Do You Need to Get Personal Watercraft Registration For a Recreational Vessel?

Personal Watercraft Registration

Are you looking to document your recreational vessel? You might think that you need to get a Personal Watercraft Registration, but here in Canada that’s not exactly the case. Here’s what to do instead. Personal Watercraft Registration A lot of new vessel owners come to us asking about getting their personal watercraft registration, all without…

How to Register a Boat Name Online

Register a Boat Name Online

If you are an aspiring boat owner, the summer months are a reminder that you really should be out on the water. In Canada, we all toil away through long, arduous winters, spurred on by the knowledge that warmer weather is always just around the corner. What better way to enjoy these precious days than…

How to Understand Boat Terms So You Can License or Register Your Boat

Register your boat

When purchasing a boat for the first time, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the terminology related to its various components. Knowing the different parts of a boat will enhance your understanding before venturing onto the open water.  Being an occasional boater differs significantly from being a boat owner. A handful of boating experiences…

Learn About Registering a Boat Online

registering a boat

One of the unique things about boating as a hobby is that there are so many different types of boats out on the water. Whether you are looking to buy a sailboat, a fishing boat, or even a yacht, there are countless makes and models out there to choose from. When you are just beginning…