Vessel Official Number: All about The Placement

Vessel Official Number

For both recreational enthusiasts and commercial vessel operators, the joys of boat ownership come with a set of responsibilities critical to safe and lawful maritime conduct. Among these responsibilities, the proper display of your vessel official number stands as a fundamental requirement. Adherence to the guidelines for displaying this number is not only a legal…

How to Apply for a Commercial Vessel License

Commercial Vessel License

Do you consider boating to be one of your primary passions? Do you spend every free moment you have–nights, weekends, vacations–out on the water? If so, you may have thought about taking the next step and turning boating into a career. Perhaps you are interested in starting a commercial fishing business, or you plan to…

Easter Family Adventures with a Canadian Boat License

Canadian boat license

The Easter weekend in Canada brings more than just the hunt for chocolate eggs; it opens up a treasure trove of adventures on the serene and scenic waterways of the country. Imagine navigating the calm lakes or exploring the hidden coves with your family, all thanks to the freedom afforded by a Canadian boat license.…