered under this Part after its ownership changes, the Chief Registrar must, before canceling its registration under paragraph (2)(b), give the owners and registered mortgagees

(a) notice of the change in ownership; and
(b) an opportunity that, in the opinion of the Chief Registrar, is sufficient to transfer the vessel or shares in the vessel to a qualified person or to make an application under section 74.

Marginal note:
Cancellation of registration
(4) Except in the case of a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement), the Chief Registrar must cancel the registration of a vessel if a person who acquires the vessel or a share in it does not, within the prescribed period, provide evidence that satisfies the Chief Registrar that the vessel is required or entitled to be registered under this Part.

Marginal note:

Registration of mortgages not affected

61 The cancellation of the registration of a vessel does not affect the registration of mortgages in respect of the vessel.

Marginal note:


62 The Chief Registrar may reinstate the registration or listing of a vessel if, in the Chief Registrar’s opinion, the registration or listing of the vessel should not have been canceled.

Custody of Certificates of Registry and Provisional Certificates

Marginal note:

Carrying on board

63 (1) Subject to subsection (3), no person shall operate a vessel in respect of which a certificate of registry or provisional certificate has been issued unless the certificate is on board.
Marginal note:
Delivery of certificate
(2) A person who is in possession of a vessel’s certificate of registry or provisional certificate shall deliver it to the person who is entitled to operate the vessel.
Marginal note:
Delivery of certificate
(3) A person who is in possession of a certificate of registry or a provisional certificate issued under this Part shall deliver it to the Chief Registrar on request.
Marginal note:
Detention of certificate
(4) A certificate of registry or provisional certificate is not subject to detention because of any title to, lien on, charge on or interest in the vessel that is claimed by an owner, a mortgagee, a charterer or an operator of the vessel, or by any other person.

Rights and Obligations

Marginal note:

Right to fly Canadian flag

64 (1) A Canadian vessel has the right to fly the Canadian flag.
Marginal note:
Obligation to fly flag
(2) The master of a Canadian vessel, other than one registered in the small vessel register, shall ensure that it flies the Canadian flag

(a) when signaled to do so by a government vessel or a vessel under the command of the Canadian Forces; or
(b) when entering or leaving, or while moored at or anchored in, a port.

Marginal note:
(3) The Chief Registrar may, on application, suspend the registration of a Canadian vessel in respect of the right to fly the Canadian flag while the vessel is shown on the registry of a foreign state as a bare-boat chartered vessel.


Marginal note:

Mortgage of vessel or share

65 (1) The owner of a vessel registered under this Part other than in the small vessel register, of a share in such a vessel or of a vessel recorded as being built in Canada may give the vessel or share, as the case may be, as security for a mortgage to be registered under this Part.
Marginal note:
Filing of mortgage
(2) A mortgage is to be filed with the Chief Registrar in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Date and time of registration
(3) A mortgage is to be registered in the order in which it is filed, indicating the date and time of registration.

Marginal note:

Entry of discharge of mortgage

66 On receipt of satisfactory evidence that a mortgage has been discharged, the Chief Registrar is to enter the discharge in the Register.

Marginal note:

Priority of mortgages

67 (1) If more than one mortgage is registered in respect of the same vessel or share in a vessel, a mortgage registered before another mortgage has priority over that other mortgage.
Marginal note:
Consent to change in priority
(2) The priority of mortgages may be changed if all of the mortgagees file their written consent with the Chief Registrar.

Marginal note:

Mortgagee not treated as owner

68 A mortgage of a vessel or a share in a vessel does not have the effect of the mortgagee becoming, or the mortgagor ceasing to be, the owner of the vessel, except to the extent necessary to make the vessel or share available as security under the mortgage.

Marginal note:

Mortgagee has power of sale

69 (1) A mortgagee of a vessel or a share in a vessel has the absolute power, subject to any limitation set out in the registered mortgage, to sell the vessel or the share.
Marginal note:
(2) If there is more than one registered mortgage of the same vessel or share, a subsequent mortgagee may not, except under an order of the Federal Court or of a court of competent jurisdiction whose rules provide for in rem procedure in respect of vessels, sell the vessel or share without the agreement of every prior mortgagee.

Marginal note:

Mortgage not affected by bankruptcy

70 The mortgage of a vessel or a share in a vessel is not affected by the bankruptcy of the mortgagor after the date of the registration of the mortgage, and the mortgage is to be preferred to any right, claim or interest in the vessel or share of the other creditors of the bankrupt or any trustee or assignee on their behalf.

