Why Might You Need to Delete a Boat From the Transport Canada Registry?

Transport Canada registry

The Transport Canada registry is only for vessels that are actively being used commercially in Canada. If for some reason yours isn’t being used, you can go through the deletion process. Here’s how.

Deletion From the Transport Canada Registry

The process of deletion of a certificate from the Transport Canada registry will make it official that the registration or licence in question is no longer a part of the registry of vessels. Once this deletion is processed, the vessel is no longer allowed to operate commercially in Canadian waters, for they are no longer part of the official registry. This can be quite a useful tool in plenty of cases, but not all boat owners are aware of them, which is why we have all the information you might need about the process right here on our documentation portal. When might you need to file for this vessel deletion? Here’s what you need to do.

The Boat Can No Longer Be Operational

The most common reason for which people tend to file for deletion of a vessel’s documentation is that the boat in question is no longer operational. This might be for all sorts of reasons. It might have been damaged beyond repair in an accident, it could be retired from use due to age, or it might have even sunk. Regardless of the reason for ceasing use of the vessel, it will be important to file for its deletion from the Transport Canada registry. All you need to do is request the deletion certificate using the form that you find on the site menu. Once the deletion is processed, you will receive the certificate that will serve as proof of such.

The Boat Will Be Registered Elsewhere

You should know that a boat can never be simultaneously registered with the transportation authorities of two different countries, which is why, if you wish to register the boat in a different country, you will first need to delete it from the Transport Canada registry. This might be done because the owner is moving abroad and taking the boat along with them, or because the vessel is being sold to someone residing outside of Canada. Either way, you will need to file for deletion, since it’s very likely that the new registering authority will ask for the deletion certificate in order to process the new documentation. You can simply go to the deletion form on our sidebar in order to fill it out and submit it through our processors to Transport Canada.

Transport Canada registry

File For Deletion from the Registry

Documenting your vessel will always be an important component of your boat ownership here in Canada, which is why we don’t want you to have to go through this process alone. At the National Vessel Registry Center, we have everything that you might need in order to take care of these processes. Whether you are getting your boat registration or your pleasure craft licence with Transport Canada, you will find all the tools that you might need right here on our website. And, should you need any more information or assistance with the application process or by filling out the forms, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. You will get your documentation processed in no time.