Update Pleasure Craft Licence

Pleasure Craft License

A pleasure craft license is obligatory in the Canadian market for everyone who owns a vessel. The Canadian Coast Guard has a requirement that boats flying the U.S. flag must be registered with them, and they will give your registration paperwork as confirmation of this need.

When various government agencies come up alongside our boats, they demand these documents be shown to them. Therefore, knowing how to get or replace your license for a pleasure vessel is essential. The procedure differs depending on whether you want to purchase a pre-owned boat or construct one from the ground up, as well as the amount of labor you want to do on your own.

It is essential to ensure that your license is always up to date if you are the owner of a pleasure vessel. Keeping your license for a pleasure boat up to date is easy if you follow these steps:

Verify That You Possess All Necessary Documentation

You’ll need to gather the proper paperwork to update the PCL application. Section 7 of the Canada Marine Act stipulates that seafarers must carry a copy of their registration certificate and evidence of financial responsibility.

Depending on the specifics of your voyage, you may need additional paperwork; consult appropriate nautical charts or maritime websites to learn more. It would help if you prepared for your trip to the registrar’s office by listing everything you need to bring. Please include a picture I.D. and copies of any supporting documentation required to renew your license.

Please wait in the waiting area of the registered office until your name is called. When your name is called, please go to the counter and provide the appropriate paperwork to the attendant in charge. They’ll review the paperwork with you to ensure it passes muster for a Canadian pleasure boat license renewal.

Be Aware Of the Fees Involved To Update Your Pleasure Craft License

Maintaining your pleasure craft license might seem like a lot of additional effort when it needs updating. Although it may seem like there isn’t much to do, remember that you’re just repeating steps you’ve previously taken to maintain an active license. You must pay close attention and work with government officials to update your pleasure craft license, so it’s important to know what you’re doing.

Pleasure Craft License

The next step in this process is to get familiar with the costs. Make sure you have the money on hand before you start the application process so you may legally operate your boat on Canada’s waters. In addition, you must ensure your boat satisfies all security criteria since doing otherwise might get you fined or possibly have your boat impounded.

Check the Expiration Date on Your License

You need to check that the information on your pleasure craft license is current and still good. If you check the expiry date printed on the license, you won’t have to use the excuse that you didn’t realize it was expired or lapsed, which is one of the most frequent reasons for holding a license that has expired or lapsed but can be avoided. And if you don’t have one, you cannot operate your boat lawfully in any state.

Licenses for pleasure crafts, like driver’s licenses issued by individual states, become invalid on the anniversary of the day they were purchased. Service Canada will send you a notification in advance of this happening. As soon as you have that caution notice, you must report to Service Canada to either pay for a license renewal or submit an application for a new license.

Complete the Application Form Accurately and Completely

When you seek to update information on your pleasure craft license that is already on your boat, you must complete the form. It will seem like a lot of effort, but it is necessary to ensure that the information on the form is accurate. Either submit an application for a new license on the website or download the PDF application and send it in by regular mail. If you want to submit your application online, be sure you are applying for a Canadian pleasure boat license, not a U.S. one, since the two are pretty different.

Consider writing down all the information you already know about your boat before entering the form to save time and trouble. This will allow you to get the most out of the time spent filling out the form. The most important thing is to organize all your information before filling it in.

Are you looking to get your pleasure craft license? The National Vessel Registry Center is here to help. Whatever your needs, we’re the right people—you can reach us at +1 (800) 419-9569(Canada).