Marginal note:

Transfer of mortgages

71 (1) A registered mortgage of a vessel or a share in a vessel may be transferred to any person, in which case the instrument affecting the transfer must be filed in the form and manner specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Entry of particulars
(2) The Chief Registrar is to enter the particulars of the transfer in the Register.

Marginal note:

Transmission of interest of mortgagee

72 (1) If the interest of a mortgagee in a vessel or a share in a vessel is transmitted on death or bankruptcy, or by any lawful means other than by a transfer under section 71, the person to whom the interest is transmitted must file with the Chief Registrar the evidence of the transmission that the Chief Registrar specifies.
Marginal note:
Entry of particulars
(2) The Chief Registrar is to enter the particulars of the transmission in the Register.

Transfers of Vessels or Shares in Vessels

Marginal note:


73 If the ownership of a Canadian vessel or a share in one changes and the vessel is still required or entitled to be registered under this Part,

(a) the owner must provide the Chief Registrar with the evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that the vessel is required or entitled to be so registered; and
(b) the Chief Registrar must amend the Register and the vessel’s certificate of registry to reflect the change.

Marginal note:

Order for sale on acquisition by an unqualified person

74 If an unqualified person acquires a Canadian vessel, other than a vessel described in paragraph 47(b) (a vessel owned by a foreign corporation), a vessel described in paragraph 47(c) (a vessel subject to a financing agreement) or a vessel described in section 48 (a bare-boat chartered vessel), or a share in one, any interested person may apply to the Federal Court, or any court of competent jurisdiction whose rules provide for in rem procedure in respect of vessels, for an order that the vessel or share, as the case may be, be sold to a qualified person.

Marginal note:

Power of court to prohibit transfer

75 On the application of an interested person, the Federal Court, or any court of competent jurisdiction whose rules provide for in rem procedure in respect of vessels, may make an order prohibiting any dealing with a Canadian vessel or a share in one for a specified period.


Marginal note:

Application for fleet

75.01 (1) An applicant may, instead of applying to have vessels individually registered in the small vessel register, apply to register a group of two or more vessels as a fleet in that register.
Marginal note:
Form and manner
(2) The application must be made in the form and manner, include the information and be accompanied by the documents specified by the Chief Registrar.
Marginal note:
Further evidence
(3) In addition to the specified information and documents, the Chief Registrar may require an applicant to provide evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that the group of vessels may be registered as a fleet.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Registration — fleet

75.02 (1) The Chief Registrar may register a group of two or more vessels as a fleet if he or she is satisfied that

(a) all of the vessels are owned by the same owner;
(b) each vessel meets the requirements for registration in the small vessel register; and
(c) each vessel meets any other requirement — including with respect to a vessel’s dimensions, usage or propulsion — that the Chief Registrar may establish for the vessels of a fleet.

Marginal note:
Small vessel register
(2) A fleet that is accepted for registration must be registered in the small vessel register.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Certificate of registry

75.03 (1) The Chief Registrar must issue a certificate of registry in respect of a fleet that he or she registers, and the certificate is valid for the period that he or she specifies.
Marginal note:
(2) A certificate of registry in respect of a fleet must contain the information specified by the Chief Registrar, including

(a) a description of the fleet;
(b) the fleet’s official number; and
(c) the name and address of the owner and the authorized representative of the fleet.

Marginal note:
Description — number of vessels
(3) In the fleet’s description, the Chief Registrar must specify either the number of vessels that are to be part of the fleet or the minimum and maximum numbers of vessels that can be part of it.
Marginal note:
Official number
(4) The fleet’s official number is also the official number of each vessel of that fleet.
Marginal note:
Authorized representative of fleet
(5) The authorized representative of a fleet is the authorized representative, as determined under section 14, of the vessels of that fleet and must be the same authorized representative for all of the fleet’s vessels.
(6) [Repealed, 2023, c. 26, s. 367]
Marginal note:
Acts or omissions of authorized representative binding
(7) The owner of a fleet is bound by the acts or omissions of the authorized representative of the fleet with respect to all matters assigned by this Act to that representative.

