Before you know it, it will be time to launch your boat and embrace the warmer weather. Understandably, during Canada’s winter months, this can feel as though it is a lifetime away, but in truth, spring is right around the corner. As you prepare and make summer plans, this is also a good time to make sure that your boat is in good operating condition. This can mean checking fuel and oil levels, as well as performing some basic, routine maintenance. Additionally, if your boat has been in storage, you may want to give it a thorough cleaning, inside and out. Another thing to consider is your vessel documentation with Transport Canada. If you are new to boat ownership, you should probably acquaint yourself a bit with some of the paperwork that comes along with boating, and for some, that will mean adding your vessel to the national boat name registry. The good news is, that working with a private service like ours at the National Vessel Registry Center can help you process your documents promptly over the web.
Boating is a unique leisure activity. There are not many better ways to truly enjoy the great Canadian outdoors. When you are out on the water with your friends and family, fishing, or just plain relaxing, it is hard to think of a better way to spend your weekends. Of course, with this hobby does come a certain degree of responsibility. Transport Canada, which is the nation’s primary agency for land and sea transportation concerns, will require you to license or register your boat in certain instances. This allows them to keep tabs on who and what is accessing our waterways, helping to ensure the safety of all boaters. Read on to learn a bit more about what goes into registering a vessel.
Is the Boat Name Registry Mandatory?
In Canada, you are required to register your vessel if you plan to travel on international waters under the Canadian flag. This is also going to be the case if you purchased your boat with a bank loan, or if you plan to use your vessel for any sort of commercial or business purpose. When you register a vessel, your boat will have a unique name of your choosing, as this will serve as your boat’s main mode of identification.
To register your vessel online, you will want to use our web forms to complete Form 1 – Application for Vessel Registration, and Form 3 – Statement of Qualification for Vessel Registration. You should also upload photographs of all four sides of your boat, and provide a tonnage measurement.

Register Your Boat the Easy Way Today!
If you need to register your boat or apply for a pleasure craft license, we can help. Take a few minutes to explore our website–you will see that we have web forms for all of your Transport Canada paperwork needs. You can also learn more by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions page.