Replacement Certificate

Did you recently lose your Certificate of Registration for your Canadian vessel and aren’t sure what to do next? Do you need a replacement boaters license and want to go about getting one the right way? We can provide solutions. Here at the National Vessel Registry Center Corp., we have helped boaters for generations to get the replacement certificate or license that they might need for their vessel. 

We understand that, when it comes to replacing a license or Certificate of Registry, there is, quite literally, no time to waste. So, at our site, you can opt for rush processing/priority request. Doing so puts you at the very “front of the line,” so to speak. That way, we can process your claims before everyone else, thus ensuring that you can receive your documentation when and how you would like. Should you need a replacement, there are many reasons that you should turn to us. 

Replacement Boaters License

Who Needs a Replacement Certificate? 

Simply put, anyone who lost their Certificate of Registry. Should you have a registered vessel, you must have a valid Certificate of Registry. Let’s repeat that again so as to let the gravity of it sink in: if you have a registered vessel, you must have a valid Certificate of Registry. So, it is not good enough to have a copy of one, or to have a screenshot of one, or to have a picture saved in the cloud, or anything like that. You must have a valid, actual, physical Certificate of Registry. 

Moreover, you need to have that valid Certificate of Registry on board your vessel. If your Certificate of Registry was lost, or even if it was stolen, destroyed, or mutilated, we can help. Simply saying: “hey, my Certificate was stolen” isn’t good enough – you need to get a replacement. Fortunately, we make it easy to do exactly that at our site. 

An Easier Way to Deal With Lost Boat Registration 

Completing the form for a replacement certificate at our site is quick and easy. All you have to do is to go to the “Registry Forms” and then scroll down to “Replacement Certificate.” Then, to save even more time, just complete the boxes with the red asterisk. Note: you will also use this form to replace a Small Vessel Registry certificate that’s been lost or mutilated. 

Replacement Boaters License

With many of the forms on our site, there are different forms for the Small Vessel Registry and the “traditional,” “large” vessel registry. That is not the case when it comes to replacing your certificate. Instead, you’ll use this form for both. 

Replacement Boaters License, Too 

The above having been said, when it comes to your pleasure craft license, you are going to use a different form. Specifically, you’re going to use the “Duplicate of Pleasure Craft License” form at our site. We’ve received a few questions about this in the past, so, to be clear, there’s no form at our site that says “Replacement of Pleasure Craft License” or “Pleasure Craft License Replacement” or anything of that nature. Instead, you’re looking for “Duplicate of Pleasure Craft License.” 

It can be frustrating to have lost your pleasure craft license, to have it mutilated in some way, and then to think of that as keeping you from being able to use your vessel as you would like. However, you do not want to be caught operating a pleasure craft without a valid license on board. Should that occur, you’ll be fined $250. No one wants that to happen. It behooves you to apply for a replacement as quickly as possible. 

Better Lost Registration for Boat Process

We know that sitting down to fill out applications for replacing their vessel documentation is not exactly something that people tend to look forward to. Thus, we do everything in our power to make the process as easy and streamlined as possible. To that end, our site has been entirely optimized for mobile devices. This means that you can fill out these forms from anywhere, regardless of your location or what kind of mobile device you’re on. 

Your phone, your laptop, or any computer – if you’re on the internet, you can fill out these forms for replacements. Instead of altering your schedule to get it done, you can fit it into your schedule. Moreover, should you have any little errors or typos in your forms, our experienced team of professional document processors can find them and fix them quickly. 

Many Canadian vessel owners over the years have used our site to send in for the replacement certificates that they needed. However, we offer so much more than just replacement certificates and licenses. Indeed, you can apply for your initial registration, a pleasure craft license, and so much more right here at our site. Happy boating!