2011, c. 15, s. 42
2023, c. 26, s. 367

Previous Version

Marginal note:

Refusal to issue, renew or amend certificate

75.031 Despite any other provision of this Act, the Chief Registrar may refuse to issue or renew a certificate of registry in respect of a fleet, or to amend one under paragraph 75.14(b), if the applicant for, or holder of, the certificate is in default of payment of a required fee, charge, cost or expense in respect of that fleet or a vessel of that fleet under this Act or the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act.

2023, c. 26, s. 368

Marginal note:

Addition or removal of vessels

75.04 Subject to subsection 75.1(2), an owner of a fleet may, after the fleet is registered, add a vessel to the fleet or remove a vessel from it. However, any vessel that is to be added must

(a) be owned by the same owner as all of the other vessels of the fleet;
(b) satisfy the conditions set out in paragraphs 75.02(1)(b) and (c); and
(c) fit within the description or particulars set out in the fleet’s certificate of registry.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Vessels registered

75.05 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a vessel that is or becomes part of a fleet is considered to be registered under this Part and, for greater certainty, is a Canadian vessel.
Marginal note:
No longer registered
(2) Unless it becomes part of another fleet, such a vessel ceases to be registered under this Part if

(a) there is a change in its ownership; or
(b) it is altered to the extent that it no longer fits within the description or particulars set out in the fleet’s certificate of registry.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Cancellation of individual registration

75.06 The Chief Registrar may cancel the registration of a Canadian vessel if the vessel becomes part of a fleet.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Non-application of provisions

75.07 The following provisions do not apply in respect of a fleet or a vessel of a fleet:

(a) subsections 57(2) and (3);
(b) section 58;
(c) section 60;
(d) section 62;
(e) subsections 63(1) and (2);
(f) section 73.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

For greater certainty

75.08 (1) For greater certainty, the following provisions apply in respect of a fleet or a vessel of a fleet:

(a) section 56;
(b) subsections 57(1) and (4);
(c) subsections 63(3) and (4).

Marginal note:
Section 59
(2) Section 59 applies in respect of a fleet, except that the reference to “section 58” is to be read as a reference to “section 75.1”.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Marking — validity of fleet’s certificate of registry

75.09 (1) A fleet’s certificate of registry is not valid unless each of the fleet’s vessels has been marked in accordance with subsection 57(1).
Marginal note:
Maintenance of markings
(2) The authorized representative of a fleet shall ensure that each of the fleet’s vessels is kept marked.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Notification of changes — name and address

75.1 (1) The authorized representative of a fleet shall notify the Chief Registrar within 30 days after there has been a change in the owner’s or authorized representative’s name or address.
Marginal note:
Notification of changes — number of vessels
(2) If the number of vessels in a fleet changes to the extent that the fleet no longer corresponds with its description set out on the certificate of registry, its authorized representative shall, within 30 days after the change in number, notify the Chief Registrar and provide him or her with the relevant information and documents.
Marginal note:
Notification of changes — owner
(3) If for any reason a fleet does not have an authorized representative, its owner shall

(a) notify the Chief Registrar of that fact as soon as possible in the circumstances; and
(b) notify the Chief Registrar within 30 days after any event referred to in subsection (1) or (2) occurs.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Suspension and cancellation

75.11 (1) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar may suspend or cancel the registration of a fleet if

(a) any one of the fleet’s vessels is not marked in accordance with subsection 57(1);
(b) the fleet’s certificate of registry has expired;
(c) the fleet does not have an authorized representative; or
(d) section 75.1 has not been complied with.

Marginal note:
Cancellation — fleet
(2) Subject to the regulations, the Chief Registrar must cancel the registration of a fleet if it no longer qualifies for registration under this Part.
Marginal note:
(3) The Chief Registrar must cancel the registration of a fleet if a person who acquires the fleet does not, within the prescribed period, provide evidence that satisfies the Chief Registrar that the fleet still qualifies for registration under this Part.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:


75.12 The Chief Registrar may reinstate the registration of a fleet if, in his or her opinion, the registration of the fleet should not have been canceled.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Delivery of certificate

75.13 A person who is in possession of a fleet’s certificate of registry shall deliver it to the person who is entitled to operate the fleet.

2011, c. 15, s. 42

Marginal note:

Change of ownership

75.14 If the ownership of a fleet changes and the fleet still qualifies to be registered under this Part,

(a) the owner must provide the Chief Registrar with the evidence, including declarations, that the Chief Registrar considers necessary to establish that the fleet still qualifies to be so registered; and
(b) the Chief Registrar must amend the Register and the certificate of registry to reflect the change.

2011, c. 15, s. 42


Marginal note:

Copies of entries

76 A person may examine or obtain copies of any entries in the Register with respect to a vessel or fleet.

2001, c. 26, s. 76
2011, c. 15, s. 42

Previous Version


Marginal note:


77 The Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister, make regulations for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Part, including regulations

(a) respecting the registration of vessels and fleets and the listing and recording of vessels;
(b) respecting the issuance and renewal of certificates of registry;
(c) respecting the suspension and cancellation of the registration of a Canadian vessel or a fleet, and the suspension and cancellation of the listing of a Canadian vessel;
(d) respecting the naming and marking of vessels;
(e) respecting the port of registration;
(f) respecting the form and manner of notifying the Chief Registrar under sections 58 and 75.1;
(g) respecting the evidence that owners of vessels previously registered in a foreign state must provide to prove that the vessels are no longer registered in the foreign state;
(h) respecting the calculation of the tonnage of vessels and the issuance of certificates of tonnage; and
(h.1) respecting the exemption of vessels or classes of vessels from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1);
(h.2) authorizing the Minister to exempt, by order, vessels or classes of vessels from the registration requirement in subsection 46(1) for the period specified in the regulations and on any terms and conditions that he or she considers appropriate, if he or she is of the opinion that the exemption is not likely to adversely affect marine safety, and authorizing the Minister to amend or revoke an exemption;
(h.3) respecting an authorization under paragraph (h.2); and
(i) prescribing anything that may be prescribed under this Part.

2001, c. 26, s. 77
2011, c. 15, s. 43

Previous Version

Offences and Punishment

Marginal note:

Contravention of Act or regulations

78 (1) Every person commits an offence who contravenes

(a) subsection 57(4) (wilfully defacing, altering, concealing or removing markings); or
(b) a provision of the regulations made under paragraph 77(h).

Marginal note:
(2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or to both.

Marginal note:

Contravention of Act or regulations

79 (1) Every person commits an offence who contravenes

(a) subsection 46(2) (register vessel);
(b) an order made under subsection 52(4) (renaming of vessel);
(c) subsection 57(1) (mark vessel);
(d) subsection 57(3) (maintenance of markings);
(e) subsection 58(1) (notify of changes — authorized representative);
(f) subsection 58(2) (notify of alteration — authorized representative);
(g) subsection 58(3) (notify if no authorized representative — owner);
(h) subsection 58(4) (notify of completion of construction);
(i) subsection 63(1) (operation of vessel without a certificate on board);
(j) subsection 63(2) (deliver certificate to person entitled to operate vessel);
(k) subsection 63(3) (deliver certificate to Chief Registrar);
(l) subsection 64(2) (fly Canadian flag);
(l.1) subsection 75.09(2) (maintenance of markings);
(l.2) subsection 75.1(1) (notification of changes — name and address);
(l.3) subsection 75.1(2) (notification of changes — number of vessels);
(l.4) subsection 75.1(3) (notification of changes — owner);
(l.5) section 75.13 (delivery of certificate); or
(m) a provision of the regulations made under any of paragraphs 77(a) to (g).

Marginal note:
(2) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1) is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than $25,000.
Marginal note:
Continuing offence
(3) If an offence under paragraph (1)(a) or (c) is committed or continued on more than one day, the person who committed it is liable to be convicted for a separate offence for each day on which it is committed or continued.

2001, c. 26, s. 79
2011, c. 15, s. 44
2023, c. 26, s. 369



There are Particular Requirements to Canadian Vessel Documentation Marking 
Your Registry Certificate will only be valid once you've properly marked your vessel.
The markings, once attached, should become a permanent part of the vessel. Any attempt to alter, remove or replace them should not damage or create visible marks on the hull area.

Depending on your vessel type, the marking rules will differ.


Despite what many believe, “tonnage” is not a measurement of weight. Rather, it is the volume of the cargo or the ship's internal volume. Tonnage is a determining factor in several aspects such as port costs, vessel abilities, and adherence to regulations.

Gross tonnage refers to the total internal capacity of a ship, including all its enclosed spaces. In contrast, net tonnage disregards spaces that do not generate revenue, like crew quarters and machine compartments. 

The concept of tonnage carries historical importance, stemming from the era when ships were levied based on their cargo capacity. Currently, tonnage is instrumental in deciding a ship's aptitude for different shipping operations. For instance, bulk carriers are made to haul large volumes of loose cargo such as coal or grain.


Your Certificate of Registry is valid for five years. That’s true whether you’re on the Small Vessel Registry or the Large Vessel Registry. 

Transport Canada will send a written notification to the vessel owner as a reminder of its impending expiry, 45 days prior to the expiration date. The onus rests on the owner to ensure timely renewal of the certificate prior to its expiration.
Vessel Documentation Renewal Forms and More 
Use this form to renew your Certificate of Registry for the Large Register. 


Commercial Vessels are Usually Documented But There Are Exceptions 
Registration in the Large Vessel Register is mandatory if your vessel:

is a commercial boat with a gross tonnage equal to or over 15 and powered by motors with a combined power of 7.5 kW (10 horsepower) or higher
is a barge with a gross tonnage of 15 or more
you plan on having marine mortgage to registered with Transport Canada
you want to have a reserved name
is about to undergo or is currently under construction in Canada
is a pleasure boat that is yet to be licensed


There Are Multiple Types of Documentation on the Transport Canada Registry 
The Canadian Vessel Registry categorizes vessels into two distinct registers: the Small Vessel Registry and the "general one", (more commonly known as the Large Vessel Registry).

This system keeps track of vessel's characteristics such as their ownership, tonnage, construction material, and specific type.
Large Vessel Register
If your vessel will be used for commercial operations with a gross tonnage of 15 or more and powered by motors totaling 7.5 kW (10 horsepower) or more, or it's a barge with a gross tonnage of 15 or more, registration is mandatory in the Large Vessel Register.

This also applies if you plan to register a marine mortgage with Transport Canada, plan to reserve a name/will have a reserved name, if your vessel is due to be built or is being constructed in Canada, or if it is a pleasure craft that has not been licensed yet.

What Are the Marking Requirements?

For commercial vessels, the vessel name must be marked on each bow and the vessel name and port of the registry must be marked on the stern. If the vessel has a square bow, the name may be marked on a clearly visible exterior part of the bow. You may make the markings by any means and materials that result in durable markings. All must be at least 10 cm in height, made in clearly legible letters of the Latin alphabet or Arabic or Roman numerals

Registered tonnage and official number:Both the official number and registered tonnage shown on the Certificate of Registry must be marked in block-type Arabic numerals at least 4 cm high on a clearly visible interior structural part of the hull. Place the abbreviation:“N.R.T.” before the registered tonnage

How Do I Notify You of My Change of Address?

Using this form at our site, you can change your mailing address, to update it for the vessel registry. There is other information that you may have to send along with this form.

Remember: you cannot update your address on your registration renewal. This is true whether your vessel is on the Large or Small Vessel Register. The same goes for the pleasure craft licence.

Must I Submit My Application by Mail?

No, You Can Submit Them Online 

Our site was designed to make it possible for anyone to apply for the Transport Canada documentation of their choosing. 

Whether you want to apply for the general/”Large” vessel register, the Small Vessel Register, or for a pleasure craft licence, we have the form for you.

Where Can I Get Forms for Documentation?

Transport Canada Forms Are Available Here at Our Site

Interested parties can find a wide range of Canadian vessel documentation forms right here at our site.

Forms are available for initial boat documentation, renewing it, applying for a transcript for research, and more. These are available for the general/”Large” Vessel Register as well as the Small Vessel Register, too. Vessel owners can also find the forms for pleasure craft licensing as well. 

How Do I Mark My Vessel?

Pleasure Craft Markings 

If you have a pleasure craft, then the name of the vessel and its port of registry should be in readable letters of the Latin alphabet and Roman/Arabic numerals that are at least 10 cm/4 inches high. The name of the vessel and the port of registry should be on the exterior of the vessel’s hull. 

What Are the Vessel Name and Hailing Port Marking Requirements?

Vessel name and Port of Registry vessel marking requirements differ depending on where your vessel is registered.

Are There Different Types of Documentation?


Regardless of whether your boat is used for leisure or commercial purposes, it’s likely that you will need to either register or licence it.

Which Vessels Have to Be Registered and Licenced?

Whether you're using your boat for pleasure or commerce, you most likely have to register or licence it.

What Vessels May Be Registered? 

Vessels here need specific Canadian vessel documentation in order to operate in national waters, similarly to how you need to have your car’s documents in order if you wish to drive it. However, not every vessel requires documentation. According to the regulations set forth by Transport Canada, commercial vessels need to be registered with them in order to be allowed to operate accordingly.